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Name: Kiyoshi Shannen M.

Grade and Section: Grade 11 Blessed Peter of Gubbio
Date: 11/12/2023


As I reflect on the communion experiences of my past, I'm filled with gratitude for the
journey I've undertaken. Those moments, from my childhood to my more recent past,
were stepping stones in my spiritual development.

In my childhood, communion was a symbol of innocence and wonder, a tradition that I

participated in without fully comprehending its profound significance. Yet, as I grew,
the meaning of communion began to unfold before me, just as my own understanding
of life and faith deepened.

Looking back, I see the progression of my spiritual growth, marked by each

communion I've shared. The bread and wine, once symbols of mystery, have become
reminders of the nourishment and sustenance that my faith provides.

The past communions, though seemingly distant, are part of the rich tapestry of my
life. They remind me of the journey I've taken, the lessons I've learned, and the
connection I've developed with the divine.

While those specific moments may be behind me, they have left an indelible mark on
my soul. I carry with me the lessons, the blessings, and the understanding that has
been acquired throughout this voyage. My past communions are a testament to my
ongoing transformation, and they serve as guideposts as I continue to explore and
deepen my faith.

I'm grateful for the communion experiences of my past, as they've shaped me into the
person I am today, and I look forward to the spiritual growth that lies ahead in the

I hope this reflection captures the essence of your past communion experiences and
provides a sense of closure and appreciation for your spiritual journey.

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