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Shadow & Gold Part 2: Renaming Fate

How To Work With Shadow Work Prompts

1. Realize that once you have completed a prompt your are describing your
Shadow (your inner opposite). Try naming your Shadow. Consider how this
part of you might represent unmet needs.
2. Share prompts with your therapist via messages. Pick one to answer during
session & process with your therapist.
3. Make your own therapy homework. Pick a prompt & write your reply. Share
with your therapist to explore more.
4. Try 2 or 3 prompts. When you look at your answers, see if there are similarities
or themes. The commonalities can help you pin down the description of your
5. Try some gentler & some more challenging prompts. Be cautious about using
gentler prompts to avoid the negative.
6. After generating some replies to prompts you can start noticing how your
Shadow appears in your life. Make some notes. Take this material to your
therapy sessions.

Prompts To Identify Shadow (from this presentation)

1. Think about what was instilled in you when you were a child. What are some
traits or behaviors that are contrary to this?
2. What type of child were you? How would you have been described? Think of
the opposite type of child. What aspects of this opposite child could exist
within you?
3. List 10 words (adjectives or traits) that describe you today. Now list their
4. Describe someone that you do not want to be like.
5. Think about the expressions of self that have predominated your life. What
other expressions of self could balance these?
6. Think about the interests or hobbies you have not been able to make a priority.
Would any of these that would help you be more fully you now? What could
you try?
7. What is the potential that you have never & will never realize? Are there any
parts of this that you can reclaim? Have you allowed yourself to grieve the
parts that you cannot reclaim?
8. Describe a person you dislike or distrust. Is this view supported by what has
happened? If not, what does this person represent?

Moriah Emerald McCarthy, LMHC

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