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Task 1

Read the text and decide if the sentences below are True (T), False (F) or it Doesn’t say (DS).
Two Reviews of Hip-Hop: The Musical
The poster for Hip-Hop: The Musical outside the theatre says the show tells the story of hip-hop from
the 1970s until now. It does, but this 2½-hour show really doesn’t tell the story very well. I love hip-
hop, but this is more like the story of pop. The acting isn’t that great either. It costs £20 for a ticket (at
least £15 too much!), but why don’t you spend that on some good music instead of going to see this?

Kelly, 13, Reading

I usually love listening to rock music rather than hip-hop, so it’s a bit of a surprise to me that I’m
recommending this show. There are fifteen songs and they’re so good I’m still singing some of them
now, nearly a week later. It’s just under two hours long which isn’t enough! The actors are brilliant – I
think I’m in love with the one whoT plays Dizzie – and the dance routines are just awesome. Take your
friends, go on your own, whatever. Just go and see it!

Matty, 14, Andover

1 Kelly thinks that Hip-Hop: TheDAMusical has a good story. ___

2 Kelly loves pop music. ___ F
3 The tickets for Hip-Hop: The Musical are £20. ___ T
4 Kelly recommends buying the music from the show. ___ T
5 Matty listens to a lot of hip-hop. ___
6 Matty goes to musicals with his friends. ___DS
7 Matty and Kelly disagree on how T long the show is. ___

Task 2
Read the article and decide if the sentences below are True or False.
A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years
before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked
‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes.
These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool.
The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!
‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and
Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a
day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.
‘There are training centres in Germany, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope
one day I can make it into space.’

1 Astronauts have ten years of training before they go into space. ___
2 Astronauts practise in real space ships. ____
3 Working in a swimming pool is a bit like working in space. ____
4 All astronauts have to learn Japanese. ____
5 The trainee astronaut likes cycling. ____
6 Trainee astronauts have to live in many different places. _____

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