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Bella Gwyneth A.


Allegory of the Cave by Plato

Greek Philosopher Plato firmly believes that, there are truths to be discovered and
knowledge is possible. This statement lays out its connection to his well-known work, “The
Allegory of the Cave.” This work contains the most influential and significant excerpts of The
Republic. The passage contains the dialogue between Socrates and Plato’s brother, Glaukon,
wherein the former explains to the latter that humans resemble the captives who are chained to
the deep and pitch-black cave. These humans are unable to realize the reality behind the shadows
that their naked eyes have seen.

Socrates begins with drawing the comparison in order to understand either the effect or
the lack of learning upon our nature by rendering a scenario to Glaukon. He illustrates an
example of people who are chained to the deepest depths of the cave. They are unable to move
and turn their heads, and only a dim light of fire illuminates the cavern located just above their
heads. There is also the presence of the objects from the outside world where they can only make
out as shadows. In spite of their situation, one was able to set free from the bind of the chains,
thus making him gaze upon the firelight. Since his eyes were not used to the sight of light,
making his eyes suffer from the glare of light. Socrates explains further by conveying the
example where this person was able to make it up the surface. This would just worsen the
condition of his eyes, for what lies above is the sun. However, with this representation, he would
then realize that all they have been seeing from the cave was a mere delusion, as they only saw
shadows. Knowing what the outside world looked like, he went back down the cave to free his
comrades, only for his eyes to suffer once again for going back in the dark. As he descended, he
told his companions of what he has seen only to be met by their anger and their plot to kill him,
due to the absurdities he has spoken.

Plato implies that the representation of the people stuck in the cave for a very long time
are the humans who are ignorant of what the knowledge and truth the world has to offer. The
person who has been set free and has pondered over the surface above and was able to see the
sun, are the people who finally got a glimpse of the good truth. The fire light inside the cave
depicts the phenomena of what the ignorant people believe in, while the sun represents the good
truth of what this world is.

The whole excerpt shows the difference between people believe in which are the clash of
the two: The False reality or the good truth. The last part of the passage shows that the ones who
remained in the cave refused to believe in his ideas of reaching the surface. According to Plato,
People have the desire to learn things; if people do not desire to learn what is true therefore you
cannot force them to learn. This just proves where you cannot force your perspective to another,
because they are unable to see what you see. They see and interpret it differently.
Bella Gwyneth A. Canlas

Ambrose, Augustine, and Gregory

Stoicism gained attention on the era of Theocentrism. It is a philosophy of life where it

increases the positive emotions and reduces the negative emotions, which helps this hone the
character and self. It was founded by Zeno of Citium including the Roman Emperor Marcus
Aurelius. It was later further known by Seneca and the Fathers of the church. Rome fell into
oppression, where corruption is everywhere and despotism is inevitable. Seneca was able to
contemplate wherein the existence of a social service that involved no office in the state and no
function of a strictly political sort. Thus, making a turn to an ancient Stoic doctrine that states,
“Every man is a member of two commonwealths, the civil state of which he is a subject and the
greater state, composed of all rational beings, to which he belongs by his humanity.” For Seneca,
his views of the greater commonwealth is society rather than a state, where its ties are moral or
religious rather than political and legal. With these views show the separation of church and state
for each of this institution focus and view on different human aspects however, religion stays
adjunct of the state for the world empire has always been impossible without religious support.
The world itself is with different nationality, therefore making religion the only practicable bond
of union. With these came the greatest contributions of the Fathers of the Church which were
namely: Ambrose, Augustine, and Gregory.

St. Ambrose of Milan is from a family whose religion is Christianity, coming from the
old Roman Aristocracy. He established the model for bishops in the relations with secular
powers. Before, the people of Milan were divided for religious matters because the majority were
Christians and the minority rejected this teaching and preferred Arianism. St. Ambrose believed
that the doctrine of Arianism was incompatible with God’s revelation. These words angered the
Emperor and sent soldiers to the Basilica. St. Ambrose asserted that in spiritual matters, the
church has jurisdiction over all Christians, including the emperor. He also stated that the
Emperor is within the church not above the church. Thus he firmly believes that what belongs to
God is to God and what belongs to the Emperor is to the emperor, therefore separating temporal
and spiritual.
St. Augustine of Hippo was St. Ambrose great convert and pupil. He has important
contributions and profoundly the most important one that has given more impact. His most
characteristic idea based on the conception of Christian commonwealth, along with a philosophy
of History that presents such a commonwealth as the culmination of a man’s spiritual
development. His book, The City of God was written to defend Christianity against the pagans.
He made a distinction between the understanding of human histories, which he stated must
always be dominated by the contest of two societies. This is where he describes the earthly city,
where society founded on the earthly, appetitive, and possessive impulses on lower human
nature, whilst on the other stands the City of God where society is founded on hope of heavenly
peace and spiritual salvation. His theory of the relationship between secular and ecclesiastical
rulers, was nearly precise to the writers of his time. Ambroses’ concept applies where a state
must be a christian state, serving a community by which has in common christian faith
preserving the purity of faith.
St. Greogory is one of the Fathers who spoke the sanctity of political rule that suggests
passive obedience. He has secured the defense of Italy against the Lombards through his
influence on behalf of justice and good governance throughout western Europe and North Africa.
He has exercised authority both secular and ecclesiastical. He asserted that obedience to the
subjects must be present as they must not criticize the lives of their rulers. To him obedience was
a greater virtue, in order to maintain peace.

The three fathers of the church is connected to the theory of stoicism because of the
virtues present in their beliefs. They always regard human emotion and virtue with regards to the
spiritual beliefs. Therefore, the concept of virtues in the church shows the ways to serve God
even in the midst of oppression and earthly matters.

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