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*is the right answer

Chapter 1

What is Psychology?
A.The scientific study of behaviour and its causes *
B.Study of the mind
C.The Scientific study of a person’s mind and mood
D.Study of mental health and processes

What is the Empirical Method?

A.Not using numbers
B.Using qualitative approaches
C.Measuring and describing things (behaviour) objectively and with observations *
D.Observing behaviour

What theory did Sigmund Freud develop?

B. Psychoanalytic *
C. Behaviorism
D. Humanism

What is an area of interest for the Positive Psychology theoretical perspective?(Multiple

A.The study of positive subject experiences, including love and happiness *
B. Positive individual traits (Strengths) *
C.Positive institutions *
D.All of the above *

Which of the following is NOT a theoretical perspective?

A. Evolutionary
C.Clinical *

A psychologist is studying which theoretical perspective that focuses on the freedom of

choice and actualization of a self?
A.Humanistic *
C.Positive Psychology
(Make this longer time wise on the Kahoot)

A child tells his mom that he does not want to go to school. It is found that the child is bullied
at school. Which theoretical perspective would you use to examine this situation?
B. Cognitive
D.Behavioral *

A psychologist is studying how a species has changed and adapted overtime and how this
has helped them survive. Which theoretical perspective are they applying?
B.Evolutionary *
D.Positive psychology

Chapter 2

John is a psychologist and has made a survey exploring how university student’s sleep has
been impacted by the pandemic. He is currently having 5000 university students around
Ontario fill it out. What state of the scientific investigation is he in?
A.Collecting data *
B.Formulating a testable hypothesis
C.Selecting a method and study design
D.Report findings

Julie is studying how the amount of sleep adults get impacts their mood. She splits her
participants into 2 groups, one getting 6 hours of sleep per night, and the other getting 8.
What is the independent variable?
A.The group that got 8 hours of sleep
B.The amount of sleep the groups get *
C.Their mood
D.The group that got 6 hours of sleep

Julie is studying how the amount of sleep adults get impacts their mood. She splits her
participants into 2 groups, one getting 6 hours of sleep per night, and the other getting 8.
What is the dependent variable?
A.The group that got 8 hours of sleep
B.The amount of sleep the groups get
C.Their mood *
D.The group that got 6 hours of sleep

What are 3 types of correlation/descriptive researches

A.Case study, Naturalistic observation, and Survey *
B.Experiment, Naturalistic observation, and case study
C.Experiment, Placebo effect, Experimental group
D.Placebo effect, Case study, Independent variable

Helen is doing an experimental study on a new main medication. She has 2 groups of
participants, one gets the real pill and the other gets a fake pill filled with sugar. Both groups
are treated the same. In this case, the fake fill filled with sugar is the_
B.Experimental group
C.Fake group
This one needs more time on kahoot

Which shows the highest correlation between 2 variables?

B-0.9 *

When filling out a survey on how often Ryan goes on her phone, she thought about how her
parents would react if they knew the truth that she uses her phone for over 8 hours. As a
result, she selects that she uses her phone for only 4 hours a day. What is her action an
example of?
A.Social Desirability Bias *
B.Experimenter bias
C.Placebo effect
D.Sampling Bias

A psychologist is working in a school and wants to see if eating breakfast during class rather
than at home(which students in this school usually do) increases their attention. Half the
students continue eating breakfast at home, and the other half is given breakfast during the
first period. Which is the control group?
A.The psychologist
B.The breakfast
C.The group eating breakfast in class
D.The group eating breakfast at home *

A psychologist is working in a school and wants to see if eating breakfast during class rather
than at home(which students in this school usually do) increases their attention. Half the
students continue eating breakfast at home, and the other half is given breakfast during the
first period. Which is the experiential group?
A.The psychological
B.The breakfast
C.The group eating breakfast in class *
D.The group eating breakfast at home

What is a problem with Anecdotal evidence (From the Critical Thinking page) (More than 1
right answer)
A.People listen to facts more
B.It is seductive *
C.It can resemble a single case study and does not fit for everyone *
D.It can have social desirability *

Chapter 4

1. Physical energy transformed into neural energy is known as

a) Sensation*
b) Perception
c) Amplitude
d) Wavelength

2. A person comes from a very bright light into a very dark room. Which of the following is
the correct sequence of actions that might have occurred in the person’s eye?
a) Pupil dilates, rods in effect, pupil constricts, cones in effect
b) Pupil dilates, iris moves, cornea constricts
c) Pupil constricts, cornea muscles relax, iris moves
d) Pupil constricts, cones in effect, pupil dilates, rods in effect*

3. Which part of the eye is responsible for seeing an image sharply?

a) Rods
b) Cones
c) Fovea*
d) Cornea

4. Olivia works in a corporate office where everyone takes a lunch break at noon every day.
She notices her coworkers standing up at the same time, picking up their handbags and
putting on their coats. Some of them turn off their computers. Olivia hears her stomach growl
and smells someone cooking food in the microwave in the break room nearby. Thus, she
eats her lunch. But how does Olivia know that it is time for lunch?
a) Top-down processing
b) Bottom-up processing*
c) Stimulus-response
d) Sensation-Perception

5. What determines the loudness of sound?

a) Frequency
b) Pitch
c) Amplitude*
d) Wavelength

6. While driving, Sam hit a goose crossing the street. He said, “I looked right there, but never
saw it.” What is this phenomenon called?
a) Feature analysis
b) Inattentional blindness*
c) Perceptual set
d) Reversible figure

7. Which of the following do 3-D movies take advantage of?

a) Binocular cues*
b) Monocular cues
c) Pictorial cues
d) Depth perception

8. The image below is an example of which pictorial cue?

a) Relative size
b) Interposition
c) Light and shadow
d) Both A and C*

9. Perception without sensation is known as:

a) Sensory restriction
b) Context effects
c) Visual illusion
d) Extra sensory perception*

10. Jessica asked Jasmine for $100, Jasmine refused to give her that amount. Later, Jessica
asked Jasmine for $20. She happily gave that amount. Which technique did Jessica use?
a) Persuasion
b) Door-in-the-face*
c) Comparitors
d) Illusion

Chapter 3:
1. The cells in the nervous system that integrate, receive, and transmit information are:
a. Soma
b. Neurons
c. Glia
d. Dendrites
2. The hindbrain is composed of which of the following?
a. Endocrine system and limbic system
b. Reticular formation
c. Thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebrum.
d. Cerebellum, medulla, and pons.
3. Which of the following is related to the nervous system in the same way that
hormones are related to the endocrine system?
a. Nerves
b. Synapses
c. Neurotransmitters
d. Action potential
4. Which nervous system can be subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems?
a. Central
b. Peripheral
c. Somatic
d. Autonomic
5. Monoamines are neurotransmitters which are:
a. Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
b. Acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin
c. Norepinephrine, GABA, and dopamine
d. Dopamine, serotonin, and GABA
6. The nervous system located outside of the brain and spine, extending outside of the
body is:
a. Autonomic
b. Central
c. Somatic
d. Peripheral
7. The part of the brain that houses the pons, medulla, and cerebellum is called:
a. The forebrain
b. The hindbrain
c. The midbrain
d. The brain stem
8. When performing split-brain surgery, the surgeon divides the brain by cutting the:
a. Forebrain
b. Corpus Callosum
c. Hippocampus
d. Brain stem
9. The function of the endocrine system:
a. Glands that secrete testosterone into the body
b. Glands secreting chemicals into the brain that increase memory.
c. Glands secreting chemicals into the bloodstream that aid in short-term
d. Glands secrete chemicals into bloodstream that help bodily functions.
10. Hormones are released through:
a. The central nervous system
b. Endocrine system
c. The gallbladder
d. Peripheral nervous system

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