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Like many, I have wanted to be taller.

I had the same problem that many do which

was how can I visualize my desired height when I'm constantly provided feedback
that I'm not that height. I decided to try breaking up my desire to be taller into
smaller increments. For example, I was 5'9", and I wanted to be 6'4". Instead I
focused on just the next inch or half inch. For me, that cut through my inability
to believe I was taller. It is a lot easier to believe that you're an inch taller
than several inches taller. And then your body is that tall.

This might not have been the fastest way to get taller, but it worked for me. Over
the last year and a half I grew to 6'4" like I wanted. I was able to believe I was
that much taller and each time more height manifested in my body.

I hope this can help those of you who are seeking to be taller.

Yes, I'm 6'4" now. (If you want to get super accurate, I'm a small fraction of an
inch over 6'4" but that's barely worth mentioning.) I was 22 when I started. I'm
23 now and will be 24 in a few months.

Being 6'4' is amazing. Unless you have a particular attachment to 6'2", I would
recommend growing to 6'4" instead.

I simply made the intention and let it go. Before I broke this down into small
increments, I was visualizing myself at 6'4" and got absolutely nowhere. The
problem with visualizing yourself several inches taller, in my opinion, is that
there are too many possibilities for feedback that convinces you that you aren't
that tall. That's why it's good to break down your growth into inch or half inch
increments since it becomes more difficult to receive that feedback. At that point
visualization is not necessary, in my opinion.

By contrast, am I right that you mean the contrast of being one height when acting
like I'm another? I'm assuming that is what you mean. This is why breaking it
down into smaller increments helps. If I tried straight for 6'4" at 5'9" I would
be running into situation after situation where it was clear I was still 5'9". But
instead, 5'10" doesn't have most of those problems since it is only an inch away.
You can explain away any remaining situations due to the small amount. That also
means less bad days since you can't lose what you already gained.

Also, each inch (of half inch or whatever amount you use) becomes an
accomplishment. Every additional inch becomes that much easier since you know you
have already grown. If there is a setback, you always have to inches you have
already grown.

I wouldn't call this a "meditative practice" or a "daily ritual", but as I grew I

would think about how I was wearing larger clothes, particularly once I was in the
tall sizes, or how I made it past 6 feet (once I did). For all intents and
purposes, those sorts of things are just simple acceptance.

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