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Isip, Louriebe Trisha Y. 03/28/23

GEC6 Ms. Racquel Manlapas

1. What was your reaction when you read the parable?

After reading the parable of the Good Samaritan, I felt sad about the man because
some robbers beat him. The robbers didn’t show him mercy as they stripped his
clothes, and the robbers left him almost half dead. Moreover, others saw the man
lying on the ground, like the priest and the Levites, they passed by, and they didn’t
lend some help which made me feel fury. I don’t know how I would react to the
priest’s behavior as well as the Levites. A priest is a religious person who should help
those in need. Luckily, a Good Samaritan came, and he helps to the man. He lends
him clothes to wear and food to eat. He even brought the man to an inn and paid for it.
In short, he took care of the pitiful man. And that made me happy. Therefore, we
should go above and beyond in caring for people just like we would do for ourselves.
We should not stop doing things when it starts to cost us. We should not think about
what we will gain when we support others, whether it is physical, monetary,
emotional, or social. We should be willing to get involved in the lives of people who
need our help and be generous and kind.

2. What did you learn from the parable?

As I read the parable of the Good Samaritan, I learned that Christ emphasized two
important messages. One, to make the teachers of the law and his audience know that
there are no boundaries to God's mercy and kindness, or salvation is not only for the
Jews. Two, Christ is imparting the message that we should treat each other as our
brothers and sisters, even though the person is a Jew, American, Asian, European, or
African. As our brothers and sisters, we must help them in times of need, may it be
material or spiritual. In addition, we should also consider Christ's message of looking
at people based on what they do and not on where they come from. Up to this time,
racial discrimination still exists in our society. In His parable, Christ is showing us
that God does not judge people based on their ethnicity or origin. By giving the
Samaritan as a good example, He is convincing us not to judge people based on their
race but on how they act or what good things they do for others. Aside from this, He
is also convincing us that treating the needy as our brothers and caring for them is the
way to salvation. When God provides us an opportunity to serve someone, we should
ask for His grace to care for that person with love and respect. We should rise above
the stereotypes and be the best God wants us to be.
3. How would you apply the concepts of Moral Character and Moral Development
in relation to the Good Samaritan?

I will apply the concepts of Moral Character and Moral Development to the Good
Samaritan by helping someone who needs help. Having the intent to help is good but
acting on that intent is much better. The Samaritan’s intent didn’t save the wounded
man from death. It’s his actions that ultimately saved the man’s life. He didn’t walk
away just like the two men before him. He decided to do something. In our time, that
half-dead man’s photos would end up on social media before he even gets to the
hospital. Everybody would take pictures but very few would dare to help. We’ll feel
sorry for that person but not enough to get involved. Also, having a positive mindset
about other races. Xenophobia and racial prejudice have always been great dividers
among nations. Since ancient times to the present, we tend to distrust others who
don’t look like us or sound like us. But the Samaritan didn’t care about race. He
showed us that racism has no place in charity. After all, we are all created equal, no
one race is superior or inferior to the other. Lastly, helping without expecting
something in return. Most of us help because we are expecting a reward of some sort.
We return a lost wallet and expect the owner to reward us. The Samaritan knew that
the wounded man may never help him in return. Yet, he pressed on because he knew
it was the right thing to do. That’s why we should start with little acts of kindness and
practice more empathy. Think less about what others can do for you and more about
what you can do for them. That, in itself, is already being a good Samaritan.


Bible Study Tools. (2020). The Good Samaritan Bible Story. Retrieved on March 28,
2023, from

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