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Welcome to Välkkylä area general tenant meeting on

17th of November 2021 (Wednesday) at 6.00 pm.
The meeting will be held in the tv-room of Kajaanintie 34 A(basement).

1. Choosing the members to the tenants´ council for the 2022 term.
2. Choosing a nominee to the term of PSOAS board 2022-2024.
3. Choosing a nominee for the task of an overseer, whose role is to supervise
PSOAS financial and administrative matters.

There will be some snacks and food at the meeting.

Best regards, Atiqul Mazumder the chairman of the tenant committee

Date published : 10th November 2021

Tenant committees are groups with decision-making power that are formed from PSOAS tenants and
enable them to have a say in their own area's living conditions and comfort. Tenant committees also
improve living conditions e.g. organizing variety social events and up keeping club rooms. The tenant
committee will get next year 4000 euros to the committee operations from PSOAS. For this year there
are 3700 euros remain to use.

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