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Lesson Kit for Career Management:

Your Career Path

How to Use This Kit

Think of this kit as a portable, actionable summary of the Harvard ManageMentor
lesson you just completed. In it, you'll find:
• 30-Second Takeaway: A reminder of the key lesson concepts. Consider sharing
it with your peers or teams.
• Your responses to the Practice and Reflect activities: The actions you want to
take to improve your skills. Consider sharing them with your manager.
• Tools: Worksheets and handouts to continue applying what you learned on the
Don't forget to make time for learning with Harvard ManageMentor.

Your Responses
1. TAKE A MOMENT. According to Petriglieri, one lesson we all can learn
from artists is building a foundation of expertise. Now think about
yourself. What are the top three skills you currently bring to your job?
Technical expertise Empathy Interpersonal skill

2. TAKE A MOMENT. How do you define success?

To get what you want

3. Which, if any, of these priorities does your definition of success


Work-life balance
Financial reward
Personal and professional growth
Created 27 February 2021 9:20PM

Harvard Business School Publishing. All rights reserved. Harvard Business School Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. 1/1

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