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The urinary system filters wastes and extra fluid from the bloodstream and removes them from the
The Urinary system consist of:
Kidneys (two)
Ureters (two)
Bladder (one)
Urethra (one)
Kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from the body. The kidneys also remove acid that is produced by
the cells of the body and maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals.
● The kidney are two bean shaped organs found on the left and right of the body vertebrate.

Parts of the kidney and its Functions

Renal Arteries carry unfiltered blood from the aorta to the kidneys.
Renal Veins carry filtered blood from the kidneys to the posterior vena cava.
Renal pelvis is a large cavity that collects the urine as it is produced.
Renal cortex the outer region of the kidney, between the renal capsule and the renal medulla, that
consists of a space that contains blood vessels that connect to the nephrons.
Renal medulla is the inner part of the kidney. The medulla helps regulate the concentration of urine by
filtering out water, salts, and acid.
Major calyx the urine flows into the renal pelvis; and from there, it flows into the ureter.
Minor calyx is a cup shaped cavity at the base of the real papilla, which drains urine from the renal
papillae into the major calyxes.

Nephrons are microscopic filtering units.

● Take in blood, metabolize nutrients, and help pass out waste products from filtered blood. Each
kidney has about 1 million nephrons.
● Each has its own internal set of structures. Each nephron is made up of a very small filter, called a
glomerulus, which is attached to a tubule.
● As blood passes through the nephron, fluid and waste products are filtered out.
● Much of the fluid is then returned to the blood, while the waste products are concentrated in any
extra fluid as urine.

Ureters is a tube that carries urine from a kidney to the bladder

● The ureters are bilateral thin ( 3 to 4 mm ) tubular structures that connect the kidney to the urinary
bladder, transporting urine from the renal pelvis into the bladder.
Bladder is the hollow organ in your lower abdomen that stores urine.
● bladders can hold up to 2 cups of urine.
● It is made of muscle and shaped like a balloon. Your bladder expands as it fills up.
Female Urethra is embedded within the vaginal wall, and its opening is situated between the labia.
● The female urethra is only about 1 and a half inches.
● It begins at the bladder neck and opens to the outside just after passing through the urethral
● The female urethra is much shorter than that of the male urethra.
Male Urethra connects the urinary bladder to the penis
● approximately 8 inches long and the urine passes through the prostate gland.
● The urethra in the male is used by 2 body systems. The Urinary and the Reproductive system.
● The urethra is more than just a urinary duct; it also serves as a conduit for semen and sperm
during sexual acts

Four Main Segments of Urethra

● Preprostatic urethra
● Prostatic urethra
● Membranous urethra
● Spongy urethra

Urine is the waste product that the Urinary system is responsible for eliminating from the body.

Urine colors and its meaning

● Clear urine indicates that you’re drinking more than the daily recommended amount of water.
● Pale yellow category signals that you’re healthy and hydrated
● Transparent Yellow normal
● Dark yellow you are becoming dehydrated. Drink more water
● Orange sign of dehydration or a possible sign of liver disease
● Red or Pink possibly a sign of kidney disease, UTI
● Dark Brown possible cause eating lots of fava beans, some medications


● Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys.
● Urinary Tract Infections are common infections that happen when bacteria enter the urethra and
infect the urinary tract.
● Interstitial Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, usually caused by a bladder infection.
● Kidney failure is when your kidneys have stopped working well enough for you to survive
without dialysis or a kidney transplant.

How to keep our Urinary System healthy?

● Drink plenty of water

● Eat healthy diet
● Watch what you eat
● Limit alcohol and caffeine
● Use bathroom when needed

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