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Math Level J by Grade 6

The goal of the Kumon Math Program is to make the study of high school math easy. The
program is designed to help students reach calculus efficiently. Kumon materials introduce new
content in a way that enables students to learn independently, which is a valuable skill that can
drive success in school and beyond. Students attain a significant mark of academic distinction by
reaching Math Level J before or during grade 6.


Our founder Toru Kumon said: We should help students advance to high school level worksheets
as quickly as possible while they are in elementary or junior high school. Children who have
developed the habit of self-learning will surely grow to become people who can continue solving
problems in life on their own.

Level I is considered the beginning of high-school level worksheets in both the math and reading
programs. Students will be proficient with basic and intermediate algebra by completing Math
Level I. Concepts include multiplication of polynomials, factorization, square roots, quadratic
equations and functions, and the Pythagorean Theorem. Students will learn more advanced
algebra in Level J, precalculus topics in Level K, and the introduction to calculus concepts in Level


Students who reach J by 6 will experience the true benefits and value of Kumon study, including
independent learning. J by 6 students are able to learn math through logical thinking, and they
can use this skill to self-learn in many other subjects and domains. Attaining this milestone by
middle school is important because study time becomes limited in high school due to an
increase in schoolwork and extracurricular activities. J by 6 students are typically the top
students in their class, able to complete their school work more easily, and offered
opportunities for honors and advanced placement classes.


In addition to their name being displayed on Kumon J by 6 posters all across the country,
students will receive a customized J by 6 crystal globe, a black J+ pouch, a J6 clip, and a letter
from the President of Kumon North America.


By reaching J by 6, students will be prepared for high school math material and will be well on
their way towards completing the Kumon Math Program. About half of all Kumon program
completers reached J by 6. Kumon is very proud of all students who attain this commendable
accomplishment. Kumon is confident that J by 6 students will continue to strive to reach their
full potential as independent thinkers and attain many more impressive achievements.

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