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Remember your skeletal landmarks for rigging, they never have muscle or fat

Spines come in three parts in animation: cervical goes from skull to C-7 just above the ribs, thoracic
goes from the first rib down to the tenth, and lumbar from there down to the end of the tail

Skeletal biological sex is largely determined by the angle of the pelvic blades, where male pelvises
are almost always shaper than female ones

Iliac crests are important and a few inches above the greater trochanter, the knobbly bit attached to
the ball joint

Proximal – closest to the core boy

Medial – the bit in the middle

Distal - the smallest and most distant phalange

Connotation is key - each shape carries them, mush ‘em together to guide peoples’ assumptions

Flexors – muscles that close parts of the body inwards

Extensors – muscles that open/extend parts of the body outwards

Origin and insertion – origin being the least mobile point in the muscle (usually proximal), insertion
being the most distant

MUSCLES NEVER PUSH, ONLY PULL, also gravity doesn’t affect muscle movement very much at all

Contra posto – look this one up dammit

Not all muscle groups have a specific paired group, pecs have three counters for instance

Deltoid made of origin at the top, anterior near the front, posterior near the back, and achromic in
the middle

Both parts of the paired muscles work at once to achieve a specific result, never does one operate
without the other

Personal experience is incredibly useful, bring it up whenever possible

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