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Book 21 - Review Exercise 3

1. Rain forests receive an abundance of rain every year, while receive very little.
a. awards b. deserts c. models d. crimes

2. Ann was extremely sick. Her doctor said it was the worst of flu he'd ever seen.
a. peak b. habit c. case d. client

3. Garden soil should have low density in order to produce more rapid plant .
a. growth b. rate c. crime d. jury

4. After the client's lawyer requested a postponement, her was set for the following month.
a. sand b. trial c. region d . model

5. In the U.S., a 12-person jury determines whether someone is or guilty.

a. efficient b. original c. judicial d. innocent

6. Athletes who take drugs have an unfair over athletes who do not.
a. property b. advantage c. discharge d. conduct

7. While some people like the bright lights of the city, others prefer to look at the natural of the
a. brand b. appetite c. scenery d. portion

8. The rate of speed on a U.S. highway is always measured as miles .

a. per b. beyond c. hardly d. anyway

9. Does Texas law prohibit persons under the age of 21 from drinking alcohol?
a. maximum b. minimum c. flexible d. inflexible

10. As a lawyer, he must continually read to changes in the law.

a. call off b. stand for c. result in d. keep up with

11. Once you finish the reading part of the ECL, the computer will give you instructions about the
listening .
a. counselor b. extension c. portion d. influence

12. To protect the paint on your car, you can seal it with a(n) such as car wax.
a. substance b. property c. extension d. category

13. As a result of recent increases in the price of oil, airline have gone up.
a. contents b. clients c. rates d. juries

14. Now that the war has ended, we hope the country's can return to normal life.
a. crime b. population c. averages d. abundance

15. Hot weather affects her so much that she to go outside in summer.
a. commits b. accuses c. urges d. hesitates

Book 21 Exercise 3 - Prepared for DLIELC by Vicky 1

16. He received severe punishment because he had a very serious crime.
a. represented b. committed c. stood for d. spread

17. Most swimsuits nowadays are made of some elastic material. Such swimsuits themselves
into a kind of "second skin" on the body.
a. form b. inform c. contain d. escape

18. Flight instruction requires a special type of aircraft with controls.

a. recent b. fair c. dual d. brief

19. The judge who settled the case in court tried to be to both people.
a. rapid b. fair c. just d. both b and c

20. The police have determined that the diamonds are not artificial. In that case, they must be _.
a. brief b. real c. hardly d. normal

21. The court awarded him a large sum of money for the disabilities that his accident.
a. resulted in b. resulted c. resulted from d. as a result of

22. He was a criminal with average looks and a minimal education, but she loved him _.
a. hardly b. anyway c. in general d. such

23. The laboratory accident resulted from an incorrect label on one of the bottles. At least, this is what
the police .
a. hesitated b. discharged c. prohibited d. concluded

24. There are three of courts-martial: summary, special, and general.

a. categories b. veterans c. habits d. cases

25. The sergeant informed everyone that their captain mistakes in their work.
a. has been discovering c. had been discovering
b. has been discovered d. had been discovered

26. The police are still looking for the gun, but a teacher at DLI _________of the crime.
a. has been accusing c. had been accusing
b. has been accused d. had been accused

27. The lawyer strongly suggested that she to interpret the law by herself.
a. doesn't try b. don't try c. isn't try d. not try

28. Now that I no longer have Internet connection, it's a problem with the news.
a. keep up b. for keep up c. keeping up d. kept up

Answer Key: 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 d 11 e 12 a 13 c 14 b 15 d 16 b 17 a 18 c 19 d 20 b 21 c 22 b
23 d 24 a 25 d 26 b 27d 28c

Book 21 Exercise 3 - Prepared for DLIELC by Vicky 2


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