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Pascual, Sonny Boy T.

2 BSEDE-B Date: 04-28-2023

ETH-GEC Due date:04-28-2023 5:00pm
I’m so sorry Sir for not watching all the videos, I owe all the negligence and irresponsible actions
towards this. I watched the 7 videos but I didn’t finish watching each episodes. I just watch the part that I
think enough to create a questions as my goal is to have something to pass or share during the discussion
on the coming meeting.

On the question “who tells if your action on not watching all the videos ethical or not?” I would
definitely say it is unethical and I wanted to apologize on that. There will be no excuses for this actions
because we have a long period of time to do it. I must admit that I became irresponsible on my action
toward this.

However, I had a screenshots of all those 7 videos containing main ideas of each topics such meta
ethics, divine command theory, natural law theory, utilitarianism, dilemma, ethical theories, moral
realism, moral anti-realism, euthyphro, categorical imperatives and so on. I also created questions on each
videos and wrote my own perspective about it. I didn’t finish each videos for I was thinking I only have
enough information on each episode that is clearly wrong. Because when I hear and saw each question
being asked and how they answer it. I lost the track somehow. I could only answer a few of those
questions. I’m so sorry Sir, I promise to do better next time.

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