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Positive Impacts: Reducing Pollution

There are many positive impacts of implementing nanotechnology in environmental applications. First,
nanotechnology is being used to help improve water quality by removing contaminants from water

Some nanoparticles that can be used for remediation of water are carbon nanotubes (CNTs), zeolites,
nanoparticles of zero valent iron (ZVI), silver nanoparticles, etc. Other nanomaterials like zinc oxide
(ZnO), titanium dioxide (TiO2), tungsten oxide, serve as photocatalyst.

These photocatalysts can oxidize organic pollutants into harmless materials. TiO2 is the most preferred
material as it has high photostability, high photoconductivity, is easily available, inexpensive and non-
toxic. Silver nanoparticles have high toxicity to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi and
have an antimicrobial effect. Also, many polymeric nanoparticles are currently being used for wastewater
treatment to produce additional sources of drinking water.

Another technology, known as nanofiltration, can be used in water treatment in homes, offices, and
industries. Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) nonporous membrane is used for energy-efficient
desalination of water, which filters five times more than the conventional ones.

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To clean oil spills in the water bodies, a nanofabric paper towel has been developed, which is woven
from tiny wires of potassium manganese oxide that can absorb oil 20 times its weight. Thus,
nanotechnology provides a solution to clean contaminated water and prevent new pollution.

Another nanotechnology used in large-scale oil spill cleanup and wastewater management is nano-scale
zero valent iron technology (NZVI). In simple terms, it uses activated carbon to trap and remove pollution
from the water. This technology has recently been leveraged in filters for water bottles and pitchers to
remove contaminants from tap water.
Nanotechnology is also used to protect the environment by cleaning up outdoor air pollution. It allows
toxic gases to be removed from the air so that people can be protected from breathing in harmful
contaminants. Nanotechnology has been utilized to detect pollutants at the molecular level using precise

A sensor called a nanocontact sensor has been developed, which can detect heavy metal ions and
radioactive elements. These sensors have a small size, are inexpensive and are easy to use on-site.
Currently, single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) are being used to detect NO2 and NH3 gases.

Also, SWNTs sensors can accomplish high sensing activity at room temperature compared to
conventional sensors, which work at 200 to 600◦C. Cantilever sensors have been developed to sense
VOCs, heavy metals and pesticides. A mixture of CNTs with gold particles helps adsorb toxic gases like
NOx, SO2 and CO2. Another porous nanomaterial manganese oxide has better adsorption of toxic gases
due to its large surface area.

Therefore, by detecting pollutants with specific sensors, we can help protect the sustainability of human
health and the environment. Thus, nanotechnology provides us with a new approach to cutting down
waste production, reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and discharge of hazardous chemicals in
water bodies.

Negative Impacts: Environmental Exposure

Ironically, while nanomaterials have been developed in many applications that clean up pollution and
contaminants, studies have also shown that exposure to some nanomaterials can have a negative impact
on the environment.

Recent research has shown that nanoparticles that have been released into the environment in the form
of waste can have a significant negative health impact on marine organisms. Studies have found
increased cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in marine microalgae and copepod organisms as a result of
this type of nanoparticle exposure.

Other studies have revealed that the accumulation of nanoparticles in the soil, particularly copper oxide,
lanthanum oxide, cerium oxide, and nickel oxide, can reduce the rate of photosynthesis and transpiration
of plants growing in the soil.

More research is needed to fully understand the impact of nanoparticle pollution on the environment.
However, it is clear that caution must be taken with the use of nanoparticles and nanotechnology to
prevent the unwanted leaching of nanomaterials into the environment. There is also a need for
guidelines to be established to protect the environment from this new type of pollution. Once research
has been conducted to quantify the negative impact of nanoparticles in this setting, we will be able to
establish such guidelines.

Green Technology

Green technology or green manufacturing offers a solution to the problem of nanoparticle pollution. This
is an environmentally friendly technology, which is developed and used to conserve natural resources.

Such technology aims at producing nanomaterials with lesser raw materials, minimum energy
consumption, and minimum waste production. It is known that any manufacturing process is
accompanied by a large amount of waste production. This is minimized by green manufacturing, which
uses green chemicals less harmful to the environment and energy-efficient processes. Microemulsions,
which are used instead of VOCs in the cleaning industry, are an example of green technology.

The emerging field of “green” synthesis for nanomaterials will likely continue to develop as the world
looks to harness the powerful capabilities of nanotechnology while mitigating their potentially harmful
effects on the environment.

Thus, scientific authorities are monitoring various nanoparticles produced and used, as well as their
subsequent impact. In the future, it should be possible to balance the technology’s benefits and possible
unintended consequences.

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