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Sentence Practice

Circle the subject. Underline the verb. Write HV over the helping verbs and MV over the main verb.

1. My father is ill.

2. The child has a cold.

3. The big man is coughing.

4. I can’t make it before 1:00 pm.

5. The patients have stomachaches.

6. Does the patient have a backache?

7. She came in after lunch.

8. Did she come in this morning?

9. They have had runny noses all day.

10. It wasn’t an emergency.

11. He has had chest pain since last night.

12. We need to see the doctor.

13. My neck was aching last night.

14. I have been running a temperature for 3 days.

15. She couldn’t connect the dots.

16. Have you had sushi?

17. Where do I write the appointments?

18. The doctor has seen many patients this month.

19. The examination room was cold.

20. Fahad and Mustafa have been sneezing since this weekend.

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