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Note: The following hypnosis success stories were retrieved from We�re not able to contact these individuals for verification

because the email contacts were not available. Nevertheless, these stories & tips
should be displayed for inspirational purpose.

* STORY #1: I took your suggestion to heart, and I'm happy to say that ALL of
my doubts have been removed. I also grew 1/2 an inch a week later after this
realization, so you're right when you said that "World View" is extremely important
in this matter. [Sky�s notes: World View is defined as the perception that
everything around you is made up of energy]. It's amazing that after I read some of
your reports, especially the mechanics behind the process, what it did for me as
far as getting me in the right mind set! I've changed my visualization completely.
No longer do I visualize my body as flesh and blood, but as pure energy or light.
Thank you so much for your help! A.A. (USA)

* STORY #2: Hi, I wanted to let you know that I have increased 4 inches in
height in 4 months. Even I found it incredible! Other than listening to your
recordings I have also been doing regularly stretching exercises, from another
program. I was a member of your Grow Taller Group [this group has been
discontinued], however I have chosen not to participate because, frankly, I have
found most of the people there to have a depressing and discouraging influence and
decided that I'm much better off working entirely on my own - just as you
suggested, quietly and in silence. Even though I desired originally to share
support with others, I have found that there's nothing I can do to help those who
doubt that they can increase their height and reading about their doubts only makes
it harder for me to work on my goal. J.S. (U.S.)

* STORY #3: Dear Laura, This is David from the Grow Taller Program. I just
want to tell you that I have received the Self-Esteem and Inner Power CDs with the
brainwave synchronization, and I must say that it makes such a difference! I was
surprised myself as I hadn't expected it to have such an impact on the sessions. I
feel totally different now when I listen to these CDs - much more relaxed and
peaceful. And it sounds cooler, too. :-) Thanks. D.K. (Israel)

* STORY #4: Hi Laura. I continue to use your program and have gained nearly 3
inches in height. As you know I have been using this program for a year and have
had ups and downs. I have found that when I really engage in the program I can feel
the benefits. Due to exam stress I have felt down and tiered so I only listened to
the tapes half-heartedly. However, I now know that it is working me and that I am
growing taller. As I sit here I can feel satisfying growing pains in my shins and
am grateful to you for sharing your knowledge with us. I would like others to know
that I have taken a while to get to grips with the tape, but with persistence you
will see an increase and I now know that my height increase won't occur overnight,
but it is happening. I continue to grow tall and will gain my next 4 inches and
will keep you updated. Thanks. T.A. (England)

* STORY #5: Hi Dr. De Giorgio, I would like to thank you for my extra 2 inches
of height. Sadly thought, I sold myself short by stopping the program six months
ago. Even though I was making progress, I ended up burning myself out on it like
you warned us about. I know that if I retry it again, I'll make considerable more
progress than before and next time I won't be so involved like I was the first
time. This whole time off from the program I've been using many of the new ideas I
learned from the process in my everyday life. - R. H. (U.S.)

* STORY #6: In about 2 months of consistent Grow Taller with Hypnosis during
the past year, I grew approximately 3/4 of an inch Actually, there was a lot more
work going on. I think most people come to the program hoping that they can just
listen to a few CDs few times a day and grow, when it is actually a whole
development process of mind and body. In the next 6 months or so I plan to
consistently get it to work more consistently until I have grown 4 to 6 inches.

* STORY #7: One thing I encountered that you may or may not have considered is
that I had some resistance to growing because my body is not symmetrically
balanced, i.e. my musculo-skeletal structure is asymmetrical. I am now going to
chiropractor to straighten my body out. A correctly aligned body will be able to
grow symmetrically with less adjustments to the muscle structure, and much more
quickly I am convinced.

* STORY #8: Your program is very thorough. You know your stuff, and it's not
ivory tower theory, it's well integrated and practical. I was already very good
with NLP and EFT, and learning more about the superconscious has opened up a new
set of frontiers for me to explore. Thank you very much. Your program is
comprehensive and well-integrated. I think a great many people believe the mind-
body connection, but can't fathom HOW. Your program definitely provides the how.
The body really IS in the mind. - J. L. (U.S.)

* STORY #9: Just to let you know that I have experienced results. I have grown
from 5' 7.5" to 5' 8.5". I will keep you updated on my progress. Thank you for all
your help. - K. K. (U.S.)

* STORY #10: I have been working with Grow Taller Program for 10 months now
and have gained 5 inches and will continue working until I gain few more inches. I
would also like to mention that I consider myself to be a good Christian and that I
believe that my faith in God has helped me a great deal to experience the results.
After all, I do believe that with God all things are possible. - H. H. (U.S.)

* STORY #11: I have managed to grow two inches taller (was 4ft 9" now 4ft
11"!!!) and have managed to stay at that height. I would like to grow at least a
couple of inches taller, but I am very happy with the progress I have made! I think
once pass 5ft I will be extremely happy. Thank you for all your support Laura. I
wouldn't have done it if I hadn't had all that advice from you. A. S. (Australia)

- Source:

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