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230 KSME International Journal, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp.

230--238, 2003

Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Hand

SKK Robot Hand I
T a e h u n Kang, H y o u k r y e o l Choi*
School of Mechanical Engineering Sungkyunkwan University,
300, Chonch'on-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyonggi-do, Korea
M o o n s a n g Kim
Advanced Robotics Research Center Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
131, Cheongryang, Seoul, 130-650, Korea

In this paper, a three-fingered anthropomorphic robot hand, called SKK Robot Hand I, is
presented. By employing a t w o - D O F joint mechanism, called Double Active Universal Joint
(abbreviated as D A U J from now on) as its metacarpal joint, the hand makes it possible to
mimic humanlike motions. We begin with addressing the motivation of the design and mention
how the anthropomorphic feature of a human is realized in the design of SKK Hand I. Also,
the mechanism of the hand is explained in detail, and advantages in its modular design are
discussed. The proposed hand is developed for use as a testbed for dextrous manipulation. It is
expected to resolve the increasing demand for robotic applications in unstructured environments.
We describe its hardware construction as well as the controller structure including the
preliminary results of experiments.

Key Words : Robot Hand, Anthropomorphic, D A U J

However, its actual application is far from reality,

1. Introduction although it has been studied for quite a long time.
In fact a number of researchers have developed
Recently, in the field of robotics a lot of pro- robot hands in various fields such as mechanism,
gress has been made and many things considered grasping, manipulation, and control, etc. The ul-
to be impossible previously are being performed timate objectives of the multi-fingered robot hand
by robots. In the near future, robots are sure to be is to mimic the role of human hands in specific
used as substitutes for a human for many tasks in applications.
our daily life. In order to replace humans, a robot Since the highly successful robot hands such as
should have several special abilities such as intel- Stanford/JPL and U t a h / M I T dextrous hand have
ligence to cope with arbitrary situations, mobility been introduced (Salisbury, 1982; Jacobsen,
to travel in the unknown environments and dex- 1984), various robot hands have been reported.
terity to manipulate objects. However, few of them seem to be successfully
Especially, to grasp or manipulate various ob- applied to practical applications. It is because
jects in complicated environments, a dextrous most of robot hands developed up to now are
hand such as that of the human may be required. complex, bulky, and lacking in reliability.
* Corresponding Author, In addition, one of the serious problems of
E-mail : hrchoi existing robot hands is that its maintenance is
TEL: +82-31-290-7449; FAX : +82-31-290-7481 very difficult or almost impossible. In the case of
School of Mechanical Engineering Sungkyunkwan
the robot hand, since they are constructed by
University 300, Chonch'on-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon,
Kyonggi-do, Korea. (Manuscript Received May 13, assembling many parts such as various sensors,
2002; Revised October 10. 2002) actuators and wirings, difficulties in maintenance

Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Hand SKK Robot Hand 1 231

may cause serious problems in the exchange and Three-Roll-Wrist joint (Stackhouse, 1979). In
modification of parts. this mechanism, the proximal axis and the distal
In this paper we present an anthropomorphic axis exist on the collinear line and the middle axis
robot hand which has three fingers and ten joints. has some oblique angle with the other two axes.
The basic premise underlying the development of Thus, just rolling of each axis provided three
the hand is to develop mechanisms mimicking the DOF rotational motions. Based on the Bejczy's
natural motion of a human as well as having mechanism, Hirose developed a joint mechanism,
flexibility and strength of the human hand. called Oblique Swivel joint, and applied it to a
This paper is organized as follows. The next snakelike robot (Hirose, 1993). Though joint mo-
section describes the motivation of the research, tion is kinematically restricted to a smaller range
the design of SKK Hand I is discussed in section than that of the usual joint arrangements, it has
3. In section 4, the control architecture is ex- an advantage of gaining high weight-to-force
plained and the preliminary results of experiments ratio. In 1985, Ikeda and Takanashi registered a
for evaluations are included in section 5. Finally patent called Active Universal Joint which takes
the paper is concluded in section 6. most of Oblique Swivel Joint (Ikeda and Ta-
kanashi, 1987). Recently, Paljug et. al. in JPL
2. M o t i v a t i o n s adopted the active universal joint as the joint
mechanism of the Serpentine robot (Paljug, Ohm
Up to now several researchers have developed and Hayati, 1995). In addition Asano and Nils-
multi-fingered and multi-jointed robotic hands son have utilized t w o - D O F joint mechanism in
(Salisbury, 1982; Jacobsen, 1984). But most of their hyper DOF robot (Asano, et al. and Hitomi,
them are not unsuitable for humanlike motions, 1983). But most of mechanisms described above
and few of them have been successfully applied to are unsuitable for the humanlike mechanism.
practical applications. In the human hand the fingers except the thumb
As for the related researches, Bejczy utilized a can be modeled as a four-DOF kinematic struc-
joint displaying the movement similar to a me- ture, where the metacarpal joint has two DOFs
tacarpal joint and applied it to a shoulder joint and the others have one, respectively. Among
in his master-slave system (Bejczy, 1975). Also, these, the metacarpal joint is usually modeled
Stackhouse proposed a three-DOF (degree of with two orthogonal joints whose joint axes in-
freedom) wrist joint using bevel gears, known as tersect at a single location. It may give the princi-
pal reasons that most of the robot hands inten-
ding to imitate the human hand have metacarpal
joints with two orthogonal intersecting axes. But,
4 there is a great difference between motion of the
human hands and the existing robot hands. Fig-
ure 1 shows the kinematic structure of a robot
hand, called U t a / M I T Hand by Jacobson (Jaco-
bsen, 1984). It is one of the typical anthropo-
morphic hands with four DOFs in its finger, and
its metacarpal joint is composed of two ortho-
gonal joints. Though it aims at mimiking the
humanlike motions, its joint arrangement, how-
ever, is not able to generate the anthropomorphic
motion. For example, if joint 1 in Fig. 1 rotates,
the orientation of the fingertip changes accord-
ingly, which makes different part of the fingertip
Fig. 1 Typical kinematic model of finger have contact with the object. On the contrary, the

Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

232 Taehun Kang, Hyoukryeol Choi and Moonsang Kim

"~ctt hnk


upper hat/sphcwc

P r e v t ~ link

Fig. 3 Double active universal joint

Fig. 2 Metacarpal joint motion of human

to a joint mechanism in several robots (Sungmoo

motion of the human hand is not similar to this. Ryew and Hroukryeol Choi, 1999; Sanghoon
If we carefully look at the swiveling motion of Balk, Sungmoo Ryew, and Hyoukryeol Choi,
the index finger, it can be noted that the finger 2001). DAUJ consists of two universal joints, and
does not roll about its own axis along the link. an internal oblique joint composed of a couple of
During usual grasping or manipulating motions, splitted spherestkq ; upper and lower half spheres,
the palmar side of the finger always faces up to which controls t w o - D O F joint rotation. Two half
the object. The dorsal side such as the fingernail spheres meet each other in an inclined plane with
never has contact with the object. Likewise all the angle ~. It is actuated by two geared DC motors
other parts of the human such as limbs, legs are with reduction mechanisms. An inner universal
intrinsically unsymmetrical and there exists the joint just transmits the torque of the motor to the
distinction between the inner and outer side. Each upper half sphere. An outer universal joint is a
side of the human body has its own specific sturdy structure for connecting two links, and it
function and characteristic usage. prevents relative motions between previous link
It is an even more important feature, especially and next one. DAUJ is called "oblique rotation
when the robot hand is required to carry on mechanism" because it is a joint rotating around
manipulating objects using its links (at times it is an inclined axis.
called whole arm manipulations). Existence of Compared with existing joints with two DOFs,
rolling makes it difficult to continuously move DAUJ is quite similar to the human joint and its
contact points between the finger and the grasped advantages can be adressed as follows. In the first,
object. Contact may be broken during the manip- it is able to ensure complete t w o - D O F free-of-
ulation and the grasp with links cannot persist. rolling motion, which is an anthropomorphic
Basically, a robot hand is required to carry out feature as mentioned before. In the second, DAUJ
the manipulations using links as well as the fin- gains high weight-to-force ratio which leads to
gertip, which may be considered as a real human structural advantage. In this paper, we present a
style robot hand. robot hand employing DAUJ as its metacarpal
Recently, Ryew and Choi had developed a joint. By employing DAUJ, an anthropomorphic,
t w o - D O F joint mechanism, called Double Active compact and moular robot hand can be realized.
Universal Joint as shown in Fig. 3. In several
previous reports, they have already described the 3. Design of SKK Hand I
characteristic features of DAUJ (Sungmoo Ryew
and Hroukryeol Choi, 2001) and they applied it When an anthropomorphic robot hand is deve-

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Development o f Anthropomorphic Robot Hand S K K Robot Hand I 233

loped, the researchers usually begin with inves- integrate the actuators for the metacarpal joints in
tigating the exoskeletal structure of a human hand the palm tbr compact design of the hand.
and try to design a robot hand kinematically S K K hand 1 consisted of three finger modules
similar to that of the human. As a result, most of can be attached or removed easily. As shown in
the robot hands consistent reported up to now Fig. 4 the current arrangement shows two fingers
have structures of three links and four D O F s for and an opposing thumb. The number of fingers
each finger. However, assuming that the contact can be increased to tbur or five depending on the
of the finger would be considered as a three- applications.
dimensional fingertip contact, only three D O F s The hand weighs about 3 kg and the size of the
for each finger is enough, though some researc- hand is one and half times as large as the human
hers insist that four D O F s be prerequisite in the hand including driving modules. All the driving
view of kinematic optimality (Yoshikawa, 1985). units are included in the fingers and the palm,
Also, it should be noted that the human finger which makes it possible to lay wirings inside the
behaves like a t h r e e - D O F mechanism because
two joints in the distal side are coupled. During Table 1 Specifications of SKK Hand 1
the typical motions of the robot hand, it does not
Items Specifications
need more than three DOFs. Therefore, it is not
number of fingers three
necessary that the fingers of the robot hand except
DOF 10 DOFs (1 coupled joint)
the thumb have more D O F s than three.
In the case o f the thumb, the adequate kine- maximum Speed 20 mm/sec
matic structure is still controversal. If we closely maximum Force 0.9 Kgf
observe the human hand on usual grasping or encoder + home sensor
manipulating, the thumb plays quite a significant fingertip lbrce sensor
role. All the other fingers just cooperate with the actuators DE motors
thumb (it is called " o p p o s i t i o n " ) and there are weight about 3 Kg
few motions being done without the thumb except size approx. 1.5 times larger than
special cases, for example lateral grasping that we human hand
use in smoking. A c c o r d i n g to the kinematics of adduction
45 °
the hand, at least three fingers are required to &abduction
perform a stable grasping, and to carry out dex- range of
flexion 80 +
trous manipulation. The hand presented in this motion
research consists of three fingers. The number of
extension 10°
the fingers can be easily increased since each
finger is modularized. Each finger is designed to
satisfy the requirements for mainipulation and
hldet t"mt,,'," ~ti,tdle l+mgel
grasping. In fact, the design concept o f the pro-
posed robot hand, called S K K H a n d I is started
from an a n t h r o p o m o r p h i c base but the configu-
ration of fingers is optimized in an engineering

3.1 Kinematic design

As shown in Fig. 4, SKK Hand 1 is a three-
fingered robot hand with two symmetric fingers
and a thumb. The thumb has lbur D O F s and the
others three. The metacarpal joint of the fingers ( ¢Jtq~&'d.hnnt
adopts the D A U J , which makes it possible to Fig. 4 SKK Hand

Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

234 Taehun Kang, Hyoukryeol Choi and Moonsang Kim

hand and realize compactness in design. It is very hollow links are adopted with thickness less than
robust mechanically and able to give sufficient lmm. The weight of a single finger module is as
grasping and" manipulation forces in practical light as 500g while its structural strength is kept
usage. as much high as possible. The finger module can
As shown in Fig. 4, driving modules of the lift up the weight as much as 0.3 Kg which is
finger are embedded in the palm of the hand. The sufficient for manipulating small objects.
palm and two fingers (index and middle fingers) For driving the metacarpal joint, we use two
play a significant role in power grasping. DC motors. The distal joint of the finger is driven
by a DC motor embedded in the distal-proximal
3.2 Design of finger link. The metacarpal joint of the finger can do
In the design of the finger proposed in this t w o - D O F motions without rotating along the
paper we employ DAUJ as its metacarpal joint. axis of the middle-distal link because DAUJ is
Though this mechanism has been continuously applied. Thus, when it grasps an arbitrary object,
revised, we just introduce its characterisic features the same portion of the fingertip is always
briefly in this section. As shown in Fig. 4 the maintained. As explained it is a characteristic
thumb and the other two fingers have quite simi- feature similar to the human's finger. When the
lar mechanisms except one additional coupled finger has contact with the object and explores its
joint in the thumb. Thus, we mainly focus on the geometry, it is quite advantageous. The range of a
design of the index finger (the middle finger is finger motion goes up to 80 °, 10° and 45 ° on
exactly the same as the index finger), and the flexion, extension and abduction-adduction, re-
additional features of the thumb is briefly in- spectively. They are determined depending on the
troduced. design of DAUJ. Also in order to simplify the
As shown in Fig. 4, the index and middle structure of the finger, the number of sensors and
fingers are symmetric with three DOFs because parts have been reduced as much as possible.
they do not solely aim at imitating the motion of Sixteen bit encoders are employed to get the
the human hand. in the case of the thumb we just location information of the joint with hall sensors
added one coupled joint at the distal joint. Al- to detect the home position because of its excel-
though it looks like a four-DOF mechanism, it is lent cost effectiveness and ease of handling. In
actually a three-DOF one. To enhance maintaina- addition a six-axis force/torque sensor (JR3) is
bility the fingers are modularized and thus, we attached at the tip of the finger with its diameter
can easily attach or detach each finger from the of 17 mm.
hand. For reduction in its weight and easy wiring,
3.3 Kinematics of finger
In the previous report (Sungmoo Ryew and
// Dt.$ttai--Ptmtm,iI l~tnl¢; d,,D
Hroukryeol Choi, 2001) a geometric approach to
conveniently analyze the kinematics of DAUJ
,tacrpa! Joantt2 doD
was proposed. In this paper its whole kinematic
analysis is not intended to be mentioned in details
and just parts of the analysis are introduced to
help the understanding of the mechanism. We
refer interested readers to the previous report.
As shown in Fig. 3, DAUJ has an internal
AfOto~ J
obique joint which controls the joint rotation. It
~folor )Ira ~t l tethJ!~" consists of an upper and a lower half sphere that
meet each other in an included plane with angle
~. Figure 6 depicts an equivalent kinematic dia-
Fig. 5 Design of robotic finger gram of DAUJ by replacing the inner universal

Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Hand SKK Robot Hand I 235

joint. As depicted in Fig. 6 the coordinate frame three joint variables 01, 02 and 03 are not inde-
5-2.2 is assigned to the internal oblique joint, the pendent and one of three variables, typically 0z
reference coordinate frome 5]0 is fixed to the base can be expressed as a function of 01 and 03 such
of the mechanism. Because the inner univeral as

joint just transmits the torque of the second motor

to the joint 3, we can assign the coordinate frame
s~3 (]c~3]w~+c~3w2)
0z= [ s13 [ -arccos ClaW3 (3)
5-],3 as shown in Fig. 6 and the coordinate frame
~ is attached to the rotation axis of the first where
-- 2 2 2 2
In Fig. 6 we begin with representing the motion wl- c,c13../c~ + ( c~ - cl) s~
of D A U J using Z - Y - Z Euler angles. According w2 = - cls3s~ ( c3sl + c1 c~ s3)
to Z - Y - Z Euler angle representation, the rota- W3 = ( cl2c ,2 + S~) ( c~2 + c ,2 s3)

tion of the joint can be considered to be perform- Clz~COS (01 + 02), sl2~-sin ( 01 + &), ""
ed in the following order : rotation about Z axis
From these equations, we can derive the tbr-
by a, rotation about negative Y' axis by fl, and
ward kinematics of DAUJ such as
rotation about Z " axis by - - a , which results in
the transformation matrix a = 0~+03 (4)
3Tzy'z,'-- T~(a) TY,(t~) T~,,(-a)
= ° T ( a , 1~) (I) (5)
where the reverse rotation - - a about Z " axis is
due to the characteristics of the proposed me- and the inverse kinematics is given by
chanism that restricts rolling. L1, L2 and La
denote the link lengths and L t is zero in this case. 0x= a ± a r c t a n ( c o t ~btan ~ ) - - z c (6)
Consequently, the resultant form of Eq. (1)
°aT(a, ,8) is equal to the generalized transfor- 0a= a-T-arctan ( c o t ~bt a n 9 0 ~ ) - a " (7)
mation matrix OaT(01, 02, 03) obtained by the
rotation of the joint. By equating, we have where ~b=22.5 ° is the oblique angle. From Eqs.
(4) -- (7), we can say that the robotic finger may
oaT(a, 13)=°T(0~, &, &) (2) be modeled as a t h r e e - D O F system with joint
where 0~, 0~ and 0a denote the joint variables of variables a, fl and 04 as shown in Fig. 6.
the inner universal joint depicted in Fig. 6. From To solve the kinematics of the whole finger let
Eq. (1) and (2), it can be assured that all the us represent the overall transformation matrix
from the base to the tip of the finger 0 T such as

- -- - DA U J- - -


rza ,by


Then, we have

OuterUnive~alJointI ~I~'L~'/X, 0 ~ __0 " p a "7~X ~/~4 ~T~

5J--a I X 1 4 -[5 1 (9)


xo I Li
__ ~ C
Sa --CaSa 0
0 1
Fig. 6 Kinematic diagram of finger 0 0

Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

236 Taehun Kang. Hyoukryeol Choi and Moonsang Kim

i cx sx0 l
- -
- -

[ - Lzs~cx- L~s,cx, - L~c~sx-L~c~sx~ - L~c¢sx~
]= L,.c,cx+ L~c,c,a
- L~sos~-L~s,sx, - L~s,sx~
-L~cx-L~c~ -L3c~

4. C o n t r o l System
a~T = s, c4 0
0 0 I Figure 7 illustrates the structure of the control
0 0 0 system developed for SKK Hand I. In this system
a six-DOF industrial robot(Samsung, FARA-

and, .Z is f l + 3

(3 is the offset angle of a robotic

1 M A N - A s l ) is employed as the arm and S K K
Hand I is attached on the wrist of the arm. The
system is controlled by a PC based controller. As
the main controller, two personal computers are

finger to adjust the range of extension).

F r o m Eq. (9) the forward kinematic solutions
' i, ;r ......
can be computed as follows.

~11 : Ca Cx4
r12 : -- CaSx4
rl3 : -- Sa
1"21= Sa Cx4 i ........... I .........
Y22 = -- SaSx4
T23: -- Ca
K31: -- Sk4
K32 : -- Cx4 I. . . . t*,mm~ ,,, i
)"33 = 0 Fig. 7 Hardware system
P x = L~c~c~ + Lac~cx~
p ~ = L~s~c~ + Las~c~,
p . = -- Lzs~ -- Lasx~ q RTLinttr Kernel Space

Real Time TaskSchduler

F r o m Eq. (10), we can derive the inverse kine-
matics of the robotic finger such as e~lodules(DeviceDrivers)
[ Force/Torque Sensor [
a = a r c t a n 2(py. p~) (1 I) . . . .

DA Board II
x = a r c t a n 2(Sx. Cx) (12)
DIO Board
O~=arctan 2($4, C4) (13)

where Character Devices

c , = 2L~L~ [ p ~ + p yz+ p ~z- L ~ - ~ L ~a] II ~TLinux User Space

S~= -+-v/I c24

- -

Cx = L a s 4 P ~ - (L~ + La c4) ( c~p~ + s~py)

Sx : L3s4 ( Ca])x+ Sal")y) q- ( Lz + La c4) Pz
Client Program

Monitoring Program
2i7. "

Also we can derive Jacobian matrix such as Fig. 8 Software structure

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Development o f Anthropomorphic Robot Hand S K K Robot Hand 1 237



8oI . . . . . . . . . ~ b BO





95 !00 tO5 110 115 120 125 130 5£Jo 95 Ioo lo~ Ho li5 1~o i2T-- lao
Xtrnm) X.(mm)

Fig. 9 Trajectory of rectangular motion Fig. 10 Trajectory of circular motion

used and R T L i n u x ( r e a l t i m e linux, rt-kernel 2.2. total cycle time was 4 seconds. As shown in Figs.
14) is applied as the operating system. These 9 and 10, the finger tracks the rectangular and
computers c o m m u n i c a t e with each other via circular trajectories reasonably well.
Ethernet based on the T C P / I P protocol.
As shown in Fig. 8 the software architecture is 6. Conclusion
divided into two parts such as the user space and
the kernel space. The user space provides several A new a n t h r o p o m o r p h i c robot hand, SKK
functions for user interface such as m o n i t o r i n g Hand I was developed. The achievements of the
and the kernel space function includes schedulers, proposed hand are deserved to be highly evaluat-
driver programs for various acquisition boards, ed on the following terms. First, the hand can
respectively. completely simulate humanlike metacarpal mo-
In this system various grasping and manipula- tions, which gives several advantageous aspects in
tion algorithms can be implemented and new actual applications. For example, it can achieve
strategies for dextrous manipulation, coordina- highly complicated grasping and manipulating
tion of hand and arm will be tested. This system motions because the contact points does not chan-
can be used as the test bed for the dexterous ge a lot during manipulation. Therelbre in the
manipulation. case of utilizing tactile sensors, only small size of
tactile sensors may be enough and it is not neces-
5. Preliminary Experiments sary to cover up the whole surface of the fingertip.
In the second, this hand displays a lot of achieve-
In the preliminary experiments the performance ments compared to the previous ones in the engi-
of the position control was tested. In this ex- neering sense. It removed complicated wiring and
periment, the finger tip was c o m m a n d e d to follow the integrated design of driving components and
a given trajectory such as rectangular and circular the palm was realized. According to its com-
trajectories. A simple PD control scheme was pleteness S K K Hand I is considered a quite suc-
applied and the positions were measured. Fig. 9 cessful one and to be used as a testbed for
represents control performance in the case of a dextrous manipulation as well as a dextrous end
rectangular trajectory, where the solid line deno- effector of humanlike arm.
tes the actual trajectory of the fingertip and the
dotted line represerts that of the c o m m a n d e d ones. Acknowledgment
Here the center of the fingertip is considered as
the point to be measured. In this experiments the The authors are grateful for tile support pro-

Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

238 Taehun Kang, Hyoukryeol Choi and Moonsang Kim

vided by a grant from the Advanced Robotics Biggers, K.B., 1984, "The U T A H / M . I . T Dex-
Research Center Korea Institute of Science and trous Hand : Work in Progress," Int. J. Robot.
Technology (KIST, Service robot project, con- Res., Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 22--50.
tract number 2001-0532-000) and the Safety and Paljug, E., Ohm, T. and Hayati, S., 1995, "The
Structural Integrity Research Center at the Sung JPL Serpentine Robot: a 12DOF System for
Kyun Kwan University. Inspection," Proc. o f I E E E Int. conf. on Robotics
and Automation, pp. 3143--3148.
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Copyright (C) 2003 NuriMedia Co., Ltd.

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