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Good day

Today, I want to talk to you about young people and how they are often
misunderstood. It is a common stereotype that young people are lazy,
entitled, and unwilling to work hard. But I believe that young people deserve
more credit than they are given.

Firstly, young people are incredibly creative and innovative. They have
grown up in a world of rapid technological advancement and have a unique
understanding of how to use these tools to their advantage. Many young
people are entrepreneurs who have started successful businesses by using
social media and other online platforms. They have also developed new
technologies and solutions to problems that older generations have been
unable to solve. Their creativity and ingenuity should be acknowledged and

Secondly, young people are often very passionate about the causes they
believe in. They are not content with the status quo and want to make a
difference in the world. They are often at the forefront of social movements,
advocating for issues like climate change, human rights, and equality. They
are not afraid to speak out and take action, even when it is difficult or
unpopular. Their passion and commitment should be respected and

Thirdly, young people are adaptable and resilient. They have had to navigate
a world that is constantly changing and evolving, and they have shown
remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. They have had to cope with
the challenges of the pandemic, which has disrupted their education and
social lives. Yet, they have found ways to adapt and continue to pursue their
goals. They have also had to deal with mental health issues, such as anxiety
and depression, but they have been open about their struggles and have
sought help when needed. Their resilience and ability to adapt should be
acknowledged and supported.
John Wooden said that “Young people need models, not critics” As young
people navigate the complex journey of life, they are in constant search of
inspiration, guidance, and examples to emulate. They look up to those who
have excelled in their fields, whether it be sports, arts, science, or any other
domain. These models serve as beacons of hope, showing them what is
possible and igniting their aspirations.
Criticism, on the other hand, often has a demoralizing effect. It focuses on
faults, shortcomings, and inadequacies, hindering personal growth and
development. While constructive feedback has its place, constantly pointing
out flaws without offering guidance or encouragement can crush the spirit
and confidence of young individuals. Instead, we should strive to be
mentors, supporters, and positive influences in their lives.

In conclusion, young people are often misunderstood and unfairly judged.

They have so much to offer and deserve more credit than they are given.
They are creative, passionate, and resilient, and they have the potential to
make a significant contribution to society. Instead of criticising the younger
generation, we should embody the qualities we wish to see in them, by
inspiring and guiding them through our actions, we can help shape a
generation that is confident, compassionate, and driven. As we move
forward, let us recognize the talents and strengths of young people and
support them in their endeavours.

Thank you.

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