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Mental health is something that we all have.

It includes our thoughts and feelings about

ourselves and others. How we relate to other people. How we function day-to-day and how we
cope with the ups and downs of life. Having a good mental health is not about having no mental
health problems. It’s about feeling good enough about ourselves, being able to do the things
that matter to us, and having the resilience to deal with the difficult situations we all experience
in life.
Mental health difficulties rarely just have one cause, they’re often an understandable response
to having to deal with the circumstances of our lives and things that have happened to us in the
past. Mental health can be complex because our experience of it is personal and unique. But we
know that the more we normalize conversations about our mental health, the easier it will be
for young people and adults to seek the support they need when they need it.
The COVID 19 pandemic has created unprecedented change and a need for a response from
everyone around the globe. Many of us are worried about our loved ones and our livelihood,
and there is no right way to cope with what we’re experiencing. Remember, however your
feeling, there are others that feel the same. You are not alone.
The current challenges brought about by COVID-19 for people all around the world are
unparalleled and have caused fear, anxiety and uncertainty for so many of us. We are all going
through this together, and it’s important to understand that you are not alone in how you’re
feeling right now, and that there are practical, healthy ways to cope up with these emotions.
Mental health have nothing to do with not being strong enough. They have nothing to do with
your character. The world needs you and your story. You have been through a lot and you are
here to say, “It gets better.” You are not damaged. You are whole, regardless of having a mental
illness. I like you the way you are. I am amazed by you. I am amazed by your courage,
willpower, gifts and talents. I accept you, and your world of lights and darkness.
You are creative, artistic, and a dreamer. That same imagination that exhausts you with sad
images and fearful scenarios can also dream up amazing art, music, business ventures. You are
here for a reason. Just because you are different, doesn't mean you are broken. Different
people change the world, because they can see beyond what is. You could live a full, happy life.
Yes, challenges will come but you can face them with all that you are when they are here. Focus
on what is in front of you. Life is too short to be absent from it. We all make mistakes, whether
we have a mental illness or not. We all act out of pain or confusion and do stupid, hurtful
things. We are all human. It's time to forgive yourself for everything. Guilt and shame slow your
ship down too and you are ready to live free from them. You're gaining more and more.
You are ready for life to take you to the most beautiful places. Please know you are worthy of
love. Please remember to laugh and be ridiculous. Remember what you are grateful for.
Remember the small joys and the big joys. Please know you are not alone. We are all in this
together. We fight for each other. We care for each other. We love each other. We support
each other. Above all, God is with us, and in Him, we will get through all challenges in life,
because with God, nothing is impossible.

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