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Experience 2 Activity Nº 3 Presential



Currently, the vegan population in Chile has increased considerably. According to the latest national

environmental survey in Chile, it is estimated that there are already almost 1,000,000 people who consider

themselves vegan-vegetarians. This has increased the supply of products in the country for those who do not

consume meat or rather products of animal origin.

In order to identify these 100% animal-free products, the European V-Label seal arrived in Chile, which is the

most widely recognized and used certification worldwide.

Currently there are more than 10,000 products in the world that are certified under this seal and Chile is not far

behind, as product innovation is being developed in several brands.

In Chile there are more than 300 certified products, some well-known brands have seen this opportunity and

have opted to innovate in some product categories such as yogurt, cheese, sausages, mayonnaise, milk, etc.

In this report a market research focused on the Colun brand in the yogurt category will be carried out with

reference to innovative brands in the line such as Nestlé and Loncoleche.

The results of the survey will be made public, which are fundamental for Colun to see a possibility of being able

to satisfy the new needs of consumers, to see what their segmentation is, among others.


What began timidly in our country several years ago is now well on its way to
consolidation. Vegetarian and vegan options are increasingly present in restaurants,
supermarkets and specialty stores. The vegan industry has been a trend-setter in recent
years, but has the entire market adapted to this condition or just some companies? Why
should vegan options be specified in companies that do not have them?
The health benefits are undeniable and, contrary to what many people think, they can be
accessed easily, even using the food benefits that companies provide to their employees.
"Veganism", an invitation for people to stop eating animal products.

3.1. General objective of the research

● Learn from an interview with Colun's marketing management why it has

not decided to create a line of vegan yogurts.

3.2. Specific research objectives

● Acquire information about the competition in relation to the vegan line.

● Identify the vegan segment, their preferences, tastes, and ages through a survey.


Why doesn't Colun, with its natural products, have a vegan line?

Their current strategies, with their current products have been successful for many years and their
products are 100% natural and packaged in their place of origin.

They do not think it is necessary to launch a vegan line since they recently launched a line of
yogurts with protein.

Due to the fact that no significant growth has been shown by the competition after the launch of
its vegan lines, Colun does not see a vegan line as an opportunity.


The target segment is the vegan public, this public has made the decision to be vegan for
different reasons, whether health, animal care, lifestyle, etc., these people are male and
female between 25 and 34 years old, the millennial generation.They are in the lead
because they have a greater awareness of the environment and food, they also lead a
lifestyle focused on sports, they like to be outdoors to perform them, they are interested
in groups that share the same lifestyle to interact and exchange information.
5.1 Exploratory Methodologies: Desk Research

Competition Research

Nestlé launched its vegan alternatives to cheese and yogurt.

The global food company launched its two new products as an alternative to the
consumption of animal products, thus joining a trend in the United States and Europe and
recently in Latin America. This new production would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions
to zero by 2050.

Nestlé is carving a niche for itself in the rapidly expanding market for plant-based
Consumers, concerned about their health and the environment, are incorporating plant-
based products into their diets. Sales of these in U.S. retail grew 11% last year, according
to a July report from the Plant Based Foods Association trade group and the Good Food

5.2 Methodologies to be applied: In-depth Interview, Online Survey.

A survey conducted among an association of vegans showed that the yogurt category is
very important for this community, which considers it a basic product for the basis of their
diet, and also indicated that they would like Colun to launch its line of vegan yogurts.

The greatest competition for Colun in this market would be Loncoleche, which is currently
the most consumed by people in this association, according to the survey.
It is believed that Colun, being a 100% natural products company, has greater possibilities
of penetrating the market and being able to compete in this category with a great
advantage because this is a market that is not yet exploited by the brands.


7.1. Consumer trends and characterization

Nowadays, people are more informed and more demanding in their choice of products,
which is why it has been a challenge for companies to produce and enter this new world of
According to the data collected from the survey we can say that they are between 25 and
24 years of age of the millennial generation, consumers of vegan packaged products 2
times a week, they consider that yogurt is a basic complement in a diet, most of them
prefer the Lonco Leche brand with its soy yogurt, the most important thing is that the
product is quality and natural and they are very interested in Coun launching a line of
vegan products.Most of them prefer the Lonco Leche brand with its soy yogurt, the most
important thing is that the product is of quality and natural, and they are very interested
in Coun launching a line of vegan yogurt.

7.2. Consumer routines, habits and practices

Most of the respondents have similar behaviors due to the fact of sharing a lifestyle such
as veganism, within this we can mention that their routines, habits and practices are:
avoiding the consumption of animal products, using vitamins and/or food supplements, it
is also worth mentioning that within this research we managed to know that not everyone
carries veganism in the same way, some only with food and others in all aspects of their
lives, it can also be mentioned that becoming vegan also means spending more time in the
kitchen, learning new techniques and recipes.
7.3. Consumer needs, motivations and expectations

Among the main findings: women are more sensitive and concerned about animals, have a
sense of repugnance to meat consumption, and there is a strong relationship between
being an activist and living with animals. The reason for being vegan is rational and
emotional. There are also people who became vegans for health reasons and others just
for a better quality of life.

7.4. National and international trends

of the categories and associated subcategories
7.5. Category size and segment of interest

Recently, the vegan and vegetarian population in Chile has increased considerably.
According to figures from the latest National Environmental Survey in Chile, there are
currently close to 1 million people who consider themselves vegetarians and vegans. This
has led to an increase in the supply of vegan products for non-meat eaters.

7.6. Actors in the category and their roles


9.1. Complete analysis of the information

9.2. Tables and graphs

- Survey conducted to Asociación Veganos- Chile
9.3. Evaluation Instruments: Guidelines for Interviewing and Survey Design


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