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Islamiya English School, Abu Dhabi

Winter Holiday Homework Grade: VIII

I Identify and write the name of the figures of speech used in the given sentences.

i. Pat planted the pretty pink poppies in the pot. _________________________

ii. I’ve heard that joke a billion times, but it still cracks me up! _________________________
iii. The buzzing bee startled me! _________________________
iv. The sun stretched its golden arms across the land. _________________________
v. The leaves danced in the wind. _________________________
vi. Again came the tong-ting-tong of a sheep bell. _________________________
vii. She wept oceans of tears. _________________________
viii. And waves of shadow went over the wheat. _________________________

II. Use correct form of the verb in the given sentences.

i. Sam always ___________________ (misbehave) with his elder brother.
ii. I ____________ (meet) my best friend in the mall yesterday.
iii. Nobody _______________ (leave) the class now.
iv. She _____________________ (live) in this house since 2015.
v. We _______________ (celebrate) his birthday next week.
III. Identify the underlined part of speech in each sentence and write its name in the space given.

i. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. ______________

ii. What did she ask you to do? ______________

iii. I left my shoes under the kitchen table. ______________

iv. If we finish our work quickly. We can go to the movies. ______________

v. On Saturdays, I work from nine to five. ______________


IV. Read the Text adapted from an article called ‘Aristotle said there are three types of friendship’.
Q1. From the first paragraph, name two of the things the writer mentions about Aristotle.

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i. ______________________________________________________________________________

ii. ______________________________________________________________________________

Q2. In the section ‘The friendship of the good’, the writer comments on the positive aspects of this type of
friendship. Identify two of the points the writer makes.
i. ________________________________________________________________________________

ii. _______________________________________________________________________________

Q3. List two examples of the use of positive language in the introductory section of the Text.
i. ________________________________________________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________________________________________________

Q4. Choose the correct option. The use of the metaphor ‘blossom’ (lines 40-45) is associated with:
i. Growth
ii. Confidence
iii. Respect

Q5. Choose the correct option. ‘Mutual appreciation’ (30-35) is an example of:
i. Negative language

ii. Oxymoron

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iii. Positive language

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Q6. Choose the correct option. The tone of the final paragraph of the Text directly relates to:

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i. The writer

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ii. The reader

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iii. Animals

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Q7. Choose the correct option. The final two sentences of the Text provide:

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i. An easy vocabulary ii. An entertaining event

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ii. A neat summing up

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