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As a student I expect or we expect that our subject is to widen our knowledge about the

topics taught these subject, In this way we can express our intention to learn more about the
subject and also I expect that our subject will provide us a holistic approach, real-life examples
and hands on training to express our intentions to relate our learning to our own experiences
and circumstances, and also to make to make us well-equipped not only for examinations but
also for the real world, and also to express our intentions to apply our learning even outside the
classroom. As a student it is normal to have an expectations from the subjects even before the
start of classes. It is usual for teachers to ask the students about their expectations too. Our
expectations can be applied in our religion and also to our subjects.
As a student we have all different challenges that we are facing. First is the pressure to
succeed academically, this challenge will lead us to stress and anxiety and also, I know more
students may struggle with time management, procrastination and lack of motivation and also,
we face the financial difficulties including this is our tuition and allowance. But the most
common challenges for our students is our mental health, living environment and also the time
management. Being a student, we exhilarating time in our life, we have new friends, new
places, new challenges can all add up to a huge challenge. But all those things can also make the
student life seem a total nightmare. Financial worries, debt, exam pressure. These all together
build up the student’s stress, which can overwhelm any students. Stress is a biggest problem
and challenges of a student’s nowadays but I know that we can all fixed this by trusting
ourselves and no matter the situation is never give up.

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