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We are goal diggers because we never stop working towards our goals no matter how hard the consequences and

situation may be. We dig in and do the work to be the person we strive to be. We are ambitious and we are clear of the
things we want.


Camille Angel S. Crisostomo Elicah Jane Pablo Karyme Madamba Chlesley Asuncion

Christine Yadao Gerwynking Miguel Ralph Cabotage Kimberlin Calamayan

Faye Valerie Ladio Christine Sagaysay 2 Angelica Cudal Samira Tolentino

Being inside a room A Church where most GREEN
A plant, which almost all
represents personal space people love to visit and people around the world
and peace to someone enjoy ambience at night loves to buy and take care


Leaf is a symbolic of
Hang out with friends
The person in the Drinking water is fertility and growth,
after class is the best
mirror is your only essential to a healthy it depicts hope,
thing to do to free
competitor lifestyle renewal and revival.
yourself from stress

Happiness is lying in a field SO DELICIOUS.
Every 1st birthday themed-
of wildflowers and SO YUMMY.
party, unicorn
watching the clouds

People who are attended Technology is part of our life
birthday party even if it’s not now, people cannot live
invited without it

Spend time with the
People come and go.
Lord. Talk to him and
Live your life to the
your life becomes
Stay focused. Be inspired. Believe in Lots of bags makes some girls
yourself, your dreams will come true happy


Food makes everyone happy. Food
makes everyone healthy.


1. Describe your experience during the activity. What did you feel as you were taking pictures?
2. Would it have been easier to do the challenge if you were personally with your group members? What are
some problems encountered by the group?
3. Despite the distance, was there any member that showed leadership as you were doing the activity? What
are some characteristics that this person possessed?
4. Make a group reflection

Camille Angel S. Crisostomo

1. As I was doing the activity, I was mesmerized of how beautiful the surroundings and felt amazed as I was
able to appreciate the creature of God. I was happy because I was able to free myself from stress by just
doing a simple photography and it also gave me an experience of the struggles of a photography may
2. Yes, it would have been easier if we did our activity personally because we could be able to share some
thoughts and ideas about the different categories of the things we will capture. It would have been easier for
us to finish the challenge immediately and it would be a great help for us to produce a better outcome of the
picture. The problems that I have encountered as I was doing the activity was that some of my group
members don’t clearly understand how we are going to do the activity even though I have explained it many
times already. I also encountered poor internet connection which was the reason I can’t save the pictures
quickly. Some of them also don’t have cooperation because they do not answer to the questions asked in
our group chat and they don’t share clear and specific ideas.
3. Yes, I may not be fully assigned to become the leader but I made myself clear as I assigned each one of them
to do the things that they will do. I became responsible and productive throughout the activity. I was able to
focused myself as I was the one who did almost all of our activity.
4. Being a leader wasn’t that hard and easy either. Despite being far from each other, we were still able to
come up with a good photography and I am happy because I never thought that we would be this close
already. I just hope that this pandemic will be over so we could do more of these so that we could
experience doing school requirements together.

Christine Yadao

1. It felt great by the picture.

2. Yes it is much easier when we are on our group personally because there are some internet problems that
we encountered.
3. Yes there is one in our group who showed us what a true leader.
4. Despite this new normal that we are in right now, we cannot deny the fact that we did our best doing the
activity, we know that it is much more enjoyable if we did it personally

Faye Valerine Ladio

1. For me, I experience hardness because I don’t know how exactly how can I take the picture challenge and
get a perfect angle of those picture challenges and some of the topic challenge you need to take the action
and you need a human to take the pictures.
2. Yes, it easy to do the photo challenge if our group mates is together with us and it would be help each other
to do and we finish quickly and less encountered problems not this online class we get encountered a
problems like how we handle to do the challenge or who also act or take the picture.
3. Yes, some of my group mates they showed a leadership to have a good outcome those pic challenge or our
activity and some of their characteristics; one is have has a trust in his teammates to do the challenge and
communicate effectively.

Christine Sagaysay

1. My experience was fine. I felt good as I was able to communicate with my group mates despite the distance
we have. I look forward to more activities like this.
2. Yes, for me, it would be easier to do the task if I was with my group members because we could be able to
collaborate on the different ideas that each of us have and I think if we were together, we would be able to
understand each idea well as we could be able to express it well. Some of the problems that we have
encountered is that we doesn't have this kind of good communication to tackle about things that we need in
the said task.
3. Yes, there were some members who showed leadership despite the distance. They have showed qualities
like good communication, understanding, and self-awareness. The people who showed leadership made
sure that every member must have a good communication so the information may be understood well.
Next, understand, despite the fact that distance was there, the leaders showed understanding and made
sure to test and assess themselves so they may be aware of what they are doing.
4. Photography is an art as well as a science. It's an art, because to see the concealed elegance, you have to
reach deep into your imagination. It is also a science because to take a perfect picture, you should know the
correct angles and techniques and must be more than familiar with your camera. Photography helps us to
communicate our thoughts and feelings. It is however, just as important to learn about the creative aspect of

Samira Tolentino

1. While I was doing my activity I experience fun but it was a bit difficult because I'm not very good taking
photos, that's one of the things that made it difficult for me even though I learned a lot doing our activity.
When I was taking pictures it feels good even if you don't do it often and I'm not that good at taking pictures.
2. Yes it is easier for me to be with my group mates to do our activities because that is what we are used to and
you become more active when you get together. There are also problems with the groups such as not
providing information or not contributing to the group. These are common group problems.
3. In our group, there is no obvious leader, each one of us at some point, and discovered our own capacity for
leadership. We are all very good listeners for what is needed in the moment, and expressed ideas.
4. In our group, we all know how to cooperate so it is not difficult for us even if we have not met in person and
to make the outcome of our activity better we also provide our own thoughts, feelings and opinions about
our topic so that we can all understand each other. It's a way to build trust in our group and nothing good
will happen if you do not help each other.

Angelica Cudal

1. I feel comfortable and relax when I’m taking pictures because it makes my heart and soul feel better in
taking pictures and is also to make memories how beautiful in our world.
2. The challenges I have encountered in transformational group work and strategies used to overcome these
3. Yes, one of our group member showed leadership to our Group Activity She share what are the needs that
we need to put up to our photography challenge just to accomplish our activity.

Elicah Pablo

1. When I'm doing the activity I experience the seriousness in me and I just feel that I am making a memory and
freezing all the details I want to capture.
2. It is easier to do the challenge when the group members meet personally because everybody will participate
and have an individual cooperation and I encountered some problems in my group (1) Some members don't
have cooperation (2) Some members difficult to understand the task (3) We are unable to communicate

3. There is a member who showed leadership on doing the activity and some characteristics that the person
possessed are kind, patient, and hardworking.
4. We worked effectively together even though our situation nowadays was hard. We shared some ideas
helping our co-member to understand the task it was fun having a group like this because sharing our ideas
we learn a lesson and have a knowledge on it.

Chlesley Asuncion

1. It depends on what I am photographing. Sometimes it is physical pain other sometimes it is insecurity. I can
use the camera to shield myself from the world or I can use it to give myself confidence. In all seriousness I
do love photography and I love it even more when my results are what I had planned.
2. Yes because teamwork makes the dream work, but sometimes it can be a challenge. Especially when good
teamwork is all about connecting with teammates, with the work and with a common goal or purpose. And
group work can be useful in helping you to deepen your knowledge and understanding issues. Managing
group can be tough. If you’re having problems with your group, it’s better to deal with them as they arise
this will stop them from escalating and will help get your group back on track sometimes, your group may
misunderstand each other or communicate negatively. This can lead to group members will not understand
what they need to and misinterpret what’s being discussed.


1. Give new meaning to the acronym SERVICE that is related to community development. Explain its meaning
2. Identify activities that you can do in your community for each of the dimensions of development
3. What are your top priorities amongst the different dimensions of development? Explain

Camille Angel S. Crisostomo

 SUCCEED – a goal/dream of every individual is not just to succeed in their respective life but to succeed as a
whole community because this will make the community peaceful and happy.
 ENTHUSIASTIC – we need to have enjoyment and interest in doing our duties and responsibilities in our
community to produce a better/desired outcome of our actions.
 RESPONSIBLE – being responsible is one of the most important attitude a person can have, because being
responsible shows keeping our promises and honoring our commitment.
 VOW – as an individual, we have to pledge a solemn promise to do every duties and responsibilities in our
 IMAGINATIVE – when serving a community, we should have the ability to show creativeness a
resourcefulness in order to achieve/produce a significant goal.
 CARING – we don’t just serve a community but we also care for its people. It shows kindness, concern, and
gives emotional support to others.
 EFFECTIVE – being effective in every community service is also being helpful because we are being present
and at duty.

Activities that I can do under:

 SAFETY AND SECURITY – teach the basic duck, cover, and hold for awareness in case of earthquake, report
an incident or suspicious activity.
 EDUCATION – tutoring during weekends, finishing all the requirements.
 RECREATION – participating to sports fest in the community.

 VALUES FORMATION AND MORAL RECOVERY – respecting one another, knows the dos and don’ts, being
responsible of all the duties and responsibilities.
 INDUSTRY AND ENTREPRENUERSHIP – supporting and promoting local businesses.
 CARE FOR HEALTH – participating in a nutrition month program, sharing knowledge about health-related
 ENVIRONMENT – helping in the Oplan Dalus, segregation of waste, and planting of trees.
 Among the different dimensions of development, my top three priorities are Education, Environment and
Care for Health. Education is my first top and most important priority because as an individual, I have and I
need to finish my studies in order to help myself and to have a better life and the knowledge that I have will
help me serve my community better. My second top priority is environment because this is a shelter and a
beautiful surroundings that God gave to his creatures to live in. As a creature of God, I need to take good
care of my environment by cleaning, segregating, and planting more trees. It is my responsibility and
obligation to show love and care to my environment because this somehow shows my appreciation to the
gift of our Almighty God. My last top priority in the dimensions of development is care for health. This is very
important because as a member of a certain community, I need to make efforts to maintain a physical,
mental, and emotional well-being of every individual in my community and this will also ensure their safety
and security. A care for health should be prioritize because this is also a way to a healthy living.

Faye Valerine Ladio

 SOCIAL- to give meaning to the services that is being done in the country
 ECONOMY- to strengthen to give power to the rules that is being implemented in the
 Community
 RESOURCES- to protect the things that is valuable to the economy with community service
 VALUE- to know every person’s value
 INCOME- to make progress in every effort that is being accomplished
 CHANGE- for the betterment and reputation for community
 EMPLOYMENT- to give people the benefit and progress in the community

2. For me is, General community service ideas because I want to more than hard work to clean up our local
park or playground in our community to avoid illness like dengue. And I want to encourage the youth to
plant trees, flowers, or other plants to have an attractive in our community or barangay and to look
wonderful. I want also to encourage the youth to have a fundraising event like donate the obsolete clothes,
foods, medicine, and more to the people who facing a poor or a typhoon in their places. I want also to
recycle a plastic bottle or cartoon to make a flower plastic or Christmas tree during Christmas month or to
make design like a flower to display beside the road.
3. My three top priorities for dimensions for development is Environmental, Human rights, Sustainability I
choose this three priorities because this three is important why? Because, environmental to save our mother
earth and have a good air to breathe and to take care our environmental. Every human being is inherited
with their rights no matter what they caste, gender, or economic status, and more. They belong to human
rights is important to us we need an equally treated. We need also, to respect, responsibility and more for
this. And last is sustainability because in our environmental or economic we need to maintain cleanliness to
avoid dengue in our community.

Samira Tolentino

 S- The society is where we live, we and the society should act as one unit. We should always think how to
give back, how to take care and how to maintain peace in the society.
 E- The rise and fall of the economy have a very big impact in our everyday live. Students of CWTS is expected
to demonstrate skills and develop products which is helpful for economic growth.
 R- We should respect everyone, respect yourself as you respect others. Respect aims to promote equality in
any level of the society. There should be an acceptance in each individual differences.
 V- Every student should be heard. Voice is very important to address issues and to solve problems. Let the
voice of the youth be an instrument of change and way to help those who are afraid to speak.
 In everything we do we should think of the outcome. Small act of kindness can have a very big impact to
others. Let's all have a positive impact in the society by doing good things.
 C- Creativity can be shown in every aspect of life. Student should always think outside the box. Don't be
afraid to try new things, to explore and to be Better citizen of the society.
 E- the Earth is our only home. Every CWTS students should be a guardian of the earth and be model of how
to take care of the environment.
 S- Be a volunteer in the community.
 E- I'll Will help the young one how to read and write. And help them when they can't understand their lesson
 R- I will be active in joining and promoting sports fest in our barangay. I will also conduct some parlor games
for kids.
 V- I will be a good model of how it is to be good leader by showing initiative in doing charity works. I will also
invite some speakers to the community so that we can share to young ones the important of having a good
values and leadership skills.
 I will promote our local product using social media.
 C- Providing first aid assistance to those who are in need.
 E- I will join oplan dalus in our barangay.
3. Values Formation and moral recovery, Education and Environment are my top priorities. We need to be
educated in order to educate others so that we will rise as one community. Values Formation is very
important, we should always be on point with the way we act. And caring for the environment is a must, the
nature can go on without humans, but we can't live without nature, we are born as Steward of the Earth not
someone who will just destroy it.


1. Define what is a nation in your own perspective

2. What are the critical issues we are facing as a nation and its communities?
3. What is citizenship and how can it help you make a real and lasting difference in your own life and the
life of your community?
4. What kind of citizen would you like to be?
5. Imagine the Philippine nation. What for you is an ideal Philippines? What can we do for our ideal
Philippines? (POSTER)
6. Write a commitment statement to personal responsibility for the welfare of ourselves, our families and
our neighbors.

Christine Sagaysay

1. A large group of people living in a specific nation or territory, united by shared ancestry, history, culture, or
2. Global Health and Primary Education of Children. The welfare of children and education go hand in hand.
Child malnutrition leads to permanent physiological injury. Children who are hungry and unable to focus,
thus unable to learn. Because of hunger, children who go chronically hungry for long periods of time can
experience challenges in their learning abilities and concentration. This suggests that they will not be able to
fulfill their academic or professional potential.
3. Citizenship is the status of living in a community along with the rights duties and privileges that we citizen
have. It helps you to know your responsibilities as well and as a citizen, it will help me learn through the

different experiences I had and that would help me grow to be a better version of myself, thus adding up a
success to the community.
4. A citizen that will lead the community into progress.
5. For me, my ideal is to have delicious food in the Philippines, vibrant and enjoyable festivals, ridiculously nice
people and finally, Filipinos welcome everyone with open arms. What I can do for our ideal Philippines is set
a good example for others, especially for children, protecting the environment, promoting local products and
crafts, and finally practicing patriotism.
6. I will study so that I would be able to reach my dreamed profession, I will use it not only to my own progress
but also to others.

Faye Valerine Ladio

1. For me, nation is a large group of people who inhabit a specific territory who are connected by history,
culture, or another commonality.
2. Nowadays, we facing critical issues about COVID-19 pandemic because some of our nations they are losing
their jobs and some of malls or fast-food are bankrupt this pandemic and many people died.
3. Citizenship is one who have specific rights and obligations within a political unit such as being a citizen of a
other country or a state.
4. Filipino why? I am proud to be citizen of Philippines. In way back 18s some of our heroes they fight our
country to the terrorism of other country who wants to destroy our country.
5. I want my country to leading the tops’ country in the world and I want also to clean in the capital city of
Philippines and I want to encourage the youth to have a genuine knowledge to do things in how throwing a
garbage in proper drum and I wants also to help the poor people and have a genuine and builds a plan to
have a family.
6. For me, respect other’s rights and their own religious beliefs why? If we have this respect from ourselves and
our family and they treat in our neighbors they give it also to us respect in our rights and even our own
religious beliefs are not the same but we have a good sociable to the others.

Samira Tolentino

1. A nation is not a place where everyone is the same. A nation ideally is a place, where different people of
different faiths, nationalities and cultural backgrounds co-exist with mutual respect towards each other and
a governing body. Critic issues we face as a nation are any externalities that may disrupt our quality of life
and process to development and a healthy proportion of economic equity. In our day to day lives, we see
these threats as results of a lack of education of awareness. This could manifest as drug abuse, gang violence
and even prejudice that stem from hatred. The only way to combat these issues is through communication
and education and I think these are the two factors that play a major role in maintaining peace and
expanding as a nation.
3. Citizenship is a literal claim on a country your parents may be from, you grew up in or happen to call home.
Citizenship is not dependent on race or religion, but is dependent upon the connections you have to the
country you wish to claim, in return for them claiming you as a member of that nation. It is vital for every
human being to have this sense of being accounted for, as well as the economic and tangible benefits that
allow a human to access at least the most basic physiological needs.
4. I am proud of my Filipino citizenship, however, I do see myself being a global citizen. With family all over the
world, I hope to be exposed to new cultures and people, while representing my country with my set of
morals and acceptance that I have for everybody. I chose to study hospitality because I love learning about
new places, and new people. And this industry needs people who are as committed as I am to learning and
absorbing the experiences and ideas of people I meet every day to make me a well-rounded person. In
addition to this, with modern technology we are able to access the experiences of people all over the world
which is why it is easier than ever to be a global citizen.

5. In order to have our ideal Philippines, all changes we make have to come from within. First, our mentality
needs to be in check. This means getting rid of any prejudice or hatred or any archaic ideas. Then we need to
make an active effort to serve ourselves. When we serve ourselves, and work to make a living, it is important
to ensure that we are taking responsibility and accountability for dependents in society. Maybe a family
member who is struggling, or a friend who needs some help. Next we need to look at the greater nation,
what does my country need? The Philippines is currently undergoing rapid development and there is a
demand for people that are educated in tourism and culture as this will be the basis of many business
interactions that will attract outside investments into our economy and boosting our GDP. When our GDP is
growing at a steady rate, we need to take into account human development. Is everyone getting their fair
share? Are those who are unable to take care of themselves being accounted for? That is the mentality we
need to have to develop as a nation.
6. I promise to always strive to do better. I know that valuing my education and having my strong set of morals,
is what will allow me to travel through life only leaving positive imprints. Even if each one of us creates a
single positive ripple in this life, it will have a butterfly effect elsewhere.
Chlesley Asuncion
1. A nation is a stable community of people formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history,
ethnicity, or a common culture. A nation has also been defined as a cultural-political community that has
become conscious of its autonomy, unity and particular interest.
2. High population growth rate, unemployment, gender inequality are some of the biggest challenges in our
3. A citizenship is a participatory member of a political community. Citizenship is gained by meeting the legal
requirements of national, state, or local government. Citizenship is a legal status that means a person has a
right to live in a state and that state cannot refuse them entry or deport them. Moreover, as well as a legal,
citizenship can also indicate a subjective feeling of identity and social relations of reciprocity and
5. Life in the Philippines could be prosperous if only Filipinos live within their means. Our country are wallowing
in rich natural resources but populated mostly poor people. But we have a quality of life that we can hardly
proud of it. There are plenty of struggles and challenges when one lives in Philippines. There are many
calamities; the price of food, medicine, fuel, electricity, education and etc. But then, there's no place like
home and Philippines is where my heart is. I love to live here. As the song goes "ang sarap dito". My dream
for my country us for it, to become prosperous and peaceful and a pacesetter in all aspects of nationhood in
the world. We have resources - both human and natural- to become a great nation, if only all of us would put
our minds and hearts into getting this country to where it belongs. Our leaders bungle everything to extent
that the world looks at us with disdain. But i have hope that my dream will still come true somewhere in
time, for our people are now beginning to wake up and are now getting fed up with all the shame we have
been made to suffer.

Christine Yadao

1. A nation is a group of people who share the same culture, language, institution, religion and history.
2. Usually it's politics that's the big problem in the Philippines. The country is divided with the opposition who
has been very critical of the President since 2016.
3. Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law of a sovereign nation. It usually
carries the recognition of civil, political and social rights of a person. By exercising our rights and knowing
that it comes with great responsibility in asserting these rights. It affects all things related in these rights.
4. I would like to be a law-abiding citizen who is concerned of the socio-economic rights. To preserve peace and
order. Pay your taxes. Exercise your right of suffrage as you deem what is right not who is popular. Do
community service and volunteer for activities that do well to the people as a whole not just for a certain

5. An ideal Philippines for me is that it would be from politics. Some groups are just concern of their political
party but not the citizenry nor the country itself. As an individual I can help in the community. Join groups
that are civic oriented but not political.
6. I commit myself to exercise my right to vote without fear of threats. I commit to pay my taxes. I commit to
help maintain peace and order in my barangay. I commit to volunteerism. Do my part in keeping my
community clean and garbage free.

Angelica Cudal Elicah Pablo


1. List down the good citizenship values reflected in the Preamble of 1987 and explain each
2. Define self-awareness and its implication to community
3. Make a Johari Window and its components: A. the Open Self (represents the information that you know
about yourself and others know about you) B. The Blind Self (information about yourself that others
know but you do not) C. The Unknown Self (parts of yourself about which neither you nor others know)
D. The Hidden Self (all that you know of yourself that keep hidden from others). Collate you experience
in making your own Johari Window
4. Explain the areas of how to understand the self
5. List down as many as you can Filipino values and try to define each value

Camille Angel Crisostomo


 Build a Humane Society - this is providing equal opportunities for everyone, no matter what they choose to
do and their capabilities
 Promote the common good - this refers to the policies, decisions, and actions that are beneficial to all
members of the community and also promote social harmony, cooperation, and citizenship among citizens
 Conserve and develop our patrimony - this tells what the Filipino people are striving for, what they spire to
be, and what they believe in
 Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love, Equity, Peace - these are very important aspects to the Filipino people
because these shows how they treat and show respect to each other. The impact of having a good attitude is
like showing people your positive looks in life. You can help others to be happy with what they do if you
show them your smile and you're easy to be with. Because life is easier if your outlook in life is positive and
you have the right attitude towards it.
 Imploring the aid of the Almighty God - we Filipinos are Godly. We believe and trust God that he is with us.
He always reminds us to see the beauty in whatever and everything that we do.


 Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, and emotions do or don't
align with your internal standards. If you're highly self-aware in your community, you can objectively
evaluate yourself, manage your emotion, align your behavior with your values, and understand correctly
how others perceive you.


 The Open Self - Genuine, Lovable, Caring, Fun & easy to be with, Reliable, Trustworthy, Dedicated, Stingy
 The Blind Self - Clingy
 The Unknown Self - Forgiving, Possessive
 The Hidden Self - Dramatic, Crybaby


 Open Self - this shows the behavior, motives, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of an individual that he/she is
aware of and is willing to share with others. It is characterized as a state wherein the individual is open and
straight-forward to him/herself and others about what he/she is doing, how he/she is doing, and what are
his/her intentions.
 Blind Self - this shows the state of an individual known to others but not known to him. It usually happens,
when an individual or subject copies the behavior of some significant personalities unconsciously since his
 Hidden Self - this shows the state of an individual known to him but not known to others. This is generally
seen in an individual who is introverted and does not like to share their private lives with anyone. The
individual keeps his feelings, ideas, or thoughts to himself and does not disclose them in front of others.
 Unknown Self - the unknown self is the mysterious state of an individual neither known to him nor do others
know about it. Often the feelings, thoughts, or ideas go so deep down the individual that it becomes difficult
to understand them.

Faye Valerine Ladio

 Love-to maintain that we need for love in the face for divisions and conflict that take place among our
 Freedom-You have a powerful to act, think and speak that you want as one a hindrance or restraint.
 Equality- Even we have not the same gender, beliefs, nations and more we have to provides a quality status
and opportunity to all the people in country and less discrimination
 Faith in almighty God-having unlimited power; omnipotent, as God. Having very great power, influence, and
more. The almighty press condemned him without trial.

 For me, self-awareness is when you have a better understanding of ourselves that we are able to experience
ourselves as unique person and separate individuals

 My open self as a teenager is a caring person and for blind self is a mature person and my hidden self is a
silly person when together with my relatives and friends and for unknown self is a shy person because I
prefer a alone than to have a comprise person


 For me, an understanding self is one of who are they are that what makes them unique and this is included
the physical, psychological, social, and also self-understanding is about what motivates his/ her actions.


 Adaptability- Some our youth is adapting a food, style of clothes, language in other country
 Utang na loob- He owed to a person who has helped him through the trials he had undergone. He repays
that person in whatever kind, whatever time and situation. It is one way of showing deep appreciation for
lending out a hand.
 Hiya- Filipinos believe they must live up to the accepted standards of behavior and make it a point not to
cause another person’s embarrassment
 Pakikisama-The value of pakikisama results in camaraderie and a feeling of closeness to one another.
Pakikisama is also sharing one’s wealth, talent, time and self with fellow human beings and working together
for a common good
 Respect to others- Filipinos regard others with dignity and respect this is being observed in a basic sense of
justice, fairness and concern for others fellowmen, nature or animals.

Samira Tolentino
 Build a humane society: Using our values to build a society that allows us to coexist in peace.
 Government that embodies ideals of the Filipino people: In terms of theology, belief and justice.
 Conserve patrimony: Ensuring and preserving the well-being of the state.
 Independence and democracy: Democratic country, in order to ensure equality for all and enforce the values
of the majority.
 Self-awareness is the state of being in control of your conscious mind. You understand your own thought
processes, feelings and actions or at least seek a form of understanding to see whether such actions are
beneficial to your existence as an individual and the world around you.

 The arena can be understood through communications and interaction with society and individuals as it is a
method that allows you to understand an interaction that goes two ways.
 The blind spot is a part of yourself that you cannot perceive. It’s a part of us we can only understand by
receiving feedback.
 The hidden self consists of all secrets and experiences. It is information you would rather not share and says
a lot about the image you try to present to people (façade.)
 And lastly, the unknown self may be a result of trauma or early memories and can only be brought back to
an individual with extensive hypnotherapy.
 Family orientation: we are very family oriented people and our family above all. Supporting each other and
being there for one another is one of the values we cling on to the most.
 Joy and humor: We are very humorous and kind people. Happy is something many people from all over the
world characterize us as, and we reflect it onto the world around us.

 Flexibility and creativity: We are creative people and can utilize our resources to create whatever we need
 Religious values: Whether Christian, Muslim or of alternative religions we have strong religious values and
worship our creator, God.
 Hard work: We are hardworking people and strive to do better for ourselves and anyone in our life.
 Hospitality: We love welcoming people into our homes, and our country. We strive to invite people into our
lives and give them a sense of community.

Christine Yadao

1. By living according to good citizenship values which we can derive from the preamble of the Constitution - Faith in
God, Unity, Patriotism, Work, Respect for Life, Respect for Law and Government, Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love,
Equality, Peace, Promotion of the Common Good, Concern for the Family and Future Generations

2. Self-awareness is having conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings. When a person has high
external self-awareness, they are better at seeing other people's perspectives and showing empathy. This greatly
increases their effectiveness in leadership positions because this practice strengthens relationships.


4. A person's self-concept is their understanding of who they are and what makes them unique. This can include the
physical self, the social self, the competent self and the inner, or psychological, self. Meanwhile, a person's self-
understanding is about knowing what motivates his or her actions.

5. These are the most common Filipino values •Family orientation the basic and most important unit of a Filipino's
life is the family. Unlike in Western countries, young Filipinos who turn 18 are not expected to move out of their
parents' home. When a Filipino's parents are old and cannot take care of themselves, they are cared for in their
children's homes and are very rarely brought by their children to Homes for the Aged. The practice of separating the
elderly from the rest of the family, while common in Western countries, is often looked down upon in Filipino
society. Family lunches with the whole clan with up to 50 people, extending until the line of second cousins, are not
unusual. The Filipino puts a great emphasis on the value of family and being close to one's family members. •Joy and
humor this famous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humor in everything. It sheds light on the optimism and
positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or
challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same way a child who has fallen laughs at himself/herself to hide
his/her embarrassment. •Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity Filipinos often have an aversion to a set of
standardized rules or procedures; they are known to follow a "natural clock" or organic sense of time doing things in
the time they feel is right. They are present-oriented: which means that one attends to a task or requirement at the
time it is needed and does not worry much about future engagements. This allows the Filipino to adapt and be
flexible in doing the tasks at times not bound to a particular schedule or time-frame. This allows them think on their
feet and be creative in facing whatever challenge or task they have even when it is already right in front of them.
•Religious adherence The Philippines is approximately 85 percent Christian (mostly Roman Catholic) and 10 percent
Muslim, with the remaining 5 percent belonging to other religions including Taoism, Buddhism and the Dayawism of
the highlands. The combined percentages of Christian and Muslim faithful are indicative of the strong or at least
nominal faith most Filipinos have in the existence, agency and power of a creator deity. With regard to the Catholic
majority, it observes numerous Church holidays, notwithstanding the fewer holy days of obligation compared to the
faithful of other countries. Attendance of Mass is high not only on Sundays but also on national and regional feast
days, and abstention from Communion is almost unheard of. Catholicism also provides the basis for many citizens'
positions on moral, ethical and everyday issues. Extreme practices, officially frowned upon by the clergy, take place
during Holy Week •Ability to survive The Filipinos as a people who have been constantly under the rule of numerous
powerful countries has over time, developed a sense of resourcefulness or the ability to survive with whatever they
have. They have the extraordinary ability to make something out of almost nothing. If a Filipino was given just a
screwdriver, plastic bags, and some tape, he would still be able to build a bird tree, especially for the sake of survival,
and provided that he be allowed to hunt for some needed surrounding material •Hard work and industriousness

With resourcefulness comes hard work. Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever
they set their minds to.

Christine Sagaysay

1. Pagkamaka-diyos - it shows their faith in the Almighty, respect for life, order, work and concern for the Family and
Future Generations. Pagkamaka- tao - it is where tackles about love, freedom, peace, truth and justice. Pagkamaka-
bayan - it promotes unity, equality, respect for law and government, patriotism and promotion of the common good.
Pagkamaka- kalikasan - this shows that the concern for the environment.

2. In order to better understand why you feel as you feel and why you act in a specific way, self-awareness in about
learning it implicates to the community is you become active and sensible.

3. Johari Window is a technique that allows people to better understand their relationship to themselves and others.
It simply leads an individual to discover rationality between his certainties.

4. Namely with accord to the Johary Window model, there are 4 spaces to which how will you assess and discover
those qualities that is within you. First is the open self or knowing yourself in which, information’s about you that
both you and others know. Simply those qualities or behaviors that you publicizes nor displays. Second is the blind
self in which states information about you that you don’t know but others know. In this space, you must learn to
discover at least all that you possess and later on assess for you to cope up on the discoveries of others in you. In
sunder to the area of unknown self is the area of unknown to others or simply the hidden self to which implies
information about you that you know but others don’t know. Mainly, this falls on your self-secrets on the unrevealed
things you keep. Lastly, is the unknown self or those information’s about you that neither you nor others know?
Those are undiscovered skills, qualities and behaviors that lies within you but never been exposed.

5. Pakikipagkapwa- tao (regards for others) - we Filipinos are open to others and feel one with others regard others
with dignity and respect deal with them as fellow human beings. Family Orientation- we Filipinos possess a genuine
and deep love for family. Joy and Humor- we Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life and its ups and
downs. Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity - we Filipinos can adjust and to adopt to circumstances and the
surrounding in the environment. We can adjust to whatever happens even in unplanned or anticipated events. Hard
work and Industry- we have the capacity for hard work given proper conditions. Faith and Religiosity- we Filipinos
has deep faith in God our innate religiosity enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality in the context of
God's will and plan. Ability to Survive - we Filipinos have an ability to survive, we make do with what is available in
the environment. Resiliency- no matter how hard it was they still manage to smile. Hospitality- we Filipino’s are
heartwarming hospitality welcoming a tourist in their poverty-stricken home.

Angelica Cudal

1. Pagkamaka Diyos • Faith in almighty- Be god-fearing and live according to His will. • Respect for life- Recognize the
absolute value of human life and the human dignity of every person. • Order- Respect human rights and comply with
your duties and responsibilities. • Work- To appreciate the value of work. Pagkamaka Tao • Love- To look after the
good and welfare of one another • Freedom- It consists not in doing what you like, but having the right to do what
you ought. • Peace- Live and work together in harmony avoid violence as a way of setting disputes. • Truth- Stand
for the truth and avoid intrigue. • Justice- Give everyone their due. Do not oppress or take advantage of anyone. •
Pagkamaka Bayan • Unity- Making joy and complete by being the same mind, maintaining the same love united in
spirit, intent on one purpose. • Equality- These truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are
endowed by their Creator with inalienable right. • Respect for law and government- To server our own interests as
citizens and not of the interests of the few especially those who are in position of power and authority. • Patriotism-
You should be a vigilant citizen looking out for the welfare of you country. • Pagkama Kalikasan • Concern for the
environment- It is launching an efficient and sustainable "clean and green" program nationwide.

2. Self-awareness involves being aware of different aspects of the self-including traits, behavior and feelings. The
implications of self-awareness in the community is to be open up the learning about ourselves and have courage to
take feedback from others by this we can objectively analyze our mistake and find practical solutions to change for
the better.

3. Johary Window

4. Open self in these information is the pane about the behavior, feelings, and emotions about the person is known
to that person itself as well as the other members in this group. Blind Self In which the certain information on your
personality is known to others but that information is not known to you. Unknown self the information is unknown
to you as well as the others generally certain feeling, talents, information, fall in this. Hidden self the information
that you hide from others is known to you but other. To understand the areas of self you must know about yourself
and willing to share is a part of your areas.

5. FILIPINO VALUES • Compassionate- being sympathetic to others even if the person is a stranger. •Hard work and
Industry- very determined and preserving in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. • Spirit of kinship-
community spirit and cooperation wherein a group of individuals extends a helping hand without expecting any
remuneration. • Ability to survive- as a people who have been constantly under the rule of numerous powerful
countries has over time, develop a sense of resourcefulness or the ability to survive with whatever they have. • Faith
and religiosity- Strong faith in god as seen in their various practices. • Pakikipagkapwa Tao- is the shared sense of
identity and consciousness of the other treating others with respect and dignity as an equal. • Flexibility and
Adaptability Creativity- To adapt and be flexible in doing the tasks at times not bound to a particular schedule or
timeframe. • Joy and Humor- To find humor in everything it shed light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos
whatever situation they are in so as to remain determine in going through struggles or challenges. • Family
Orientation- Filipino parents are old and cannot take care of themselves they are cared for in their children’s home
and very rarely brought by their children to Homes for the aged. • Hospitality- Going out of their way to help them
when lost or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their poverty stricken home.


1. Prevention
2. Mitigation
3. Preparedness
4. Disaster Impact
5. Response
6. Recovery
7. Development

Samira Tolentino

1. Prevention: It’s a natural disaster - cannot be prevented.

2. Mitigation: coordination with Barangay Disaster Coordinating Councils
3. Preparedness: Ensuring building structures are up to code and that there is a culture of information that
allows individuals to adapt to decisions that may affect business practices.
4. Disaster impact: high exposure to natural hazards - seismic effects that hinder economic and social
5. Response: Government funding of support for disaster management. Such as special rehabilitation funds,
property replacement, Presidential Social fund etc.
6. Recovery: An example is the Marikina City benefiting from flood mitigation policy, which resulted in faster
disposal of flood water.

7. Development: The impact natural disasters have on development can heavily impact the economic growth
and development of a nation. Which is why these mitigation policies are incredibly important to preventing
further hindrances to our living environment despite their inevitable nature.

Faye Valerine Ladio

1. Prevention- we all know that we can’t prevent natural disasters but there is a way to lessen injuries and life
loss. This is by relocating all affected areas of the city or municipality to an evacuation area to ensure safety
to all. And by broadcasting through air and lined technologies
2. Mitigation- safety protocols to the people that are being affected by the typhoon and relocate all of them to
the evacuation area. Give them not all but possible needs during the typhoon.
3. Preparedness- Prepare all of the things that will be used all of the authorities that will help during the
typhoon. Make all possible things to be done in this situation every life of people must be valued. This is the
most important thing to do in this situation
4. Disaster impact- This is the most dangerous situation in a typhoon. We will see all of the casualties that will
happen and seen in this situation we must focus on this many people will suffer if this is set aside.
5. Response- after the typhoon all people must be checked in their situation we need immediate plan to the
6. Recovery- after the typhoon we must search for other survivors especially to those people who did not
respond to any protocols given by their authorities.
7. Development- we can develop all happenings by reviewing all possible errors that is done during and after
the typhoon. Make this a lesson to avoid it from happening again. This may help to all.

Elicah Pablo

1. Preparedness - Before a typhoon we should take the following measures: • To begin preparing, we should
build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan. • Know our surroundings. • Learn the
elevation of our property and whether the land is flood-prone. This will help to us to know how our property
will be affected when storm surge or tidal flooding are forecast. • Identify levees and dams in our area and
determine whether they pose a hazard to us. • Learn community Typhoon evacuation routes and how to
find higher ground. Determine where we would go and how we would get there if we needed evacuate. •
Make plans to secure our property. • Cover all of our homes windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the
best protection for windows. • Install straps or additional clips to securely fasten the roof to the frame
structure. This will reduce roof damage. • Be sure trees and shrubs around the home are well trimmed so
they are more wind resistant. • Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts. • Reinforce the garage
doors, if wind enters a garage it can cause dangerous and expensive structural damage. • Plan to bring in all
outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans and anything else that is not tied down. • In a strong typhoon,
A LOOSE OBJECT IS A MISSILE. • Determine how and where to secure the boat. • If in high-rise building, be
prepared to take shelter on or below the 10th floor.
2. Mitigation - If a typhoon is likely in our area, we should: • Listen to the radio or TV for information. • Secure
your home, close storm shutters and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors. • Turn off utilities if
instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors
closed. • Turn off propane tanks. • Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies. • Moor the boat
if time permits. • Endure a supply of water for sanitary purpose such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the
bathtub and other larger containers with water. • Find out how to keep food safe during and after
3. Prevention - If you are unable to evacuate go to the wind-safe room. • Stay indoors during the Typhoon and
away from windows and glass doors. • Close all interior doors- secure and brace external doors. • Keep
curtains and blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a lull: it could be the eye of the storm winds will pick
up again. • Take refuge in a small interior room, closet or hallway on the lower level. • Lie on the floor under
a table or another sturdy object. • Avoid elevators.
4. Disaster Impact - Typhoons can inflict terrible damage due to thunderstorms, violent winds, torrential rain,
floods, landslides, large and very big waves associated with storm surges.
5. Response - The government of the Philippines leads the emergency response to typhoon Ulysses and
welcomed complementary support from United Nations Country Team and other humanitarian actors.
6. Recovery - Many Filipinos need help after Typhoon Ulysses destroyed homes and communities. And many
Filipinos help and distributed a relief goods, clothes and many more who are affected in the typhoon.
7. Development - A typhoon forms when winds blow into areas of the ocean where the water is warm. These
winds collect moisture and rise, while colder air moves in below. This creates pressure, which causes the
winds to move very quickly. The more warm air and moisture, the more intense the winds.

Angelica Cudal

1. Prevention- the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRMMC) The day before the
typhoon urged the public to take necessary precaution as Tropical Storm Ulysses is expected to take to make
landfall over the Bicol Region Quezon area.
2. Mitigation- the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) blaster siren sounds
from mobile phones warning of heavy rain and heavy floods but they turned out to be mild.
3. Preparedness- NDRRM Operation Center Maintained Red Alert Status since Covid 19 response operations
and it was continuous monitoring and ensure dissemination of weather advisories and general flood
advisories to all concerned RDRRMCs though SMS, NDRRMC website and official social media website for
further dissemination of their respective local disaster risk reduction and management council (ldrrmc's).
Prepared a total of 76 Emergency Alert and Warning Message for dissemination of Telecommunications
Companies to the affected areas.
4. Disaster Impact- Typhoon Ulysses lashed the main island of Luzon whipping destructive winds and dumping
heavy rainfall that triggered massive flooding in several areas including Region II Cagayan Valley which was
one of the most several affected. A rapid damage and needs assessment RDANA was conducted from 19 to
21 of November in the province of Cagayan and Isabela to understand impacts and the affected peoples of
5. Response - The Government defended response following the onslaught of Typhoon Ulysses amid the
criticism that it was slow in providing assistance to those affected.
6. Development - Based on humanitarian partners under the Humanitarian Country team (HTC) will focus on
life saving and time critical recovery needs of people especially to women living in the hardest hits provinces
which is Albay Cantanduanes and Cagayan in the lines with government invitation to coordinate collective
efforts of country based on humanitarian partners.

Christine Sagaysay

1. Prevention- the NDRRMC advised regional and local DRMMCs that might be affected to continue monitoring
weather updates, intensify warning dissemination, and implement prescribed precautionary measures.
2. Mitigation- In a bid to expedite the national government’s response, the NDRRMC is composed of Cabinet
secretaries and chaired by the Secretary of the Department of the National Defense, apparently because the
agency has all the resources for disaster response courtesy of the military.
3. Preparedness- To give citizens the training, education and resources they need to prepare in advance against
the threat of a possible local disaster at an individual and collective level. Disaster impact- Due to
thunderstorms, heavy rainfall and flooding, violent winds, incredible and extremely high tides, and tidal
surges, typhoons can bring terrible damage.
4. Response- Aid organizations need to be prepared for the situation on the ground during any emergency
response. In order to be self-sufficient, international medical teams need to carry enough food, water,
shelter, and fuel and communication equipment, particularly in areas that are physically cut off and where
communication is low or non-existent.
5. Recovery- Providing guidelines and exchanging international good practice on key aspects of recovery and
restoration, including the introduction of institutional arrangements for recovery, the use of remote damage
assessment, resilient recovery and reconstruction of homes, houses, roads and other facilities.

6. Development- the Department, as lead agency in the Food and Non-Food Item Cluster of the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, ensures the sufficiency of food and non-food items that
can be augmented to local governments in the event of a calamity or disaster.

Christine Yadao

1. Prevention- the action of stopping something from happening or arising.

2. Mitigation- the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
3. Preparedness- a state of readiness
4. Disaster impact- Natural disasters cause destruction of property, loss of financial resources, and personal
injury or illness. The loss of resources, security and access to shelter can lead to massive population
migrations in lesser-developed countries.
5. Response- a reaction to something
6. Recovery- a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength
7. Development- the process of developing or being developed. A specified state of growth or advancement.
An event constituting a new stage in a changing situation.

Chlesley Asuncion

1. PREVENTION WFP will provide cash assistance to more than 2,400 vulnerable households in Catanduanes.
WFP contributed to a rapid needs assessment in the most affected municipalities in the provinces of Isabela
and Cagayan. WFP continues to provide logistics support to the Government, transporting 74,600 family
food packs and 6,225 essential non-food items.
2. MITIGATION In 2010, Republic Act 10121 was enacted to overhaul the government’s response to calamities
with the goal of ‘strengthening the country’s disaster risk reduction and management system’ and
‘institutionalizing the country’s disaster risk reduction and management and management plan.
3. PREPAREDNESS our disaster preparedness lessons were still not enough to battle the severe typhoons that
have come our way. It was empowered with policy-making, integration, supervision, monitoring and
evaluation functions on matters pertaining to disaster prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness,
disaster response and rehabilitation and recovery.
4. RECOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT The Philippines is exposed to tropical storms and usually suffers from various
natural disasters and calamities such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and flooding. The development that
the government do during typhoon Ulysses is that to save lives by providing immediate, integrated
humanitarian assistance and protection to those in the most urgent need. Restore livelihoods and access to
critical services to promote the rapid recovery of the most affected communities. Address and advocate the
specific needs of groups of people, based on gender, age, disability or other vulnerability criteria so that they
are protected against violence and have equal access to humanitarian aid without discrimination


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