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Listening transcript INFERENCES 1 ( 1 – 10)

1. F2: I understand Larry won another dance contest.

M1: It's hard to believe we're from the same family, isn't it?
M2: What can be inferred about the man?

2. F1: Are you going to buy that suit?

M1: Do I look like a millionaire?
M2: What can be inferred from this conversation?

3. F1: Do you think I've made enough food for the party?
M1: I'd say you've made just the right amount-if a couple of hundred people show up!
M2: What does the man imply?

4. M2: Do you know where Dave is? I've gone over to his apartment several times, but he
hasn't been there.
M1: He's staying at his brother's house. Dave hates the smell of fresh paint.
M2: What can be inferred from this conversation?

5. MI: Did you know Greg has changed his major?

F2: Oh, no. How many times does that make?
M2: What does the woman imply about Greg?

6. M1: Aren't Professor Sutton's lectures fascinating?

F1: I can close my eyes when I'm listening to him, and I'm back in the Middle Ages.
M2: What can be inferred from this conversation about Professor Sutton?

7. F2: Did you have to wait long to see the dentist yesterday?
MI: It seemed like years!
M2: What does the man imply?

8. F2: Do the experts agree with this plan?

M1: That depends on which expert you ask.
M2: What does the man imply about the experts and the plan?

9. F1: Did you know that Louis has a new boss?

M1: Let's hope he gets along better with this one.
M2: What does the man imply?

10. M1: Do you think the university will cancel classes tomorrow because of the snow?
F1: Only if it keeps snowing all night.
M2: What does the woman imply?

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