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Gramática Inglesa II

Paula Leonardi


Pure nominal clauses

I just hope that I’ve plugged it in properly. (DO)
I thought it was a good film (DO)
That they are already struggling troubles G. Taylor. (S)
The industry’s premise is that we can recorgnize information presented below our threshold awareness. (SC)
I don’t know if she she was upset. (DO)
He wondered whether the mestizo had stolen his mule. (DO)
Mynors asked her whether you want to play an instrument or not.. (DO)
See if he’s got a tongue. (DO)
It’s nice that people say it to you unprompted.

Pure nominal clauses in apposition

The survey was aimed at testing a hypothesis that happily-married couples tend to vote more conservatively.
The traditional belief that veal calves should be kept in a warn environment is unscientific.
They are always
What’s your feeling about his claim that someone’s trying to kill him?
appositions of the
There remains the possibility that gregarious Desert Locusts might become less viable.
noun before
There is every hope that this will continue.
Clinton’s second allegation, that there has been collusion between the security forces and Protestant para-military groups, is based on a very few isolated cases.

Genitive complementary adjuncts pure nominal clauses through deletion of the preposition
I’m glad that I found you again.
I’m afraid it brings the caterpillars in
They are always post
I’m sorry I hit you just now.
modifiers of the adjective
The minister is confident that Pakistan could deflect western pressure.


When the units are sold, the city expects to recover all but its $800000 initial investment. (time)
Wherever your wheels take you, cycling is serious good fun and saves you a heap of dosh! (place)
He smoothed the short sprays of leathery green leaves between his fingers and thumb as if their texture might tell him something. (manner)
I’ll have to say I’m Rachel because our voices sound the same. (reason)
I’m going to feel lucky if my car isn’t towed. (condition)
Planners are recommending the city build more apartments in urban areas rather than sacrifice rural open spaces. (preference)
The more Katheryn probed, the more Sally squirmed as she gave her version of what had gone on that night. (proportion-time)


Defining relative clauses

Richard hit the ball on the car that was going past.
I could lead you to the shop where I bought it.
There are many reasons why we may wish to auimate parts of the decision process.
There are plenty of owners who are already keen to make the move.
They are always post
He was born in another age, the age when we played not for a million dollars in prize money.
modifiers of the noun
The only tool he possesses is a hovel.
I have got plans you may find a little startling.

Non-definig relative clauses

American Airlines, which began tha daily flights to Chicago less than a year ago, accused the government of being partly to blame.
It was good for the fans, whose support so far this season has been fantastic.
He took an instant dislike to Leroy, who he attacked twice.

Relative as nominal
What is good among one people is an anomination with others. (S)
I’m not sure when it’s open. (post mod. of sure)
That’s what the case is all about. (SC)
You know where I have put it. DO)
You gave him what he wanted (DO)
That’s why I bought the refill.(SC)
How peolple read the record is the subject of much of this book. (S)
The more Katheryn probed, the more Sally squirmed as she gave her version of what had gone on that night (OBJ. OF THE PREP)

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