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GRADE: Eighth

UNIT: Geography

UNDERSTANDING GOAL: Students will understand how present simple, adverbs of frequency,
and object pronouns are used to describe people’s routines,
preferences and personal information.

PERFORMANCE OF UNDERSTANDING: Students are able to use the present simple correctly
to talk about their own routine and others routine.
TIME: 50 minutes.


1. In your English notebook write what you like the most about your daily routine.
2. What is your favorite free-time activity that you usually do?


1. Organize Laura’s daily routine. Use the numbers from 1 to 9.

Laura wakes up at 6:00 _1_
a. Laura brushes her teeth at 7:00 _____ e. Laura makes the bed at 6:05 _____
b. Laura takes a shower at 6:10 _____ f. Laura gets dressed at 6:20 _____
c. Laura has breakfast at 6:30 _____ g. Laura goes to school at 7:10 _____
d. Laura wakes up at 6:00 _____ h. Laura goes to her first class at 7:30 _____

2. In your English notebook solve the exercise 4 and 5 (Picture 1), page 7, from your English book
(black and white book) Everything 2a.

Explanation chart:
We use the present simple to talk about universal truths, routines, habits and repeated actions.
It has a specific structure, and for the 3rd person the verbs have some rules.

Additional Resources:
1. Grammar explanation present simple
2. Grammar reference Everything 2a page 10 and 11
GRADE: Eighth

Retrieved from:


Along with the present simple we can use adverbs of frequency (always, usually, normally,
generally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, rarely, ever) to talk
about our routines and free-time activities.
I usually play soccer on Sundays.


Answer the following quiz in your notebook, or go to this link and answer the questions online.

1. We use the present simple to: 5. How do you write the verb CRY
a. To express habits, and routines according to the rules of the 3rd person
b. general truths and repeated in present simple?
actions a. Crying
c. All of the above b. Cried
d. None of the above c. Cries
d. Cry
Fill the gap with the correct verb
Example: 6. How do you write the verb KISS
Does he jump in the park? according to the rules of the 3rd person
in present simple?
2. Do you ______ chocolate milk?
a. Likes a. Kissed
b. Like b. Kisses
c. Liking c. Kissing
d. Likeing d. Kissies

3. Select the correct sentence Fill the gap with the correct adverb of
a. He brush his teeth frequency
b. He brushes your teeth Example:
c. He brushes his teeth James goes to the beach once a year.
d. He brush her teet He almost never goes to the beach.

4. How do you write the verb WORK 7. I seldom visit my relatives, so I _________
according to the rules of the 3rd person my uncle John.
in present simple? a. Rarely
a. Works b. Always
b. Worked c. Never
c. Working d. Usually
d. Workes
Additional Resources:
1. Grammar explanation present simple
2. Grammar reference Everything 2a page 10 and 11
GRADE: Eighth

Complete the sentence with the correct object 8. -John is making a lot of noise
pronoun: -Yes, I will ask _____ to be quiet
-Do you like strawberries? a. Her
-Yes, I love them b. Them
c. Him
d. It

1. Students identify the correct verbs according to the rule of the 3rd person in present simple.
2. Students are able to answer questions about simple present, adverbs of frequency, daily
routines and object pronouns.

What can I do if I don’t understand? / (Y si no entiendo, ¿qué puedo hacer?)

1. Identify the friendly words. (Words in English that look similar to Spanish)
2. Highlight the unknown words. (New words in English)
3. Use the dictionary to understand the unknown words and write these new words in your
English notebooks.
4. Ask to one of your family members for help to understand the information in the workshop.
5. Contact your English teacher. Each school has established how.


Picture 1

Retrieved from: English book (black and white book) Everything 2a.

Additional Resources:
1. Grammar explanation present simple
2. Grammar reference Everything 2a page 10 and 11

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