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IOQM Mock 1

piyush kumar jha

August 04, 2023

The Mock is designed as per the recent pattern of IOQM, the level of
problems are same as that of harder IOQM in recent years, Answer to all
problems ranges from 0-99 and the Maximum time to complete this mock is
3hours. Be honest with yourself towards this Mock, Happy Solving!

1 2 markers 1

2 3 Markers 2

3 5 Markers 3

§1 2 markers
Problem 1.1. In how many ways can 12 identical pencils be distributed among four
children if each gets at least 1 pencil and not more than 4 pencil’s?
114 + 1004 + 1114
Problem 1.2. If Γ = . Find Sum of digits of Γ
Problem 1.3. There is a rectangle ABCD such that AB = 12 and BC = 7. E and
F lie on sides AB and CD respectively such that EB = 1 and FCF 1
D = 2 . Call X the
intersection of AF and DE. What is the area of pentagon BCF XE?
Problem 1.4. Let S be the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) of integer solutions to the
6x2 + y 2 + 6x = 3xy + 6y + x2 y.
S contains a unique ordered pair (a, b) with a maximal value of b. Compute a + b.
Problem 1.5. Suppose two circles Ω1 and Ω2 with centers O1 and O2 have radii 3 and
4, respectively. Suppose that points A and B lie on circles Ω1 and Ω2 , respectively,
such that segments AB and O1 O2 intersect and that AB is tangent to Ω1 and Ω2 . If
O1 O2 = 25, find the area of quadrilateral O1 AO2 B.

piyush kumar jha — August 04, 2023 IOQM Mock 1

O1 O2

Problem 1.6. Sophie German rolls a six-sided die six times, and notices that the results
satisfy the following conditions:

• She rolled a 6 exactly three times;

• The product of her first three rolls is the same as the product of her last three rolls.

How many distinct sequences of six rolls could Sophie have rolled?
Problem 1.7. Let A and B be digits between 0 and 9, and suppose that the product of
the two-digit numbers AB and BA is equal to k. Given that k + 1 is a multiple of 101,
find Sum of digits of k.
Problem 1.8. Gauss is at the point (3, 3) in the coordinate plane. Every second, he can
move one unit up or one unit right, but he may never visit points where the x and y
coordinates are both composites. Denote W to be the number of ways he can reach the
point (20, 13) , find ⌊ W
7 ⌋.

Problem 1.9. Find the integer n ≥ 48 for which the number of trailing zeros in the
decimal representation of n! is exactly n − 48.
Problem 1.10. In △ABC, points E and F lie on AC, AB, respectively. Denote by
P the intersection of BE and CF . Compute the maximum possible area of △ABC if
P B = 14, P C = 4, P E = 7, P F = 2.

§2 3 Markers
Problem 2.1. Find the positive integer N for which there exist reals α, β, γ, θ which

0.1 = sin γ cos θ sin α,

0.2 = sin γ sin θ cos α,
0.3 = cos γ cos θ sin β,
0.4 = cos γ sin θ cos β,
0.5 ≥ |N − 100 cos 2θ| .

Problem 2.2. Let N be the 3-digit number whose ratio with the sum of its digits is
minimal, Evaluate Sum of digits of N .
Problem 2.3. It is given an acute triangle ABC , AB ̸= AC where the feet of altitude
from A its H. In the extensions of the sides AB and AC (in the direction of B and C)
we take the points P and Q respectively such that HP = HQ and the points B, C, P, Q
are concyclic. Find the ratio HP
HA .

piyush kumar jha — August 04, 2023 IOQM Mock 1

Problem 2.4. How many couples of natural numbers (a, b) not relatively prime (gcd(a, b) ̸=
1) are there such that:

gcd(a, b) + 9 lcm[a, b] + 9(a + b) = 7ab.

Problem 2.5. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and let N be the number of functions f from
set A to set A such that f (f (x)) is a constant function. Find the remainder when N is
divided by 10.
√ √
Problem 2.6. Let ABC be a triangle such that AB = 10, BC = 4, and CA = 3 2.
Circle ω has diameter BC, with center at O. Extend the altitude from A to BC to hit ω
at P and P ′ , where AP < AP ′ . Suppose line P ′ O intersects AC at X. Given that P X
√ √
can be expressed as m n − p, where n and p are squarefree, find m + n + p.
Problem 2.7. Let ⌊x⌋ denote the greatest integer function and {x} = x − ⌊x⌋ denote
the fractional
p of x. Let 1 ≤ x1 < . . . < x100 be the 100 smallest values of x ≥ 1 such
that ⌊x⌋⌊x ⌋ + {x}{x3 } = x2 . Compute:

 !
 50 1 

 k=1
x22k − x22k−1 

 

 100 

Problem 2.8. Let S be a regular 18-gon, and for two vertices in S define the distance
between them to be the length of the shortest path along the edges of S between them
(e.g. adjacent vertices have distance 1). Let C be the number of ways to choose three

distinct vertices from S such that no two of them have distances 1, 8, or 9. Find ⌊ C⌋
Problem 2.9. A circle is centered at point O in the plane. Distinct pairs of points A, B
and C, D are diametrically opposite on this circle. Point P is chosen on line segment
AD such that line BP hits the circle again at M and line AC at X such that M is
the midpoint of P X. Now, the point Y ̸= X is taken for BX = BY, CD ∥ XY . IF
∠P Y B = 10◦ , find the measure of ∠XCM .
Problem 2.10. Let a1 = 1 and an+1 = an · pn for n ≥ 1 where pn is the nth prime
number, starting with p1 = 2. Let τ (x) be equal to the number of divisors of x. Find the
remainder when
τ (d)
n=1 d|an

is divided by 91 for positive integers d. Recall that d|an denotes that d divides an .

§3 5 Markers
Problem 3.1. Let p > 13 be a prime which leaves the remainder 1 when divided by 146.
Find the number of ordered pairs of integers (m, n) such that 0 ≤ m < n < p − 1 and

3m + (−12)m ≡ 3n + (−12)n (mod p).

Problem 3.2. Let ω, ω1 , ω2 be three mutually tangent circles such that ω1 , ω2 are
externally tangent at P , ω1 , ω are internally tangent at A, and ω, ω2 are internally

piyush kumar jha — August 04, 2023 IOQM Mock 1

tangent at B. Let O, O1 , O2 be the centers of ω, ω1 , ω2 , respectively. Given that X is the

foot of the perpendicular from P to AB, if ∠O1 XP = 29◦ , Compute ∠O2 XP .
Problem 3.3. Let x1 = 1 and define x2 , x3 , . . . by xn+1 = x2n − 2 for n ≥ 1. Assume
that no xn is 0 and define a number A, 0 ≤ A ≤ 1 in the following way: The nth digit
after the decimal point in the binary representation of A is a 0 if x1 x2 · · · xn is positive
and 1 otherwise. Find A1 .
Problem 3.4. How many 8 digit Natural numbers are there whose digits are from the
set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} which are divisible by 275?

(Note: Digits are not allowed to be repeated)

Problem 3.5. A stick is defined as a 1 × k or k × 1 rectangle for any integer k ≥ 1. We
wish to partition the cells of a 2022 × 2022 chessboard into m non-overlapping sticks,
such that any two of these m sticks share at most one unit of the perimeter. Find the
remainder when 2024 is divided by the smallest m for which this is possible.
Problem 3.6. Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB ∥ CD and AD = BD. Let M be the
midpoint of AB, and let P = ̸ C be the second intersection of the circumcircle of △BCD
and the diagonal AC. Suppose that BC = 27, CD = 25, and AP = 10. If M P = ab for
relatively prime positive integers a and b, compute a + b.
Problem 3.7. Let O and A be two points in the plane with OA = 30, and let Γ be a
circle with center O and radius r. Suppose that there exist two points B and C on Γ
with ∠ABC = 90◦ and AB = BC. Compute the minimum possible value of ⌊r⌋.
Problem 3.8. It is well-known that the nth triangular number can be given by the
formula n(n+1)
2 . A Pythagorean triple of square numbers is an ordered triple (a, b, c) such
that a + b = c2 . Let a Pythagorean triple of triangular numbers (a PTTN) be an
2 2

ordered triple of positive integers (a, b, c) such that a ≤ b < c and

a(a + 1) b(b + 1) c(c + 1)

+ = .
2 2 2
For instance, (3, 5, 6) is a PTTN (6 + 15 = 21). Here we call both a and b legs of the
PTTN. Find the smallest natural number n such that n is a leg of at least six distinct
Problem 3.9. Find the real number k such that a, b, c, and d are real numbers that
satisfy the system of equations

abcd = 3023,

a = 55 + k + a,

b = 55 − k + b,

c = 55 + k − c,

d = 55 − k − d.

Problem 3.10. Suppose a, b, and c are three complex numbers with product 1. Assume
that none of a, b, and c are real or have absolute value 1. Define

piyush kumar jha — August 04, 2023 IOQM Mock 1
1 1 1 a b c
p = (a + b + c) + + + and q = + + . Given that both p and q
a b c b c a
are real numbers, find the sum of all possible values of p − q.

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