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Speaker 1: All right, so are you as excited as I am to help other people extract their knowledge,
share it to make impact, and make a profit? Oh, my God, that's how we are going to fix
the education system. That's how we can exponentially grow knowledge where
everyone gets smarter. And that's how, selfishly, Tony and I help create self education
as the new norm, the thing.

Hopefully someday you're watching this, and we're gone for years, and you're still
watching this training, you're still helping the world extract their knowledge, and teach
people to grow faster and quicker by learning from those who've actually done it, and
experienced. What could be better than that?

Okay, so if you're here right now, again, for The Knowledge Brokers, for someone else,
or knowledge broker for your own knowledge, this part is really quick, but really
important. And to me, I wanted to write down what I believe are some of the
foundational pieces of a winning business.

Again, whatever business you're in, I hope that it's going to be facilitating, and doing
masterminds for insanely awesome profits, and awesome impact. Insane and awesome,
I don't have a huge vocabulary. I love both those words. But awesome impact, insane
money, or insane money and awesome impact. Wait, did I say ... I don't know. Doesn't
matter, right?

But here are some things I want you to think about as we get towards the end of the
entire course if we're going to have a winning business. The first thing is, we can't give
up, you can't.

If you run up against an obstacle, and I know obstacles are vast. Your obstacle could be
time. Your obstacle could be that no one in your family supports you, and they think you
are insane. You could feel like the black sheep in your family. You could have a little bit
of money. You could have disadvantages that I can't even think of. You can live in a
small area. You can live in a big area. If you have a demanding boss that's an idiot, that
squashes your confidence and steals all your time, there's lots of things that could be in
your way.

And what I want to tell you is the most successful people I've ever met in my life,
including Tony and every other one, had so many obstacles it was unbelievable, but you
know what they all had in common? No matter what happened, they didn't give up.

You know, I love the story of Joel Osteen. I don't know if you know Joel, the pastor. I
think he's the most watched pastor in the whole entire world. I got the chance to meet
Joel, and go down to meet his family, and his wife, and his mom, and sit up front and
watch him.

And to hear his story, went to lunch or dinner, dinner afterwards, about he was just
working in video. He was the editor for his dad. Every week his dad would go on TV and
preach, and he was just in the back watching, and then edit it, and make it good to push
out on TV.
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And all of a sudden his dad's coming towards the end of his life. His brother and sister
were trained. They went to seminary school. They were all ready to take over the family
business. Joel comes in, he said his hair was a little long. He was the video editor. He's,
you know, sad that his dad is sick, and his dad sits him down and says, “It's you, Joel.”
He's like, “What do you mean it's me. What's me?” You know? What's me?

Joel tells the story amazingly. He said, “What's me?” He's like, “You're the one that's
going to take this mission over, this passion to help serve, serve God, serve these
people.” And Joel's like, “Oh, no, no, no, dad, that's them. I'm just the video. I didn't like
school, and I had this problem, I had this obstacle.” His dad said, “No, there's no other
option. It's you.”

He said it was, “What do you mean it's me?” Think of the obstacles that were in front of
him. Think of the family dynamic. A brother and sister are groomed to do this, and now
it's the editor, right? Think of the people in the audience. He didn't go to seminary
school. He wasn't the one that dad said was going to the ... Like, all these problems.

But you know one thing Joel didn't do? He never gave up. He decided where he wanted
to go. He set his sights on the end result. Stop focusing on the things that don't serve
you, don't serve God, don't serve your bigger future, don't serve the impact you want to
make, don't serve the money you want to make. Stop focusing on all that. Put them on
your not to do list.

Decide where you want to go and put all your energy and all your focus on where did
you want to go, and do not give up. You are worth this. Your family's worth this. The
legacy you're going to create is worth it, I promise you. You don't want to be at the end
of your life, and look back, and go wow, I should have. I could have. I should have went
harder. I should have not given up. That would be the worst thing. You'll say no, no,
stop, rewind! I want to do this over.

The hell with wanting to do it over. The hell with regrets. Let's decide right now, right
here, while we're together, let's not even mess around with it, that you're not giving up.
You have all the tools you need to do this, let's do this.

The other one is listening to others. Now, I know you've heard this a million times, but
you're here. You're with me right now. I just want to tell you, in my whole career of
starting by cutting firewood in high school, and then working in a collision shop with my
dad, and then driving a tow truck at night, and always have my dreams and aspirations
on something bigger. And everybody told me I was nuts to get into real estate. I did my
first no money down real estate deal when I was really, really young.

Well, that's really over 30 years ago, and at every level people told me I wasn't smart
enough. My guidance counselor told me, you know, without a college education and
then not so good grades, you know, maybe you can get in college, but I don't think so.
You should find a factory, or work with your hands. Maybe it would be good to stay as a

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Like, I was being judged by an outdated scorecard, because I had dyslexia, and school
was hard for me, and I've kind of bored of it, that I was just destined for mediocrity? No,
that was wrong, but that started then.

Then I had friends that I loved dearly that when I started to go after bigger things, they
told me I was crazy. And when I started achieving them, they disappeared. And when I
tried to achieve and I failed, they told me I was nuts, and talked behind my back.

But guess what? They were wrong. Remember, they never build statues of critics. I had
family members sit me down and say stop being a dreamer. I had coworkers tell me, you
know, like partners, because I never really worked for anybody, but people that were
kind of partners along the way, saying hey, slow down there big guy, don't be a
dreamer, know where your limits are.

And I took all that advice at certain levels of my life for like five minutes, and I didn't
listen to them, and guess what? They were wrong. They were wrong 100% of the time.

Don't let someone who doesn't live the life you want give you any advice. Bad advice is
the most costly advice in the world. It's your broke friend telling you how to get rich. It's
your single friend telling you what you should do with your relationship.

If you have a heart to go to the next level, if you have a desire to impact the world, to
make more money, to share your gifts, to help other people share their gifts, then don't
you dare let anybody who's unqualified talk you out of it, especially if it's someone you
love. They think they're protecting you.

And here's the worst part about this, it doesn't mean that you completely lose all your
confidence from what they say, and stop doing it. No, it happens slowly. You don't even
see it. It builds one little piece at a time, a negative word here, you can't do it, not the
right time, wrong present, you don't have money, you're not smart enough. All of a
sudden it slowly accumulates, and your shoulders go down, and you just kind of live life.

The hell with living life. You don't want an okay life. Like Tony says, so well. You don't
want an okay life. You don't even want a good life. You don't even want an excellent life.
You want an outstanding life. You want to squeeze every bit of juice life has to offer, so
don't listen to unqualified people.

The next thing is have marketing stamina. I did an interview about six years ago with
Dan Sullivan, someone I truly respect. I dedicated one of my books, Millionaire Success
[inaudible] he's one of the people I dedicated it to, such a smart thinker. He has a
strategic coach. He runs a high level mastermind. I give him 50,000 a year to be a part of
his mastermind. Pretty awesome, right?

So, Dan Sullivan interviewed me once, and I ... the words came out of my mouth,
marketing stamina, when he asked me how did I stay relevant on TV and marketing for
20 years. I said, “Stamina.”

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I want you to have that. I want you to know that marketing works. Marketing works. It
doesn't matter if you try and you fail. It's like somebody saying that it's too hard to
advertise, and it doesn't work on Facebook anymore. I spend $100-$150,000 a week
advertising on Facebook. Somebody says ah, YouTube's too saturated, doesn't work.
Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on YouTube advertising every single month.

Like, advertising works, but sometimes it doesn't work on your first try. Sometimes it
doesn't work on your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th,
11th, 12th, 14th, 20th try, and then 21, bam. Oh, my God, people are converting into my
mastermind without me even talking to them. It works.

I'm going to tell you, follow what I taught in the second part of this training, and just go
after it, and have the stamina to try and fail. Learn from what's working, and do more of
it. Figure out what's not working and do less of it. Measure it, track it, and continue to
push, because I promise you, marketing and sales is the oxygen for your mastermind
business, or any business that you do in your life. Have marketing stamina.

Last thing I'll say is when I think of marketing stamina, what just came to my mind is that
planes fly. I heard this story, I think, from my buddy, Joe Polish, the first time, but planes
fly, meaning if a plane crashes you don't say, oh, well it's a big hunk of steel, of course
planes can't fly, no wonder it crashed.

No, you know planes fly. You don't question their aerodynamics. Something just went
wrong. It's the same when, say, somebody says that marketing doesn't work. No, don't
question marketing, marketing works every single day, just like planes fly every single
day, but there's a flaw in your marketing. Keep going until you get rid of the flaws. When
you get rid of the flaws and it starts to work, then fuel what's going right, and watch you
fly high and above everybody else.

Create SOPs. Yeah, I have to tell you something. It's going to be embarrassing. Wasn't
that long ago that I was listening in a business mastermind I was in. Somebody was
talking about SOPs. I'm talking about not like 100 years ago, I'm talking like less than five
years ago.

And I've been hearing this SOP forever, and I had no idea what it was. I didn't go to
business school. I've run monster businesses, but I didn't know what an SOP was, and
then somebody said, you know, a standing operating procedure. And I'm like, oh, my
God. Yeah, I have lots of those, just, I have processes that run all parts of my company. I
just didn't know what a SOP was. I'm like, what's a SOP? Silly, I know, I'm not the
brightest guy in the world. See? That gives you hope, doesn't it?

Long story short is since I heard that word I just identified what I was already doing, but
I've obsessed on it. And a standing operating procedure simply just means this, if you
find a way to acquire an expert, and it worked, and you became partners, and you make
lots of money, then create the procedure, the process you created, to get that person as
your partner.

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If you created a marketing strategy on Facebook, or Instagram, or email, or direct mail,
or podcast that fills the event, document it so it becomes a process and a system. How
you talk to somebody before they show up? How you come out and talk to someone
during the mastermind, whether online or in person.

Everything you do, I wish I would have done this sooner in my business, document it,
because as you grow, you can hand that standing operating procedure off to someone
else. That's how companies scale. That's how a company doesn't become reliant just on
you, it can be reliant on the procedures, on the processes. That's how you scale. That's
how you go to the next level.

Another one that's so important is to model others. Watch what Tony and I are doing
with our marketing. Watch what other successful people that you admire are doing, get
into their funnel if it's online, get into their process, get their emails. Get on the phone
with them if you must. And if you want, join other masterminds. I have, I'm a part of
masterminds all over.

But model other people that you admire. Model other people that are actually
successful, that are making an impact on the world. Model their marketing, model their
fulfillment, model what they say, just do it your way, and better.

Listen, I've seen so many incredible things that I've watched on TV, that weren't even in
my industry, but I was like, oh, what a great way to communicate with clients. Oh, what
a great way to do an ad on Facebook. Oh, I think I'm going to do that YouTube
marketing with a short little, you know, you can skip this ad in three minutes, that looks
amazing. What if I did my version.

Or I get an email sometimes. I got an email from Tony. I'll get it from my buddy Brendon
Burchard, or Jeff Walker, or Frank Kern, or Russell Brunson. I'll get an email, I'm like, oh,
that was good. I'm going to write my own version of that. I might even steal their
headline, because it was such a catchy headline in the email that I'm like, it got me to
open, to get my followers to open.

So, be aware of what people around you that are successful are doing, model it, but put
your own twist on it. I'm not saying plagiarize someone. I'm saying model what they're
doing in your own words, and watch how quick you can grow.

Another one is be solution oriented while you grow this business, or start this business. I
know you've heard that before, but I want to just give you another reminder here at the
end that stuff's going to go sideways.

Things are going to go wrong. The milk is going to spill. The campaign's not going to
work. There's going to be a partner you're doing business with that backs out at the last
minute. There's going to be a hotel that said they could do it, but they can't. There's
going to be people who say they're coming to your mastermind, and then decide not to
show up, and want their money back.

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There's going to be things that go wrong. It's worth it. You're paying success tax, that's
all that is. The whole world wants to be in business for themselves. The whole world
wants to make an impact. The whole world wants to make more money, but most
people aren't willing to go through a course like this. Most people aren't willing to fail,
and learn from it. Most people aren't willing to be solution oriented.

How many people do you know in your life, or you've met, that were in a bad
relationship, and now they're staying away from men, or staying away from women,
because all they're doing is focusing on why me? How could this happen? Why did
people do these things to me?

Listen, you might have had bad things done to you, and you might have things go wrong
while you're building this business, it happens. It's part of the growth. As Tony says, life
happens for you, not to you.

But those that focus on learning from what happened, and then all their energy goes to
fixing it, are those that win. And those that focus on why this happened, whose fault is
it, how could this happen to me? Get stuck, and live at a flat playing field for the rest of
their life.

Be obsessed on finding solutions. Be obsessed of focusing forward. We only have a

certain amount of energy in a day, it's got to go towards the fix. I tell my son that all the
time, if something goes wrong and he wants to blame a teacher, blame, like, bud, you
can't go back. Can you turn back time? No. Then how do we spend all our energy fixing
this going forward. Don't worry about the things you can't change. Put all the energy
you can on what you want, and where you want to go.

And the last part that I want to share with you before we go, before you need to hit the
ground, is this, commit to this, right now, right here, commit to it. Put time in your
schedule. Go on your phone right now and decide what hours, what time of day, you are
going to work on making this your reality.

If you just go through this course and think I'm going to attack it, that's not enough. You
need to set the time. You need to start looking at it through what can I work on to move
the needle to get my first mastermind done, to get my first expert as my partner, to do
more masterminds if you already do them. Go in your phone and schedule it. Write it on
your refrigerator. Put a sticky pad on your computer.

It is time to schedule, and here's how I want you to schedule. First off, like I said, commit
to this, stop dabbling. Has anything in your life you're not committed to worked? If
you're not committed to a relationship, does it work? Committed to a diet? Committed
to an exercise plan? Committed to being a good parent?

If you're not committed, you dabble, and what kind of results do you get with dabble?
Dabbling results. This isn't a hobby. This is your life. Commit to this right now. You're
here. You went through the entire course. You're here, commit to this.

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Secondly, schedule. Here's what I'd love for you to do right now. If you want to stop in
between, stop this video, I'd write down, what are you going to do in the next 15
minutes to start this process?

Are you going to register a URL? You going to tell a friend? You going to send an email to
someone you know that could be an expert to work alongside of you? You want to tell
your assistant, want to tell your wife, tell your husband, do something in the next 15
minutes, and write it down, what that's going to be.

Now write down, what are you going to do in the next 24 hours? What are you going to
do in the next 48 hours? What are you going to do in the next seven days? What are you
going to do in the next 14, 36, and the next four months? What are you going to do?

Write it down right now, and simultaneously, I want you to block time this moment, in
your calendar, that when you have that time, whether it's an hour or four, you are doing
nothing but total immersion, and total action, on making this business a reality.

Don't just look at this as something you're going to do someday, do it now. You're at the
forefront of this huge wave of billions and billions of dollars coming in to the self
education business, be a leader. Don't look back in five years and be like oh, my God, I
went through the course with Tony and Dean five years ago, I could have done this, but I
let life gobble me up, and now I missed it. Everybody else is doing it and I'm not.

Don't be that person. Commit to this right now. Schedule this right now. Take the time.
Make this your reality.

We are alive at such a perfect time in history. We are alive during the information age.
We're alive where we can deliver a course like this to your house. You could learn what
could take you six years in college, you could learn in a four section course, and this is 60
years of Tony and I doing this wrapped into one course so you could start off where we
left off.

Make this your reality. Make an impact on the world. Make an impact financially on
your family. Go out and do this. Don't dabble, commit.

I'm so honored that you spent this time with Tony and I. I'm so honored that you had
faith in us, and I hope we over delivered in a massive scale. I would love the opportunity
to meet you at one of our events, to see you in our high level coaching programs, or be
a part of our high level masterminds, or just hear your name, and see what you're doing.
That would be the greatest compliment, the greatest thank you you could give Tony and
I, and not just go out there and be successful, impact the world.

Tony and I are so excited that you're a part of the mastermind family. Now, go out and
make this dream your reality.

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