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Key Result Areas of Puran Krishen Koul

1. Teaching Effectiveness: Evaluate the teacher’s ability to impart knowledge effectively, including
their teaching methods, student engagement, and use of instructional technology.
2. Curriculum Development: Assess contributions to curriculum development and improvements in
the computer science program.
3. Student Performance: Measure the impact on student learning outcomes, including exam scores
and project results.

Research and Publications: Consider the teacher’s research contributions, publications, or involvement in
academic activities.

Professional Development: Evaluate efforts to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in
computer science.

Classroom Management: Assess how well the teacher manages the classroom, including discipline, time
management, and resources utilization.

Student Feedback: Review student feedback and responses to gauge the teacher’s effectiveness and
areas for improvement.

Collaborative Activities: Assess involvement in departmental activities, collaboration with colleagues,

and participation in extracurricular events related to computer science.

Innovation and Creativity: Evaluate the teacher’s ability to bring innovation and creativity to teaching
methods and course content.

Adherence to Institutional Policies: Ensure compliance with school policies, including attendance,
assessment, and administrative responsibilities.

These are general areas that can be adapted to suit the specific goals and expectations of the
educational institution and the role of the PGT in computer science.

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