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Soal 1: Listening Comprehension What is the main topic of the lecture?

(A) The history of

ancient civilizations. (B) The importance of agriculture in society. (C) The development of
modern farming techniques. (D) The benefits of organic farming.

Jawaban: (B) The importance of agriculture in society.

Soal 2: Reading Comprehension What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The life of a
famous author. (B) The history of a particular book. (C) The impact of literature on society.
(D) The writing process of a novelist.

Jawaban: (D) The writing process of a novelist.

Soal 3: Listening Comprehension What is the woman's opinion about the proposal? (A) She
strongly supports it. (B) She is indifferent to it. (C) She has reservations about it. (D) She is
against it.

Jawaban: (A) She strongly supports it.

Soal 4: Reading Comprehension According to the passage, what is the main advantage of
renewable energy sources? (A) They are more affordable than fossil fuels. (B) They reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. (C) They are readily available worldwide. (D) They have a longer
lifespan than traditional energy sources.

Jawaban: (B) They reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Soal 5: Listening Comprehension What is the man's primary concern? (A) Finding a new job.
(B) Planning a vacation. (C) Repairing his car. (D) Completing his assignments.

Jawaban: (A) Finding a new job.

Soal 6: Reading Comprehension What is the passage mainly about? (A) The history of
photography. (B) The evolution of camera technology. (C) The role of photography in
modern society. (D) The importance of visual arts.

Jawaban: (C) The role of photography in modern society.

Soal 7: Listening Comprehension Why did the woman go to the doctor? (A) To get a
prescription. (B) To discuss a medical issue. (C) To ask for a day off from work. (D) To get a
flu shot.

Jawaban: (B) To discuss a medical issue.

Soal 8: Reading Comprehension What does the author imply about the effects of exercise on
mental health? (A) Exercise has no impact on mental health. (B) Exercise can worsen mental
health conditions. (C) Exercise can improve mental health. (D) Exercise is only beneficial for
physical health.

Jawaban: (C) Exercise can improve mental health.

Soal 9: Listening Comprehension What will the man most likely do next? (A) Go to the store.
(B) Take a nap. (C) Call a friend. (D) Finish his work.

Jawaban: (A) Go to the store.

Soal 10: Reading Comprehension What is the author's main argument in the passage? (A)
The importance of preserving historical landmarks. (B) The challenges of urban development.
(C) The need for stricter building codes. (D) The benefits of modern architecture.

Jawaban: (A) The importance of preserving historical landmarks.


Soal 1: Listening Comprehension Jawaban: (B) The importance of agriculture in society.

Penjelasan: Dalam rekaman, pembicara membahas betapa pentingnya pertanian dalam
masyarakat, terutama dalam hal memenuhi kebutuhan makanan dan memberikan mata
pencaharian kepada banyak orang.

Soal 2: Reading Comprehension Jawaban: (D) The writing process of a novelist. Penjelasan:
Dalam teks tersebut, penulis membahas proses menulis seorang novelis dan bagaimana ia
mengembangkan ide-ide dan karakter dalam karyanya.

Soal 3: Listening Comprehension Jawaban: (A) She strongly supports it. Penjelasan: Dalam
percakapan, wanita tersebut dengan tegas mendukung proposal yang diajukan dan berbicara
positif tentang ide tersebut.

Soal 4: Reading Comprehension Jawaban: (B) They reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Penjelasan: Dalam teks, disebutkan bahwa sumber energi terbarukan memiliki keunggulan
utama dalam mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca, yang penting dalam mengatasi perubahan
Soal 5: Listening Comprehension Jawaban: (A) Finding a new job. Penjelasan: Pria dalam
percakapan tersebut mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya tentang mencari pekerjaan baru.

Soal 6: Reading Comprehension Jawaban: (C) The role of photography in modern society.
Penjelasan: Teks tersebut membahas peran fotografi dalam masyarakat modern, termasuk
bagaimana fotografi memengaruhi budaya dan komunikasi visual.

Soal 7: Listening Comprehension Jawaban: (B) To discuss a medical issue. Penjelasan:

Wanita tersebut pergi ke dokter untuk mendiskusikan masalah medis yang dia hadapi.

Soal 8: Reading Comprehension Jawaban: (C) Exercise can improve mental health.
Penjelasan: Penulis dalam teks menyatakan bahwa olahraga dapat meningkatkan kesehatan
mental, yang berarti jawaban yang benar adalah (C).

Soal 9: Listening Comprehension Jawaban: (A) Go to the store. Penjelasan: Pria tersebut
berencana pergi ke toko dalam percakapan tersebut.

Soal 10: Reading Comprehension What is the author's main argument in the passage? (A)
The importance of preserving historical landmarks.

Penjelasan: Jawaban yang benar adalah (A) The importance of preserving historical
landmarks. Dalam teks tersebut, penulis menekankan pentingnya melestarikan markah tanah
sejarah. Penulis membahas bagaimana markah tanah ini memiliki nilai budaya dan sejarah
yang besar, dan menggambarkan kenapa mereka harus dijaga dan dihargai oleh masyarakat.
Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan argumen utama penulis adalah mengenai
pentingnya melestarikan markah tanah sejarah.

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