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1. this is a game which u can play to check how good u r at words.

u have to transform a given word to another word by changing only

one letter at a time. the objective is to minimise the no. of
intermediate words. for e.g., to tranform ape to man here are the
intermediate words.
so, can you try these.....

a.winter->summer>two>pink d.grass->green

2. can you think of two no.s which doesnot contain zeros at the end
but whose product results in 1000000. how many such possible no.s are

3. find the values of different letters in the following operation.

+ made
by the way, such puzzles are called cryptarithms or
alphanumatics as they use alphabets to represent numerals.

clues for the 1st round...

clue for the third is : ronaldo will

just let go the first 37 persons. think how this is going to maximise
his chances of getting the right person.

1. i want to weigh weights from 1 to 100kgs(all integer weights

only) using a common balance. what is the minimum no. of weights i
require to do the job and what are those? how many such possible
combinations are there? can u give the funda ?

2. this is an easy one. which is the only no. which can

expressed as cubes of two no.s in two different ways? i mean
a^3+b^3=c^3+d^3=x. how is this no. popularly known as?

3. there is a 8x3 wooden piece. u r allowed cut it only once

in anyway u want and arrange the pieces so as to make it a 12x2

here we are with round 3.

1. i have eight sticks. four of them are exactly half the length of
the other four. i lay every stick on the table such that they
3 squares, all of the same size. how do i do it ? there must be no � loose
ends hanging over.
2. how many pages are there in a book, if there are a total of 100
digits used to number its pages ?

3. this puzzle was composed by none other than lewis carrol himself.
here it goes : ( recollect alice in w'land !)
the hatter, the march hare & the dormouse sit at a round table.
on the table, there are 12 cups fll of tea. every day, at 6
o'clock, each of the table-companions move two places to his
right or left (if the place is free )and drinks all the tea at
that place , if there is any in his cup. after the place
changing, alice fills one of the cups. in this way, at least how
many cups can alice keep full ?

winter to summer


one to two


blue to pink


grass to green


the only solution is 15625 and 64.


best 9567
+ made + 1085
------ ------
maser 10652

� _____
i i
i i
i i
the two plus signs are formed of the four long sticks(2 each).
the remaining two angles are formed of the four short sticks.

there are a total of 100 digits.... therefore the no. of pages is

less than 100.
now there are only 9 single digit numbers (ofcourse excluding 0)
thus as long as the number of the last page is less than 100....
the total will always be an odd number (remember 9).
thus the above question is not possible.

alice can always keep atleast 7 cups filled.

she only has to seat the three dinners altenatingly.
thus 6 cups will be always untouched. and she can always fill 1.


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