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Wake up my beauties..

rise and shine it’s a brand new day and the mortal world is at peace, let’s see
what we have here.. * look at the globe *

What a lovely and peaceful world we have. But not for long, I pulled one tiny thread and their whole
world unrevealed in the chaos.. glorious chaos *act like you pulled a thread*

Oh *look at ma’am* , Hello there, human, How long have you been there?*evil smile* Do you want to
see how I put the world into chaos? I would loveee to show you how.. just like how I destroy the Island
of Syracuse *look in your nails*. Interested? *look back to ma’am* Do you want to hear the story?
*walk softly*

*evil laugh.. ughh*

*pretend to pour some wine* There was this book they called.. *sip the wine* what is that again???
Hmmm.. gooshh… brain *roll eyes* ohh.. it is called “The Book of Peace” UGH.. PEACE *roll eyes*

This book of peace is a sacred treasure of the city of Syracuse of which its power was used to keep the
chaotic powers of Eris (Oh, that’s me, how cute) *pretend to look in the mirror*

So in order to plunge chaos into Syracuse I need to get the book, and to get it I planned everything up.
There were this 2 best friend who is a noble *act like a noble* and a sailor *act as a sailor*, Proteus and
Sinbad. Sinbad was on his way to steal the book of peace from Proteus *act something* , but
unfortunately, I ordered one of my sea monsters to also steal the book. But surprisingly, Sinbad killed
my sea monster *act to kill the monster*. Arghh..

Sinbad is a man who is brave, so cute, and so gullible.

ERIS: The day began with such promise and now look my sea monster is dead and I still don’t have the
book of peace. All because of you Sinbad.

SINBAD: uh-huh, and you are?

ERIS: Eris, the goddess of discord. No doubt you’ve seen my likeness on the temple walls
SINBAD: Right, right. I’m sorry about that. I don’t suppose a heartfelt apology would do
ERIS: *Evil Laugh* Heartfelt? From you? Sinbad you don’t have a heart, ugh, that’s what I like about you.

We make a deal and he goes

SINBAD: Hmm.. You let me live, you make me rich I retired to paradise. So far I don’t see a downside “if”
you keep your word.

ERIS: Sinbad when a goddess gives her word she’s bound for all eternity *write a cross in your chest*

HUMANS.. It is all just as I planned to steal the book of peace and destroy them. Sinbad was part of my
plan, but Sinbad is also unpredictable. When he reached my realm, *Sinbad shock* we made another
deal, and unfortunately, he fulfilled what he said. Everything was going perfectly, but that little
cockroach ruined it... ARGHH!

*fix myself* *deep breath* I admit I’ve lost that time but I will never make that happen again. *TURN

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