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Universidad Emiliano Zapata

1st Partial Project | English 1

Student´s name: Sergio Noe De la Cruz Flores Subject: English

Career: LBF Partial: First Room: 726

INSTRUCTIONS: Write about your everyday routine. Use adverbs of


Exaple: I always get up at 7:00 o’clock…

I always get up at 6:00 in the morning to take a bath and get ready to go to
work, I usually leave the house a little before 7:00 in the morning and I
almost always go to the store to buy some breakfast, Sometimes I'm late for
work because the traffic is heavier than usual, I usually leave work early
since I have to go to school, only on Tuesday I stay until later because I
don't have class that day and sometimes that same day I take advantage
of it to advance to the slopes at work.
I often go to the supermarket during the week, just to turn around or buy
what's needed in the house, we usually visit the same one, but sometimes
we like to go to other new places to see what new things we can find.
On Mondays I sometimes go to the movies with my girlfriend and then we
go to dinner. We always like to visit new places since sometimes you get
bored of trying the same thing. Sometimes we like to visit the bio park star
since that way we take a good stretch of road, and we like to go see the
landscape and that kind of thing.

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