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Topic 5: Technology as a Way of Revealing

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of this topic, you should be able to:

 Explain the concept of human condition before science and technology;

 Identify the change that happened in human condition after science and
Technology and
 Name ways on how technology aided in revealing the truth about the human

Presentation of Contents

Our early ancestors’ primal need to survive paved the way for the invention of
several developments. As we always claim that humans are gifted with wisdom
and more advanced than any other creatures, our ancestors were able to utilize
available materials to make their life more comfortable.

In your own perspective, how has technology affected the following aspects
given the two-time frames? Fill out the table below.

Human Conditions Before the common During the common

era era
Mortality Rate

Average Life Span

Science, Technology and Society Module 1

Literacy Rate

Gross Domestic

Science, Technology and Society Module 2

Science, Technology and Society Module 3

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