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Name : Row Ratna Lawolo

Class : B/V
Course : Research In English Language Teaching

Qualitative and Quantitative Differences from Article 1:

 Qualitative research emphasises in-depth analysis of environments and sources, focusing on
depth of understanding rather than generalisation. This research requires data mining and
can produce different data from different locations.
 Qualitative research tends to find field facts and formulate theories based on these findings.
 Qualitative research is subjective and dynamic, relying heavily on the researcher and

 Quantitative research aims to test theories and establish facts. It involves hypothesis testing,
with two possible outcomes: acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis.
 Quantitative research is based on static data and focuses on controlling and measuring the
data collected to obtain valid research results.
 Quantitative research allows for generalisation because it uses questionnaires that allow for
the same answers from individuals with similar social conditions

Qualitative and Quantitative Differences from Article 2:

 Qualitative research focuses on describing a situation, while quantitative research
emphasises cause and effect relationships.
 Qualitative and quantitative research paradigms produce different processes and results.
However, both approaches can be used together to determine scientific truth.
 Qualitative research uses varied and flexible methods depending on the object of research,
objectives, and the type of data to be revealed.
 Quantitative research produces more measurable information because it is based on data.
 Quantitative research is less concerned with the relationship between the researcher and the
subject, as it relies more on instruments and measurable variables.

Qualitative and Quantitative Differences from Article 3:

 Qualitative research focuses on understanding the meaning and interpretation of social
phenomena, while quantitative research focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis.
 Qualitative research methods include interviews, observation and content analysis, while
quantitative research methods include surveys, experiments and statistical analysis.
 Qualitative research aims to explore and understand complex social phenomena in depth,
while quantitative research aims to generalise findings to a larger population.

2. file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/PELATIHAN%20IAIN.pdf
3. file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/MetodePenelitianKuantitatifdanKualitatif.pdf

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