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1 What are rows, and how are they numbered?

Rows are contiguous east to west lines of Solar Tables, that are provided in Northing Easting Drawing.
Each row may consist of multiple Solar Tables of type 2P2, 2P5, 2P10 or 2P11.
Please refer to Drawing RowNos.dwg for getting row numbers

2 What is a EW# row - that is given in the drawing RowNos.dwg?

The # stands for the slope of the module plane along east west. If it is EW0 - this means the row is not
sloping along EW - it only has the North-South Slope.
EW1.5 => a 1.5 degree slope along East west. The direction of slope will
be marked in the

3 What is the KeyColumn mark in the RowNos.dwg?

For each row, a pair of long and short columns are identified as the KeyColumns. The height of these columns
is specified in the SettingOut worksheet
Based on the KeyColumn height, and EW# row type, rest of the column tops can be determined.
Fundamentally, KeyColumns are the 2 pair of columns that come on the highest point of the row. (usually westmost)

4 What if I hit rock early? Can I reduce the pedestal height?

The total pedestal height, as per drawings, is 500 mm (400 mm below, 100 mm above ground)
If due to hitting of rock early, 400 mm of pedesal is not possible below ground, the above ground height to be
adjusted so that pedestal height is 500 mm total.

5 When do I use an extension piece for column?

If , there is more than 150 mm of area in pedestal where column post is not reaching, then extension piece to be
used to bridge the gap, and go till the bottom.

6 When do I use a tie - beam for the pedestal?

If there is more of pedestal above ground than below ground, then such a pedestal would need to be tied to
neighbouring 2 pedestals (one along N and one along E) using the below provided detail.
Hence, it will always be preferable to go more below ground, than above.

This dwg will be

sent when we get
rest of the rows
elevations from

7 When do I increase pedestal height beyond 500 mm?

If the column + extension is unable to achieve the height required at the tip of the column, then the pedestal has to be extended.
See this diagram

8 When do I use reinforcement bars in my pedestal?

If Pedestal height is more than 600 mm, then the following reinforcement should be put in the pedestal as shown.
Note that this is total pedestal height ( below + above ground)
This condition will happen only when condition 7 occurs.

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