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Focus Skill: Discover through literature the characteristics of a person and the need to develop each
characteristic in becoming a good friend.
1. Describe the characters in the story.
2. Define friendship.
3. Express thoughts and feelings of the story.

II-Subject Matter
The Bear and the Two Friends

Value Focus: Building real friendship
Language focus: Applying S-V Agreement in constructing sentences.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a) Prayer

Everybody stand. Xyriel Jay, please lead the prayer.

Good morning, class. Good morning, Ms. Sundo.

How are you today? We’re fine Ma’am.

Very Good! By the way, Have you thank God for this Yes/Not yet Ma’am.
great day?
Some say yes, some say not yet while others are just
quiet. Okay, everybody let’s thank God for this great day.
In a count of three, let’s say “Thanks God for this great “Thanks God for this great
day!” 1,2,3… day!”

Good! Kindly arrange your chairs properly, and then

take your seats.

Is everybody present? Yes Ma’am.

Class secretary, do not forget to check the attendance.
b) Review

Class I have here nine (9) questions for you. This is for
me to check on how far you’ve gone on our previous
lesson. To add more fun, let’s do it through a game called Okay Ma’am.
“Matira ang Matibay”, deal? Remember, I will be giving a
reward for the declared winner.
But before we’ll start here’s the mechanics of the
(Discuss the mechanics)

c) Motivation (Game: Box Pass)

Class, do you want chocolates? Yes, Ma’am!

How about more game? We also want more game
Well, since you like chocolates, let’s play another Ma’am!
game. You listen for the instructions, okay?
(Read the instructions of the game)

d. Presentation

Thank you so much class for sharing your nice ideas

and opinions. You are not just talented students but you
also have brilliant minds.

Now, I want you to take a look with this picture. What

have you seen? What kind of animal is in the picture? Ma’am, that’s a bear.

You’re right. That’s a bear. Yes Ma’am. Some bears

What have you heard about bears? Are they harmful, kill people.
Correct. Good thing we don’t have that kind of bears
here in Philippines, only teddy bears, the one we used to
hug in cold nights 
Okay, since you know already that bears are harmful,
what will you do when you see a bear coming near to you? I will run fast Ma’am.
But bears can run faster, too. I will climb into a tree,
Very Good! If bears will visit here in Aurora, for sure,
you will be safe. 

Now, how about this picture? What do you think is They are friends Ma’am.
their relationship?
You’re right! The picture shows an image of good
Let me ask you, do you have friends? Yes Ma’am, we have lot of
Of course. Because friends are very important for us.
They make us laugh and cheer us up when we feel down
and discouraged. They are also the one to help us when
we need some help. But, be careful class because not all
friends are true. That is why we should not easily put our
trust to a friend especially if we are not yet sure if he/she
is true.

So, this time, I will be presenting to you a short story Ma’am, want to watch it
about a bear and the two friends. How much do you love very much.
to watch it?

But before we can watch it class, we need to unlock

first the difficult words that can be found in the story
because that serve as our password so can understand the
video clip.
Now, are you willing to help me? Yes Ma’am! Yes Ma’am!

Good. I will divide you into two groups. Let’s make it a


Each group or team will choose one representative to

give me the correct answer. All members of each group
can coach your representative but only the representatives
are allowed to come in front. The first representative to
reach the table will be acknowledged first and has the
chance to have more correct answers. But, if he/she fails
to give the answer, the second representative will have
his/her turn.
Okay, this is what you will do. You will just choose
among these words that fit the meaning to be given
below. You can see your scores in the scoreboard.
Is everything clear to you? Yes, Ma’am.
Okay, are you ready? Yes Ma’am, we are ready.

e. Discussion

(The winner is announced)

Everybody let us clap our hands for the winning
Now, we will know these words. Group 1, you read
the word. Group 2, you read the meaning of the word.
(Discuss each word)

Words Meaning

Hazardous -involving risk or danger

Hurriedly -done in a hurry

Frighten -to make afraid

Sniffed -to smell

Disappeared -to pass from view

False -not genuine

We are done with the difficult words; we can now

proceed to our story.

Class, fasten your seatbelt and relax because we will

have a trip down to the forest.
Ready? Yes Ma’am! We are now
very excited to know the

The Bear and the Two friends

Long time ago, there were two boys walking along the
forest named Madhavan and Sethu. They’re already aware
that anything hazardous can happen to them any time in that
place. So they promised to each other that they would remain
united in any case of hazard.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching to them.
They became frighten that Sethu forgot their promise and
hurriedly climbed to a nearby tree. But Madhavan doesn’t
know how to climb. So he was left alone. But led by his
common sense, he quickly lay on the ground breathless,
pretending to be a dead man, knowing that bears won’t touch
any dead creatures.
The bear came near Madhavan’s body lying on the
ground. It sniffed on his ear, and slowly left the place. When
the bear disappeared, Sethu came down the ground where
Madhavan laid, “Friend, what did the bear tell you? Madhavan
replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”
(After watching the video clip, ask questions)

f. Application
(Multiple Intelligence Grouping)

I want you to group yourselves into four (4).

Group I (The Academicians)

Discuss and share insights on the situation given:
“If you were in the shoes of Sethu, would you do the
same thing? Why?”

Group II (The Illustrators)

Present an illustration of good friends.

Group III (The Actors/Actresses)

Portray a situation/scene about true friendship.

Group IV (The Singers)

Choose a song that relates friendship. Sing it in front of
the class.

But before doing the task, listen first to the rubrics:

Clarity and
Grammar and
Performance Unity accuracy of Total

30% 20% 25% 25% 100%

g. Generalization

Thank you so much class for doing well in our activity.

I’m very glad with your performance. You keep it up.
The characters in the story
Just a review, who are the characters in the story?
are Sethu, Madhavan and
the large bear.

Exactly! Where did the story happen?

In the forest.

Very Good! Are the two boys real friends?

No Ma’am.
Then, Why not? Because real friends are
always helping each other.

That’s right, class! Now, what do you think is the “A friend in need is a
moral lesson of the story? friend indeed”

Very Good! Everybody clap your hands for _____.

Do you have any questions, class? If none, kindly get

¼ sheet of paper.

IV – Evaluation (Multiple Choice - 10 Items)

Read each item carefully and write the letter of the

correct answer. I will only give you five (5) minutes to do

V – Assignment

Make a composition about the importance of being a

true friend. Write it in a short bond paper.

Prepared by

Sundo, Ideliza M.
BSED – IV English

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