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Book 21, Lessons 1 & 2 Quiz


1. It ______ at 3:00 pm.

a. results in
b. concludes
c. resists
d. stretches
2. I don’t know the ______.
a. seal
b. property
c. contents
d. density
3. No, their marriage is ______.
a. rigid
b. recent
c. original
d. real
4. It should ______ easily.
a. bend
b. affect
c. soak
d. sink
5. No, it is already on ______ volume.
a. minimum
b. rapid
c. maximum
d. such
6. Some kind of sticky ______. Maybe soda?
a. substance
b. drain
c. content
d. appetite
7. It will probably ______.
a. resist
b. float
c. average
d. watertight
8. ______ 220,000 people
a. density
b. average
c. population
d. approximately
9. Yes, we couldn’t keep our ______ ones.
a. rapid
b. desert
c. original
d. minimum
10. I’m not sure why the temperatures are so ______.
a. abnormal
b. average
c. density
d. recent
11. Yes, I need something to ______ this mess.
a. absorb
b. soak
c. resist
d. drain
12. I haven’t ______ with him, so I’m don’t know.
a. called off
b. kept up
c. picked up
d. contained
13. The ______ time for shopping is Saturday morning.
a. model
b. habit
c. peak
d. rate

1. A: ______ is the paper?
B: It is quite rigid.
a. How inflexible
b. So rapid
c. Why effective
d. What elastic
2. A Bugatti is ______ a Ford.
a. well
b. the best
c. better than
d. good
3. I want to stay at the ______ hotel in the region.
a. expensive
b. least expensive
c. expensivest
d. more expensive
4. A (woman)  B: I was working last night.
B  C: She said that ______ last night.
a. she has worked
b. I had worked
c. I have been worked
d. she had been working
5. It is important for an artist to have the characteristic of ______.
a. create
b. creative
c. creatively
d. creativity
6. The boat has a hole; ______
a. thus, it will sink.
b. Therefore, it will float.
c. As a result it will fly
d. however, it will bounce
7. The bars ______ by the very strong men.
a. have been bending
b. are bending
c. have been bent
d. have being bend
8. The uniform ______ in water in order to remove dirt.
a. has soaked
b. is been soaking
c. soaking
d. has been soaked
9. comparative
10. superlative
11. A: How serious was the accident.
B: ______
a. It was extremely serious.
b. They were seriously.
c. It was seriously good.
d. That was extremely accidental.
12. A (man)  B: Were the men resisting arrest?
B  C: He asked ______.
a. if the men were resisting arrest
b. had the men been resisting arrest
c. whether the men had been resisting arrest
d. why the men were resisting arrest
13. They have ______ that they can’t remember them all.
a. so much relatives
b. so many relatives
c. such much relatives
d. such many relatives
14. I need a towel ______
a. because I need to escape this school.
b. so I can soak up the spill.
c. as a result, I took a shower.
d. such water that it sank.
15. The metal is ______ rigid he can’t bend it at all.
a. so
b. such
c. that
d. effect
16. She is ______ she accomplishes twice as much as everyone else.
a. such an effective worker
b. so an effective worker
c. such effective
d. so a work
17. Safety ______
a. results from being careful.
b. happens because of danger.
c. results in having a good military.
d. causes poisonous substances.
18. The ______ to rent a truck is $12 per hour.
a. affect
b. rate
c. property
d. portion
19. He almost scored, but the ball ______ off the goal post.
a. squeezed
b. formed
c. sealed
d. bounced

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