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7° año básico
Unidad N°: 1
Guía de aprendizaje N°9 Verbo enjoy + ing - Expresiones de tiempo - Pasado de verbos
comunes. - Adjetivos.

Objetivo de la guía : Sugerencia para el desarrollo de la guía:

Comprender el uso de verbo enjoy + ing Enlista los adjetivos. Repasa las actividades
Reforzar los adjetivos. que disfrutas hacer en el tiempo libre.
Indicaciones: Trabaja con limpieza.

Actividad 1.
Escoge el adjetivo correcto para cada oración
1. Please can I have a clean plate? This one is very _____.
A bad B dirty C ugly D dark
2. Please put the light on. It's very ____ in here.
A weak B bad C thin D dark
3. I need some new shoes. These ones are really ___.
A full B weak C old D sad
4. I couldn't eat anything more. I'm completely ____.
A full B empty C thin D strong
5. I don't like that photo. I look really ____.
A closed B ugly C difficult D open
6. I'm quite heavy now, but when I was younger I was very ____.
A thin B short C small D high
7. Don't sit on the grass. It's still ___ because it was raining earlier today.
A wet B low C dry D light
8. It's a very ___ story. It made me cry when I read it.
A clean B bad C sad D weak
9. It's not ____ to remember all the new words when you are learning a language.
A slow B easy C empty D light
10. In my country, a few people are very rich, but many people are ____.
A poor B weak C low D fast

Actividad 2.
Dibuja tres (3) actividades que disfrutas hacer. Escribe una oración para cada una
utilizando el verbo enjoy + ing.

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