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Problem: Building a Chatbot Interface with GPT-3.


Create a simple chatbot interface using React that allows users to have conversations with a
chatbot powered by the GPT-3.5 model. Users should be able to send messages to the
chatbot, and the chatbot should respond with contextually relevant responses.


Frontend (React JS):

Create a React application that displays a chat interface. You can use CSS to style the chat
window as a simple conversation UI.

Implement a text input field and a "Send" button that allows users to enter messages and
send them to the chatbot.

Display messages in the chat window, differentiating between user messages (sent on the
right) and chatbot responses (sent on the left).

Backend (GPT-3.5 Integration):

Use the OpenAI GPT-3.5 API (or a similar API if preferred) to integrate the chatbot's
conversational capabilities into your React application.

Set up a system that sends user messages to the API and receives responses.

Use context to maintain a conversation history. The chatbot should be able to remember
previous messages and provide contextually relevant responses.


When the user sends a message by clicking "Send," the message should be displayed in the
chat window on the right side.

The chatbot should respond with a message, which should appear in the chat window on the
left side.

Bonus (Optional):

Implement a feature that allows the user to clear the chat history.
Add error handling for API requests.
Enhance the user interface and styling to make it more visually appealing.
Implement a feature that allows the user to specify the chatbot's persona or context.
You can use the OpenAI API for the chatbot integration. Refer to the API documentation for
details on sending messages and maintaining conversations.

Handle API authentication and requests securely on the server side to keep API keys

Ensure that the chatbot responses are displayed in a way that makes it clear which message
belongs to the user and which belongs to the chatbot.

This problem will assess your ability to integrate external APIs into a React application and
create a functional chatbot interface. Have fun working on it, and good luck!

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