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Name: Emily Noroña

1. Discuss these questions with another student.
a. What famous murder stories in real life or fiction do you know?
I know crimes like Natalee Hollaway, I also like to investigate murders,
another famous historian could be from my heaven that is based on a real
historian and tells a murder of a girl.
b. What famous detectives do you know? Are they real-life or fictional?
I know Sherlock Holmes and Ellery Queen, one is fictional and Ellery is
from real life.
c. Which three of these qualities are most important for a successful
detective? Why?
I believe that the most important thing is intelligence in order to reach your
goal and be able to solve a crime without complications.
Intelligence patience honesty absence of fear politeness
2. Look at the Word list at the back of the book. Which words are
a. For people? Lawyer, stepfather.
b. For things that you can wear? Crown, veil.
c. For things that are dangerous? Revolver, snake.
d. Connected with keeping cool? Shutters, ventilate.

3. In this story a woman diez saying the words, ‘It was the band! The speckled
band!’ Sherlock Holmes tries to guess what kileed her. What do you think?
Find the Word speckled in the Word list at the back of the book. Then look
at these four meanings of the Word band. Which ones can be speckled?
a. A group of people with the same interests.
b. A group of musicians.
c. A thick coloured line.
d. Something long and narrow that forms a circle.


4. Who do these words describe- Helen Stoner(HS), Dr Roylott (DR) or both
a. Lives in a big house in Stoke Moran …B…..
b. Lived in India ..DR..
c. Has a violent temper …DR..
d. Has few Friends …B….
e. Sleeps on the ground floor …B….
f. Wants to marry …HS..
g. Moves to another bedroom …HS..
h. Speaks angrily to Sherlock Holmes …DR..
i. Arranges to meet Sherlock Holmes later …HS..
j. Receives about 750 a year …DR..
5. Complete the sentences with the correct endings in 1-9 below.
a. Roylott beat a servant to death so he… …5…….
b. Royllot was sent to prison so he….. …9……..
c. Mrs Royllot died so Roylott….. …7……..
d. Helen Stoner paid a lot of money so Roylott.. …2……..
e. Servants did not stay for long so Helend and Julia …4……..
f. Julia Stoner could smell strong Indian cigarettes so she …8……
g. Roylott keeps wild animals from India so Helen…. … 1…..
h. Repairs are started on the house so Helen… … 3……..
i. Helen is frightened by a low whistle so she.. … 6……..
1) Locks her bedroom door at night.
2) Was not punished for throwing a man off a bridge.
3) Moves to another bedroom.
4) Did all the housework.
5) Was sent to prison.
6) Asks Sherlock Holmes for help.
7) Wa sable to stop working.
8) Went into her sister’s room.
9) Became a sad, angry man.

6. Discuss these questions with another student.

a. Why wasn’t anyone punished for Julia’s death?
Because the police found no signs of violence on his body, people assumed
she was dead because she was scared.
b. Does Holmes like Dr Roylott? Why (not)?
He doesn't like him because he's a violent and rude person.
c. Does Dr Roylott want Helen to get married? Why? (not)?
Not because if she gets married he will lose money.
‘The speckled Band’, pages 12-21
7. Discuss these questions.
a. How Will these be important in the story?
The travelling people animals from India a long, low whistle
People traveling on business, animals from India will be places he has
b. What do you think the ‘speckled band might be?
I think it could be a corrupt gang with many bad charges,
8. Which bedroom are these senences about- Dr Roylott’s (DR), Helen
Stoner’s (HS) or the extra bedroom (EB)?
a. It is nearest the main bulding. ……DR………
b. Helen’s sister used to sleep there. … HS……...
c. There is building work outside it. … EB………
d. Holmes tries to open its window with a knife … HS………
e. There is a thick bell rope. … HS………
f. There is a ventilator between these two romos. …HS………….
g. There is a large iron box and bowl of milk on a table …DR………
h. Holmes and Watson stay the night there. … HS………
i. Helen stays the night there. … EB…………
j. A strong smell of burning oil comes from it. ……DR………

9. How are these things useful for Dr. Roylott plans?

a. The building work: helen mofe her bedroom next to his.
b. The iron box: He keeps his snake in the iron box.
c. His medical knowledge: gives information about poisons.
d. The bell rope: helps the snake to pass from the ventilator.
e. The ventilator: snake passes the ventilator in helen’s bed.
f. The whistle: snake returns when it hears his whistle.
10. How do these help Holmes to solve the case?
a. The locked door and Windows: He knew that they cannot enter and the
travelers are not guilty.
b. A sound like steam scaping: the sound of the snake coming through the fan.
c. The ventilator: Does not open to outside air.
d. The bell rope: The hood is not connected.
e. The bed in Helen’s room: is fixed to the ground.
f. The cair in Dr Roylott’s room: Roylott uses that to reach the fan with his
g. The sound of falling metal: Roylott scratched the metal box after the snake
11. Discuss these questions with another students.
a. How does Helen feel about her stepfather’s death? Why?
She feels bad about the death of her father, it seems that she was very close to
b. Does Holmes tell the police tthe truth about Dr Roylott? Why not?
No, because He protects mary.
c. Is Holmes right not to feel guilty about Dr Roylotts’s death? Why (not)
He had nothing to do with Roylott's death.
12. Look on the internet or in books and find some information about the
history of the United States. This information is important to the story.
a. What happened between 1861 and 1865?

The war between the North and South of the country.

b. The name Jackson appears in the story. He was an important man at

the time. Who was he?
An important officer in the southern states’ army.


13. Are these sentences true check or false x

a. Sherlock Holmes has never failed to solve a case. (x)
b. John Openshaw’s uncle was born in the United States. (x)
c. During the war. Uncle Elias fought for the South against the North. (✔)
d. Uncle Elias died three months after he received the Orange pips. (x)
e. John’s father is sent Orange pips from Dundee. (✔)
f. John’s father died three days after he received the Orange pips. (✔)
g. The police refuse to help john. (x)
h. John cannot return the papers because his uncle burnt them. (✔)
i. Uncle Elias was a member of the K.K.K. (✔)
j. John’s murderesr are never caught. (✔)


14. How do these help Holmes to solve the case?

a. The postmark on the envelopes: the postmarks show how orange seeds are
placed in different maritime ports.
b. A piece of light blue paper: that piece of blue paper is from Elias, the paper
shows that he has connections with K.K.K.
c. A book about the united states: The book contains connections between
Orange sedes and K, K, K and more information about it.
d. The port of London: Sherlock heads to London Harbor to study Pondicherry
and Dundee ship list.
e. One of the workers at the port: Tells Holmes that three officers were not at the
Lone Star when John Openshaw was assassinated.
15. Discuss these questions with another student.
a. Why were the three men murdered?
They did not return the K.K.K papers.
b. Who killed them?
The K.K.K.
c. How does Holmes feel at the end of the story? Why?
He didn't look very happy because he couldn't save Openshaw and the 3
assassins who died before being captured.
16. Work with another student. Have this conversation between Holmes and
inspector Lestrade of the London police.

Student A: You are Holmes. You think that John’s death is the police’s fault. Tell
lestrade why.

Student B: You are Lestrade. You think that John’s death is Holmes’s fault. Tell
him why?



17. Discuss these questions with another student.

a. Why might someone have a Crown of diamonds in their home?
Maybe that person has a lot of money that he acquired the diamond crown.
b. How would they feel? Why?
Good because they have an expensive jewel and if they stole they would feel bad
and start an investigation.
c. How could they keep it safe from burglars?
Stored in a room that has maximum security and protection for the diamond
d. Why might a private detective be better in some situations than the police?
Because in my opinion the detective investigates the case more thoroughly than
a policeman, draws more conclusions from the cases.

18. Choose the right Word.

a. Mr Holder feels pleased/worried after he acceots the Crown.
b. Mr Holder has five/six servants.
c. Mr Holder likes/dislikes his son’s Friends.
d. Mr Holder hides the Crown in his bedrooom/dressing room.
e. Arthur feels angry/guilty when his father calls the police.
f. At first, Holmes is interested in the outside/inside of Mr Holder’s house.
g. Mary thinks that Arthur is/is not a thief.
h. Lucy/Mary has a boyfriend with a wooden leg.
i. The cupboard in the wall was opened wiith Mr Holder’s/another key
j. Holmes thinks that the Crown was broken outside/inside the house.


19. Why is Holmes interested in

a. The ground outside Mr Holder’s house?
He was interested in the study of snow tracks and their marks.
b. The man with the wooden leg?
It looks like he was in the kitchen when the diamonds were stolen.
c. The lock of the cupboard in the wall?
The lock made a lot of noise and I wanted to see how the closet was opened.
d. The shape of the Crown?
It has a bent, broken edge, which shows it was not easy to take the diamonds off.
e. The sound of a breaking Crown?
It is assumed that if it would sound like a shot, the crown was not broken at
Holder's house.
f. Arthur’s shoes?
I wanted to know if arthur wore shoes see day the snow marks were from a
barefoot man.
20. There are eight mistakes in this description of the night when the diamonds
disappear, What are they? Correct them.

Mr Holder told Arthur and Mary about the Crown while they were having dinner.
Arthur thought that the Crown would not be safe in the cupboard in the dressing
room. Later, Arthur asked his father for some money, but his father angrily refused.
Mr Holder checked the Crown, spoke to Mary and went to bed. He was woken at
two o’clock in the morning by a soft noise. He found Arthur in the next room and
fell to the floor. Arthur did not tell his father where the diamonds were and his
father insulted him. The police were called and Arthur was taken away.

21. Discuss these questions with another students.

a. Was Mr Holder wise to take the Crown home with him? Why not?
It was not prudent because the crown belonged to the royal house.
b. Why does Holmes think Arthur is innocent?
He believed that another person in the house could be involved because he did
not believe that Arthur could have broken the Crown.



22. If Arthur is innocent, who do you think is the real thief? Why? Discuss your
thoughts with another student.
I think it could be Sir George Burnwell and his niece because they were friends
of Arthur.
23. Write the missing names in these sentences.
a. …Holmes ................... wears an old coat and boots.
b. Mr Holder ....................... looks thinner and more tired.
c. Mary …leaves a note for…Mr Holder…………
d. Arthur saw…Arthur……………give the Crown to…Mary………….
e. Mary…..and…George Burnwell ................... foufht in the snow.
f. Mr Holder must apologise to…Arthur…………….
g. Holmes pointed a revolver at…Arthur’s ......................... ’s head.


24. How do these people feel at the end of the story? Why?

Mr Holder Arthur Mary Sir George Burnwell The man with the

Holder is happy to get the diamonds back, arthur is sorry for Mary on the other hand
Mary feels guilty for causing trouble to Mr. Holder, George Burnwell is relieved for
not being a prison and getting money, the diamond man is happy because he bought
diamonds and sold at a great value

25. How are these important to Holmes in this case?

a. Old clothes
He wears old clothes to visit Sir George.
b. Snow
He finds a footprints in the snow.
c. Blood

There was a fight in the snow

d. Mary’s face when she saw Arthur with the Crown

Showed shock when she saw Arthur with the crown.
e. A wet footprint in the hall window
fThe wet footprint shows that a man with no shoes.
f. Arthur’s love for Mary
Arthur doesn’t tell the truth about the diamonds because of his love for Mary.
g. Sir George Burnwell’s old shoes
Are the same size as the footprints in the snow.
h. 3,000 €
Holmes pays 3,000 pounds to get the diamonds back
26. Who is talking? Who to? What are they talking about?
a. ‘It is perhaps the best posible solution.’
Holmes talks to Holder about George's disappearance
b. ‘You should be proud of him.
Holmes is talking to Mr Holder about Arthur.’
c. ‘I’ve veeb a blind fool!’
Mr Holder is talking to Holmes after he hears the truth about the diamonds.
d. I have sold all three for six hundred pounds!’
d Sir George is talking to Holmes about the diamonds.
e. We can also be sure that she Will be punished enough.’
Holmes is talking to Mr Holder about Mary.
27. Work with another student. Have this conversation between Mr Holder and
Student A: You are Arthur. You are angry with your father and cannot forgive him.
Tell him why.

Student B: You are Mr Holder. You are sorry and want your son to forgive you. Tell
him why.


28. (‘The Speckled Band’) Imagine that you are a police officer and you have to
write a reporto n the death of Julia Stoner. This should include details of Dr
Roylott’s carácter and behaviour, and a description of the family and the
house, with special attention to Julia’s room. You can give your own ideas
about how she died (But you know nothing about the snake!).
The death of Julia Stoner could have given her stepfather since Dr. Roylott
presented very strange behaviors the last week and is very close to her, he could
be the main suspect in her death, perhaps and in shady deals due to money, Julia
was getting engaged, then she died is a very strange case, her death could be
because of the money that she was going to get after she got married, it may be a
guess, we will take the due investigations to solve it.
29. (‘The Speckled Band’) Imagine that Dr Roylott did not die at the end of the
story. Instead, he is taken to court. There is no doubt that he is guilty of
murder. However, he may not be killed for the murder if his lawyer can
show that he is mad. Write the lawyer’s speech.
I come to give my concerted speech about the case of Dr Roylott, my patient has
been carrying a crisis and strange behaviors with him in recent weeks, however
we did tests and he suffers from severe schizophrenia, people who suffer from
this disease do not measure the consequences of his actions, perhaps that
prompted him to do bad things, my patient is completely crazy and must be
treated, he is a sick patient and we must understand it.
30. (‘The Speckled Band’) Why did Dr Roylott spend so much time with the
travelling people? Why did they like him? What adventures did he have
when he went away withthem for several weeks? Write a story about one of
their journeys together.
He was a money guy, he hung out with people who travel for business, Roylott
ventured out with his friends on one of his trips to England, he got to know
different parts of the city, he enjoyed every part, the food, the people and apart
from that it was good for doing business and enjoying everything.
31. (‘The five Orange Pips’) You are a newspaper reporter. Write a story for
you newspaper about the death of Elias Openshaw. What kind of man was
he? What did his neighbouts think of him? Did he have any enemies? What
does his nephew, Hohn, say about his uncle’s death? What caused his death,
according to the police?
Elias openshaw's death does not go unpunished, it can be said that he worked in
the army where he was for a period of time and then he worked in a plantation
that handled crooked businesses related to violence and politics, this society had
a lot of bad information about his bartering of his investments and maybe Elias
had some information, but he always lived with the fear that this society would
find him and kill him, so much was the fear that led him to suicide.
32. (‘The five Orange Pips’) Some time after the Lone Star has sunk, another
box with the letters K.K.K oni t is found in the sea. A notebook inside
contains Captain Calhoun’s story of the death of John Openshaw. Write his
John Openshaw knew many things about our KKK society, he was a good guy,
however he wanted to give us away, we are bad, I accept it, we made mistakes,
but we must find him so that we can eliminate any evidence that he has and does
not incriminate us, it is my life or that of He, maybe the fear that one day we would
find him has driven him to madness and suicide by throwing himself into a pool
of water and drowning.
33. (‘The five Orange Pips’) Imagine that you are Sherlock Holmes. Write a
letter to the Savannah police. Tell them why they should send the three
officers on the Lone Star back to England.
Hello, I am Sherlock Holmes, I write this letter because I think it is important that
the Savannah police send the three Lone Star officers results that have suffered
many deaths these days and I am analyzing a case where people seem to be
suspects in the death of 3 people and I need them to help me, talk to them and
question them, they could be involved in a very serious case that I am
34. (‘The Crown of Diamonds’) Write the conversation that Mary has with Sir
George Burnwell through the open window on the night when the diamonds
That they could get money if they got the diamond crown and they could both
share for it.
35. (‘The Crown of Diamonds’) Imagine that you are Mary. You want to go
back and live with your uncle. Write a letter to hum. Apologize for your
unforgivable behaviour. Tell him why it would be better for everyone if you
Hello uncle, I am Maria, I am writing you this letter because I want to apologize
about the behavior that I have had with you these last weeks, I know that it is
unforgivable behavior, but I would like to offer another opportunity, I want to
demonstrate that I change and I am a better person now, would you allow me To
return to live with you by your side in your house, it would be a good option to
start and regain the confidence that we had in each other.
36. (‘The Crown of Diamonds’) On the morning after the Crown is returned,
Mr Holder takes it to his office. He must take it to the jeweller for repairs,
and the bank Will have top ay. So first he must write a report for his
partner. But he wants to protect his family write his report.
Hello, I would like you to help me with something I need to repair the diamond
crown and I need your help too, we can invest in it and then sell it, I would like
to protect my relative if there is any case or theft of it, help me in that please I'd
be really grateful.
37. ‘Sherlock Holmes is not a clever detective; he is just a very lucky one.’ Do
you agree? Why not? Use events from these three stories to support your
I agree that he is very lucky, first he solved the crime of the mottled gang apart,
he investigated very thoroughly and reached the KKK society he solved the case,
however the criminals died, also in the diamond crown he was able to solve and I
found the one who broke the crown, the same happens with the orange seeds, he
investigates to the minimum, it is impressive I really liked this book and his
adventures are interesting.

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