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Traditional roofing in the Philippines is typically made from natural materials such as clay, wood, and
thatch. These materials are readily available and have been used for centuries due to their durability and insulation
properties. When a roof’s life cycle is exhausted, immediate replacement is needed. Many roofing materials last
around 12 to 20 years and often end up in landfills. While the present roofing that Filipinos using now is made up of
metal. Which have a property that provides long-term protection against airborne sparks, flames and strong winds
during typhoon. This type roofing is very helpful, especially Philippines are just next to Pacific Ocean where
numbers of typhoons are formed every year. Philippines are often hit by typhoons which causes the roof to worn
much faster than its estimated life span. One of the problems in building a traditional roofing is that, it requires
materials which is not sustainable and may cause harm on the environment while the metal roofing is expensive
which many Filipinos are not be able to afford. Also, Filipinos are also having problem in the bill of electricity, the
continuous increasing of the bill make Filipino citizen to suffer. Therefore, Solar Panel Plated Roof is formed to
make the life of the consumer easier.

The target market of this product is the Filipino consumers who wants to have to

Hence, there are ways to resolved this problem through Solar Panel Plated Roof. It is roof with a built-in solar panel.
This solar panel can generate enough electricity including light bulbs, refrigerator and other appliances. This type
Roof is easy to install and made-up affordable materials. Therefore, this product can reduce the electricity bills and
also sustainable.

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