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Since everyone is starting a board about this I decided to as well.

I am Alina and
I am 19 years old. Currently I am 5'9 and I want to grow two inches to be 5'11.
Through positive thoughts, affirmations, and mediation I will gain those two
I think the biggest thing to achieving any affirmation is to let go and be

I grew! I am now 5'10! I am so happy it is amazing. I find the biggest thing that
helped me where I am was to live the life as if I was the height I desired. That
means buying tights for 5'11 and pants and shirts and so forth. What did you have
planned to do once you reached your height? Do all those things now

Yes! Live as if you have it. And I learned this by my one example of wanting to
take this course but it was full. I couldn't get in, it had been full for the past
five days and the deadline was that night. So I was like well I will look up the
textbooks I need for the course, sent out a few emails for used textbooks, looked
up where the class is and what time of day it is...and day and then I went to look
and it was available! This is where I thought it could apply to anything. Affirm
and then act as if it has already happened. Do everything you would do if it
happened tomorrow.

I started this in September. But I have always been researching about meditation
and so forth. I collected a bunch of articles to support and then just read...I
have read so many blogs + articles + and formulated my own method.
I do want to model (:

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