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BSBA 301


1. To achieve excellence in goods or services, a quality culture promotes continual

improvement, customer focus, staff participation, and process optimization. In contrast,
traditional culture frequently places a higher priority on mundane duties and adheres to
norms without placing much focus on adaptability or innovation. A good company
culture promotes proactive and adaptable behavior by empowering employees and
encouraging open communication. On the other side, traditional culture may be resistant
to change and support inflexible systems and hierarchical decision-making. A quality
culture is generally dynamic, customer-centric, and excellence-focused, as opposed to a
conventional culture, which may be more rigid, process-oriented, and resistant to change.

2. Moving to total quality takes time method adoption is a challenging process that needs
extensive retraining, education, and cultural rewiring. It requires changing power dynamics,
decision-making procedures, and communication patterns to influence corporate culture.
Resistance to change is a frequent problem, so it's critical to address concerns and win staff
support. Cultural transformation is a long process that calls for ongoing work to advance TQM
concepts, encourage teamwork, and give employees more control. It takes time to properly
integrate the process of developing an attitude of constant improvement, customer happiness, and
staff participation. It is crucial for successful deployment and alignment with TQM principles to
use a staged and controlled approach.

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