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made by throughout our

Pinchao Pinchao lives
Laguna Gutierrez
Mojica Gomez
Polanias Diaz Proyecto xv.
Ramirez Ospina
Jimenez Cataño

2008 - Laguna
I was 6 years old, I cut my foot with a
glass, I was having lunch and when I got
up to take the dishes to the kitchen, I
tripped and I was without shoes, the
glass broke and cut me.

2012 - Laguna
I was 9 years old, I broke my left arm
for stealing a piece of chicken that
was in a pot in the kitchen.

2012 - Mojica
I had type 1 herpes all over my face, I
felt bad and I didn't want to leave my
house, I wore a mask all the time, then
it went away and little by little I was
returning to normal.

2014 - Jimenez
When I was 14 years old, when I was
leaving the farm with my grandfather,
I slipped on the road and cut my hand
60 % with the comb I was carrying, resulting
in 5 points.
Sustenta tus
Proyecto xv.

2014 - Polanias
I had a fall on a cycle, but I only had
scrapes and bruises on my body.

2015 - Ramirez
I had Chikungunya disease, it gave me a
lot of general discomfort and

2016 - Jimenes
When I was riding a horse he got
scared and ran away, which caused
me to lose control of the brake and it
caused a vine to get tangled in my
neck, leaving me scratched.

2016 - Ramirez
I had a motorcycle accident, but I only
had scratches

60 %

2017 - Pinchao
I had a fall from a bicycle, because on
a descent with many curves I was
going too fast and on one turn I
couldn't turn around and fell into the
2018 - Pinchao
I suffered a fall from my dad's
motorcycle, I was on the motorcycle
with my mother going up a hill and
because it was in poor condition we

2018 - Mojica
I fell off a skateboard when I was
learning to ride, it was a hard blow and
I scraped my knee and elbow, my mom
helped me up and healed me, then I
continued riding until I became good

2019 - Ramirez
I got COVID 19, I had respiratory
problems and a lot of general

2019 - Polanias
I had COVID 19 but I only had a
headache and a high fever

60 %

2020 - Laguna
I was 17 years old, I got COVID, only my
family found out and I cured myself
with panela water and lemon
60 %
2020 - Pinchao
I had a fall from the motorcycle,
because I was going at high speeds and
when I came across a gap in the road,
I braked hard and fell, without
suffering any injuries.

2020 - Polanias
I had a fall on a motorcycle but only
had scrapes on my knees.

2021 - Mojica
I had an unspecified fever, I started to
get sick from one moment to the
next, I had pain all over my body, I was
vomiting, and I felt very bad, they
never gave an exact diagnosis but
after a few days I felt better

2022 - Jimenez
At military school while jogging I had a
fall which hit my knee, leaving traces
of maltreatmen.

I don't believe in things

happening by accident, rather
you earn them. (Madeleine

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