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Exercise of Simple past and Past Continuous.
Marcos is talking about his weekend. Complete the sentences.
1. On Friday night, l Was Waited (wait) for a phone call, but my girlfriend Didn’t
call (not call).
2. l just Stayed (stay) home and watched television. On Saturday. I Visited
(visite) my friend Frank.
3. We talked (talk) and. listened (listen) to music. In the evening,
4. he invited (invite) some friends over and we cooked (cook) a great meal. I
didn’t work (not work) very hard on Sunday.
5. I didn’t study (not study) at all. I just walked (walk) to the mall.
Complete the chart.
Present Past Present Past Present Past
Buy bought read read sit sat
eat ate ride rode take took
feel felt see saw wear wore

Exercise 2 Use a past continuous or simple pastverb to complete each

sentence. Rewrite each sentence. Check each sentence for correct comma use.
Example; (while/ I / walk) it started to rain.
While I was walking. It started to rain.
1. I was working on the computer (when/ the electricity / go off).
When I was working on the computer electricity went off

2. Another car hit mine (while/ I / stop) at the red light.

While I was stopped, a nother car hit mine at the red light

3. (while/ my sister/ have) a party, my cousins came to visit.

While my sister had a party, my cousin’s came a visit.

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