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Teacher’s Full Name: ___________________________________________

Designation/Position: ___________________________________________
Name of School: ___________________________________________
Grade Level Taught: ___________________________________________
Number of Years in
Teaching MTB-MLE: ___________________________________________

Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) has generated both support and criticism
among Filipino language teachers. Here are some common pros and cons according to their


1. Preservation of Indigenous Languages: MTB-MLE supports the preservation of indigenous

languages. By using students' mother tongues as a medium of instruction, it helps maintain
linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

2. Enhanced Understanding and Engagement: Teaching in the mother tongue allows students to
better understand concepts and engage actively in learning. It reduces the language barrier,
especially for younger learners.

3. Improved Early Literacy Skills: MTB-MLE is believed to boost early literacy skills. Students
can develop reading and writing skills more effectively in their mother tongue before
transitioning to a second language.

4. Cultural Relevance: The use of the mother tongue in education makes learning more
culturally relevant. It enables the incorporation of local stories, traditions, and knowledge into
the curriculum.

5. Smooth Transition to Second Languages: MTB-MLE provides a gradual transition to learning

second languages like English and Filipino. This approach is seen as more effective in
building language proficiency.


1. Impact on English Proficiency: Some Filipino language teachers are concerned that MTB-
MLE may negatively affect students' English proficiency. They worry that the focus on the
mother tongue may delay English language development.

2. Lack of Teaching Materials: Teachers often struggle with a lack of standardized teaching
materials in local languages. This challenge can hinder effective instruction.

3. Teacher Training and Resources: Implementing MTB-MLE requires extensive teacher

training and resources. Not all schools have access to the necessary training and materials.

4. Transition Challenges: Transitioning from the mother tongue to a second language can be
challenging for students. Some may struggle to adapt to a different language of instruction.

5. Limited Scope: MTB-MLE is primarily implemented in the early years of education. As

students progress to higher levels, the use of the mother tongue becomes less common,
potentially leading to discontinuity.

6. Standardization Issues: There can be issues related to standardizing mother tongue-based

education across regions and language groups. Dialectal variations may pose challenges.




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