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DOSEN PENGAMPU : Muftihaturrahmah Burhamzah, S.S., M.Hum.

Nur Andini (230512500011)
Alma Sombo (230512500009)
Sri Wahyuni (230512500006)
Merry Christin Manube (230512500010)
Muhammad Safwan Rafiansyah (230512500008)


TAHUN AJARAN 2023-2024
We would like to thank the presence of Allah SWT, whose mercy and grace we were able
to complete this paper on time. The title of this paper is "Literary Periods In British Literature".

On this occasion we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the lecturer in the
Introduction To Literature course who has given us this assignment.

Writing a paper that is far from perfect. Due to our limited time and capabilities, we
always hope for constructive criticism and suggestions, so that this paper can be useful for us in
particular and other interested parties in general.

Makassar, 29 September 2023

Group 2


COVER ........................................................................................................................ 1
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................ 2
LIST OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 5

1. Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066) ................................................................... 5

2. Middle English Period (1066-1500) ............................................................... 5

3. Renaissance Period (1500-1660) .................................................................... 5
4. Restoration and Augustan Period (1660-1800) ............................................... 6

5. Romantic Period (1800-1850) ........................................................................ 6

6. Victorian Period (1837-1901) ........................................................................ 6

7. Modern Period (1901-1950)........................................................................... 6

8. Postmodern Period (1950-Present) ................................................................. 7

CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 8

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................... 9


Literary periods in English literature are divisions of time used to categorize literary
works based on historical context, culture and literary styles that emerged in that period.
Studying literary periods is important because it can help us understand the historical and
cultural context in which those literary works emerged, as well as understand changes and
developments in English literature.

Here are some important points of studying literary periods:

1. Studying literary periods helps readers and researchers understand the development of
literature over time. This helps us follow the evolution of language, style, themes and techniques
in literary works over time.

2. Each literary period reflects the values, beliefs, and social and cultural context of the time.
This study helps us understand how literature interacted with society and depicted aspects of life
at that time.

3. Every literary period has famous writers who created influential works. Understanding literary
periods allows us to better appreciate their works and place them in their appropriate context.

4. Understanding literary periods helps in analyzing literary works in more depth. We can see
how writers used specific techniques from their period to convey messages and emotions in their

5. Through literary study periods, we can identify elements that remain present throughout time
in literature as well as significant changes that occur from one period to another.

6. Works from the past often have a continuing influence on modern literature. By understanding
these periods, we can recognize traces of them in contemporary works.

This paper will discuss the periods of English literature from the Anglo-Saxons (450-
1066) to the postmodern period (1950-present), including historical and cultural context, literary
characteristics, famous works, and the influence of these periods on English literature .


1. Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066)

The Anglo-Saxon period was marked by Germanic invasions of England and the
formation of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Anglo-Saxon literature is influenced by Germanic oral
traditions and mythology. Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature include the use of alliteration,
epic poetic forms such as Beowulf, and themes such as courage, loyalty, and destiny.

Notable works from this era include Beowulf, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer. The
impact of the Anglo-Saxon period on English literature includes the influence of Old English on
modern English and the influence of Anglo-Saxon literary themes and styles on later English

2. Middle English Period (1066-1500)

This period was marked by the Norman Conquest in 1066 and the development of
English as a literary language. Notable works from this period include Geoffrey Chaucer's The
Canterbury Tales and Everyman.

Cultural influences on Middle English literature include the influence of Christianity and
the influence of French and Latin literature. This period was also marked by the development of
romantic poetry and moral poetry.

3. Renaissance Period (1500-1660)

The Renaissance was a cultural and intellectual movement characterized by the revival of
classical learning and humanism. Notable works from this period include those of William
Shakespeare, John Milton, and Edmund Spenser.

Humanism influenced literature in this era by emphasizing human dignity, individual

freedom, and the beauty of nature. The Renaissance period was also marked by the development
of drama and sonnet poetry.

4. Restoration and Augustan Period (1660-1800)

The historical context of the Restoration and the Age of Enlightenment includes the
Restoration of the English monarchy after the Puritan period, the development of science and
philosophy, and the war against France.

The literature of this period is characterized by a satirical and didactic nature, such as the
works of Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope. Major writers of this period include John Dryden
and Samuel Johnson. Reason and satire played an important role in the literature of this period.

5. Romantic Period (1800-1850)

The Romantic movement emphasized emotion and individualism, and rejected

rationalism and classical restrictions. The works of Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and John Keats expressed the beauty of nature and individual freedom.

The fascination with nature and the sublime became a major theme in Romantic literature.
Historical events such as the Industrial Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars influenced
Romantic literature.

6. Victorian Period (1837-1901)

The Victorian era was marked by social, political, and technological changes, such as the
Industrial Revolution and the spread of the British Empire. Themes and characteristics of
Victorian literature include social criticism, realism, and sentimentalism. Famous Victorian
novelists include Charles Dickens, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy. Morality and social
criticism played an important role in Victorian literature.

7. Modern Period (1901-1950)

World War I and changes in society influenced the literature of this period. Literary
experimentation and modernist themes became characteristic of the literature of this period. The
works of modernist writers such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf explored human
predicaments in the modern world. Fragmentation and disillusionment are major themes in
modernist literature.

8. Postmodern Period (1950-Present)

Postmodern literature is characterized by metafiction and intertextuality, as well as a
rejection of linear narrative and objective truth. Postmodernism influenced different literary
genres, such as novels, poetry, and drama.

The work of postmodern writers such as Salman Rushdie and Margaret Atwood explores
themes such as identity, power, and history. The challenge in defining the postmodern literary
period includes the diversity and complexity of literary works in this period.

Each period of English literature has a different historical context, culture, and literary
style, as well as notable works and their influence on subsequent English literature. The
evolution of English literature during this period reflects changes and developments in English
society and culture. Studying literary periods can help us understand the development of
literature from time to time.

Studying literary periods has enduring relevance in the world of literature and education because:

1. The study of literary periods allows us to understand literary history in greater depth. This
helps us trace the evolution of language, style, and themes in literary works over time.

2. Famous writers from every literary period created classic works that are still relevant today.
Understanding their period helps us appreciate and evaluate these works.

3. The study of literary periods helps in critical analysis of literary works. We can understand
how writers used techniques specific to their period to convey messages and meaning in their

4. Each literary period reflects the values, social norms, and cultural events of the time. This
helps us understand how literature interacted with society and reflected the social conditions of
the time.

5. Works from the past often have a continuing influence on modern literature. By understanding
these periods, we can recognize their influence in contemporary works.

6. Understanding literary periods provides an additional dimension when reading literary works.
This allows the reader to better appreciate its richness and complexity.

Thus, studying literary periods has enduring relevance in understanding literature, history,
culture, and our worldview.


Buku Cetak Introduction To Literature Aang Fatihul Islam

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