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This transcript was exported on Apr 11, 2019 - view latest version here.
Speaker 1: I hope you took a lot of notes. Tony was on fire. I was with him in the studio while he
was training that, and I have to tell you, just ... to share a little bit behind the scenes,
every single time he was done a video he'd say, "Hey, did I serve? Di- did they know that
I was feeling it?" Like, a guy that's had 42 years, touched more lives than anyone on the
planet in this space, that knows the depth and breadth, not only a business man for 42
years, but helping other people achieve at the highest level possible for 42 years,
collecting that data and giving you back the best of the best. He still, at the end of each
video, said, "Did I serve at the best level?" And the answer is, absolutely.

Speaker 1: I hope you took notes. I hope you're fired up because now, it's time to get tactical. Now
it's time to start your journey, and I promise you, throughout this process, you're gonna
see, no matter where you are in your life, that you can extract knowledge, passion, a
hobby, an expertise of yours or someone else's, and how to create a process to share it
for a profit.

Speaker 1: In this first section, you're gonna learn the tactics to create your perfect curriculum, and
how to find your ideal client.

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